Chapter 585
Qi Yao.

As soon as this name came out, almost all the immortal disciples present were blown up. They all drew their swords and pointed at the young man above, and put down their cruel words!

"It turns out that you are Qi Yao. Back then, you killed my Great Elder in the Immortal Realm and many disciples. Today you will pay with your life!"

"Pay for the lives of the Great Elder and his disciples!"

"Pay for the lives of the Great Elder and his disciples!"


There was a lot of yelling underneath, and the scene gradually got out of control and got out of hand.

Qi Yao snorted coldly, and it was rare for him to retort: ​​"I didn't kill you Great Elder, but it's just right that he died."

Now no one in the fairy world can listen to it. They only want to avenge the brothers of the fairy sect, and they must not let this devil continue to behave mischievously in the future.

Only Yin Ran'er, who was standing in the distance, couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth.She was the one who killed the Great Elder back then, but now by accident, the little goblin has taken the blame...

Qi Yao didn't notice her expression, there was already a fairy disciple flying over here, planning to attack him!
"The devil will take his life!"

The young man twitched the corner of his mouth, and as soon as he raised his hand, he waved out a wave of devilish energy, which sent two or three people flying.

His current energy is very abundant, and his body has completely healed. Facing these immortal disciples with low cultivation bases is just a matter of moving his fingers.

Speaking of which, maybe he should also thank the idiots in the fairy world, otherwise, how could he be so hard-hearted and become as strong as he is now?
In the final analysis, it is all thanks to the immortal world...

The disciples of the fairy world gathered together and formed a formation back and forth, using the sword energy in their hands to condense to form a rain of thousands of swords, ready to go.

"It's your own fault."

Qi Yao condensed the devilish energy in his hands, and threw out harsh attacks, one after another.

Several attacks pressed down on the disciples in the fairy world with overwhelming momentum, and the unformed sword moves collapsed instantly, and the magic energy was sure to hit them, knocking them flying for a long distance!

They fell to the ground below one after another, stained with black mist, clutching their hearts or bodies, spitting out blood, looking in extreme pain.

Although he didn't die, his internal organs were all corroded by the devil's energy, so he probably won't live long.

Yin Ran'er took a few steps closer and stopped not far from this group of disciples. She just glanced at it and understood.

The little goblin needs to take advantage of this opportunity to show his prestige, and he will definitely not show mercy, not to mention, he probably hates the fairy world in his heart...

But she didn't want his hands to be bloody.

Qi Yao dealt with the other people's hands from time to time, and was so absorbed in his energy that he didn't notice Yin Ran'er's side.

When he noticed the strong aura, he turned around and found that she had come to him at some point.

The young man was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly he was at a loss: "Master..."

She, why did she come here?

Could it be that watching him kill too many people made her sick?
The opponent who was fighting with Qi Yao just now found that he was distracted, and immediately wanted to seize the opportunity, concentrate his attack, and hit him hard!

Seeing that the attack was about to hit Qi Yao's body, Yin Ran'er frowned, pulled him behind him quickly, and raised his hand to go back.

The two attacks collided, and the opponent was obviously weaker, and was repelled by a long distance.

Yin Ran'er glanced at the other party coldly, and uttered a word: "Get lost."

If she is caught and attacked again, it will not be so simple...

(End of this chapter)

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