Chapter 567
Human world.

This is a city in the north. It is now winter, and heavy snow is falling down one after another, covering the ground and the city walls with snow, covered in plain silver.

There were two guards standing on the left and right of the city gate, and the people in front were wrapped in thick clothes and lined up one by one, preparing to enter the city.

The team was long and full of people of all kinds. From time to time, people whispered or shouted loudly.

"Have you heard that the emperor's dragon health has become worse and worse recently, and the management of the government is to listen to the opinions of the ministers and leave it to the officials to handle."

"Isn't that right? Those officials took the opportunity to make trouble, and even increased the tax on our people a lot. In my opinion, they collected it arbitrarily!"

"Hey, yes, life is really hard these days, otherwise I wouldn't be planning to go to the capital to try my luck today."

"Shut up, be careful, someone will come and arrest you for discussing government affairs indiscriminately!"


The young man stood silently in the line, his body was thin, his back looked a little thin, and he seemed a bit out of place with the people around him.

Suddenly, he was covered with a white fox fur, which was thick and warm, and the color blended with the flying snow in the sky.

He subconsciously turned his head and met Yin Ran'er's calm eyes and her hand holding the fox fur.

"It's snowing, so it will be warmer."

She spoke very naturally, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

But Qi Yao felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, because his body had almost recovered, and now he had the strength to be close to him, so he wouldn't feel cold.

This white fox fur...

He glanced at the pure white color, and always felt that there was something in her words, suggesting something to him.

Perhaps, is it to hope that his character can return to the same as before, pure and pure?He didn't know either.

"Thank you." Qi Yao didn't refuse, stretched out his hands to wrap up the fox fur, and wrapped it tightly: "Master, too."

"Here, you shouldn't be called Shizun." Yin Ran'er lowered her voice and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

When the young man heard this, his taste changed a little.

Yes, it really shouldn't be called that in the human world, it will attract attention, but how should he call her... Is it the same as before?

Qi Yao hesitated for a moment, paused, lowered his eyes, and finally said: "A Yin."


Yin Ran'er agreed quickly, and seemed quite satisfied with the title, so she didn't say anything more.

The young man moved his thin lips, his emotions were flying like flying snow all over the sky, and all the unspoken words were hidden in the heavy snow.

The progress of the team was neither fast nor slow, moving forward little by little. After waiting for about half an hour, it was Qi Yao and Yin Ran'er's turn.

The girl casually took out the coins and silver, scattered a little to the two guards, and soon let herself and the boy enter the city...

Qingci Temple is outside the east side of the city gate.

The temple fair is held today, and there are quite a lot of people coming and going. There are all kinds of people, and it looks very lively.

The people who came here probably had their own wishes and expectations, so Yin Ran'er and Qi Yao entered the temple side by side, and didn't attract many people's attention.

In the temple, there is a huge Buddha statue, sitting right in front of the temple, accepting worship from the people coming and going, with a pile of tributes and incense.

Qi Yao went in first, originally thinking of paying homage and going through a process.

However, when he saw the person in front of him kneeling on the cattail mat, and then chanting something silently with his palms folded, he gave up his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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