Chapter 584
The enthronement ceremony will begin soon.

Above the lengthy steps is the most supreme position in the demon world, which looks noble and far away.

Below is a large group of people, including people from all walks of life, who are obviously here to witness what the new Demon Lord of the Demon World looks like.

Among the crowd, there was only one girl with no one around, and there was even a small space around, no one dared to pass by.

Today, Yin Ran'er changed into a dark red dress, which seemed to have lost a bit of her coldness, which made her temperament a little more lively. Standing in the crowd, she looked so outstanding...

The goblin didn't even share the good news with her personally.

It can't be too busy, forget this, right?

Yin Ran'er's expression was calm, but she was thinking in her heart that when the ceremony was over, she must take care of the little goblin.

"The time has come, invite the new Lord Mozun."

The door of the main hall of the Demon Palace slowly opened, and two teams of little demons greeted him on both sides, leaving the middle of the way to wait quietly for him to come out.

The boy was dressed in black, with fair complexion and handsome features.But he walked out of the hall expressionlessly, the aura around him was extremely cold.

Qi Yao's eyes didn't fluctuate, he glanced at the crowd below, looking at all kinds of people, he probably had a bottom line in his heart.

Soon, he saw the solitary girl standing among the crowd with her hands behind her back, so special and dazzling.

In the past, she wore black long gowns, but she actually changed into dark red...

With the hand hanging by his side, Qi Yao glanced at the carefully selected black clothes on his body, couldn't help pinching the corner of the clothes, rubbing them lightly and putting them down again, as if a little imperceptibly lonely.

This emotion was fleeting. He sat on a high seat, looked at the crowd below, and a powerful and noble aura emerged spontaneously.

His voice was as usual, word by word, but it was clearly heard by everyone, extremely arrogant:

"The previous Demon Lord thought he was tired, so he took the initiative to give way to me. In the future, I will lead the Demon World to..."

"Blood, wash, fairy, world."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar. No one thought that the new Mozun would blatantly say such a thing.

Most of the devils are fighting dangerous people. Hearing this sentence, they immediately burst into joy, and shouted from the bottom.

They have long disliked the fairy world, those sanctimonious hypocrites!

"Swear to follow Lord Mozun to the death, wash the fairy world with blood!"

"Swear to follow Lord Mozun to the death, wash the fairy world with blood!"


In addition, there are people from other five realms present, so the reactions are different.

Of course, Yin Ran'er didn't react too much. During the noisy and chaotic voice, she met Qi Yao's gaze, her lips parted slightly, and she said a few words silently.

- very courageous.

Qi Yao understood clearly, but the distance was too far, and she couldn't tell her attitude for a while.

However, he felt that it shouldn't be too bad, after all, the tone of the words...

He shook his head slightly, and diverted his attention to other people from the four realms.

Immortal Realm's reaction was very bad. There were even young and energetic disciples who were already holding swords and were ready to rush forward to fight him to the death!

"You are a devil, how dare you speak such nonsense, I will fight to the death with you!"

The young man's eyes were as dark as ink, and he seemed to have heard something funny, so he corrected him earnestly: "The devil you keep calling is Qi Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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