Chapter 566
Today, the little goblin's attitude has obviously changed a lot, and she is much closer to her than a while ago.

Yin Ran'er didn't believe that he suddenly became enlightened, and even thought that he had some purpose, and that something abnormal must be caused by a demon.

"Wait for the deity to deal with some things. After two days, I will take you out for a walk."

She put her hand on the back of the young man's hand, tapped her fingertips lightly, her expression was natural, no different from usual: "Where do you want to go?"

Qi Yao thought for a while and said, "Human world, is it okay?"

With his current status, he is too sensitive, no matter in any of the six realms, it is difficult to tolerate him.

It's better to go to the human world outside the plan, at least, no one knows him there, and there are still some good memories...

Qi Yao's eyes dimmed a bit, but only for a moment, he returned to normal, looking at Yin Ran'er with hopeful eyes again.


Yin Ran'er didn't have so many worries, since the little goblin likes it, let's go.

Because no matter where she goes, as long as he is by her side, she can protect her, and she is not afraid of him running away...

time flies.

Two days later, Qi Yao quietly waited for her arrival in the ice room.

In the past two days, he has been trying his best to heal his body faster, and his strength has recovered by [-]% to [-]%.Facts have proved that this ice room is really good for cultivation and recovery.

Yin Ran'er arrived as promised, pinched a trick with her fingertips, and bent down naturally to untie him.

"Move around first, and then come down after you get used to it."

Qi Yao nodded, rubbing his wrists, there were a few red strangle marks, and his ankles were a little worn out.

She was watching from the side of the ice bed, standing with her hands behind her back, and couldn't help rubbing her fingers a few times against his invisible back.

It would be a lie to say that I don't feel distressed.

If possible, she doesn't want to tie him up, but unfortunately, the little goblin is dishonest, always wants to fight her, always wants to run away...

2 minutes later.

Qi Yao felt that he was getting used to it, and his stiff hands and feet could move freely.

He got up and got off the ice bed, but just as he stepped on the ground and stood up, suddenly his eyes turned black, and he became dizzy in an instant.

The boy staggered unpreparedly, tilted his body slightly, and almost sat back on the ice!

Yin Ran'er quickly caught him, and the boy fell into her arms, using his strength to cushion him.

"Are you all right?" she asked.


Qi Yao pursed his thin lips, his face was a little ugly, he could only calm down for a while, and when his vision gradually became clear, he realized that he was actually leaning against her arms!
Why is he always so embarrassed in front of her...

Yin Ran'er seemed to be able to guess what he was thinking, and took the initiative to comfort him: "You haven't been in the field for a long time, this is a normal phenomenon."

The boy said nothing, and lowered his head.

After a while, he took a breath, let go of her hand, and stood up again, this time there was no discomfort.

"I want to go to worship the Buddha."

Hearing this, Yin Ran'er raised her eyes to look at him, wondering why the little goblin suddenly wanted to worship the Buddha.

He didn't explain much, just whispered: "I want to go to that Qingci Temple again and worship the Buddha there."

Qi Yao doesn't believe in Buddhism, and the rumored Buddha is merciful, if there is a Buddha in this world, it's probably not his turn to save him.

However, he has several questions that need to be answered.

(End of this chapter)

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