Chapter 592

The army of the Demon Realm was killing wantonly. Wherever they went, not a single blade of grass grew, and the ground was dyed bright red.

The people in the fairy world almost followed each other, Qi Yao threw out a wave of magic energy, knocking the disciples of the fairy world flying in front of him, and then he was entangled by several other people, and they fought again, repeating the cycle.

I don't know how long this situation lasted, and finally there was a gap to relax.

He moved his stiff fingers and turned his wrists, as if a layer of black air was lingering around him, and the aura was so cold and terrifying.

The young man came to the world like a cold-blooded god of death. He raised his eyes and watched indifferently as the other figures in the battle overlapped and shuttled back and forth. Batch after batch fell, without arousing any waves in his eyes.

These hypocritical immortals are all damned.

As for the demon troops who died, they all fought for the demon world to occupy the fairy world, expand the territory, and die well.

So nothing to regret.

Perhaps Qi Yao didn't realize that he himself had become more and more cold-blooded, without any emotional resonance for life, and regarded human life as worthless.

But the heart demon knew, and clearly understood his changes.

Judging from the current progress, it can already find an opportunity to completely control his consciousness...

——According to the attack speed of the magic army, the fairyland can be flattened within half a day.

—— After resting for a period of time, you can go to occupy the God Realm again.

Qi Yao obviously had no interest, and his expression was cold: "What are you doing occupying the God Realm?"

——Not only the God Realm, but as long as you cultivate a lot of magic troops and occupy an absolute numerical advantage, within a hundred years, you can unify the six realms!At that time, you will be the Supreme Being of the Six Realms...

The inner demon lures Qi Yao little by little, trying to amplify the greed and malice in his heart to pursue power.

However, the effect is not good.

Qi Yao's thin lips parted slightly, and he uttered three words mercilessly: "Not interested."

He never thought of unifying the six realms. Being the supreme being of the six realms is both troublesome and boring.

The inner demon hates that iron cannot be made into steel, and the voices in Qi Yao's mind became intense.

——Then what do you want to do, is it possible that you really want to go back to that woman?

Shaking her mind over and over again for a woman, even ignoring the supreme right of being the Supreme Being of the Six Realms, she is simply dizzy!
"You have no right to mention her." Not only was Qi Yao unaffected, his voice was a little colder.

Whether he will return to her or not, it has nothing to do with others, and it is not their turn to teach.

Qi Yao no longer paid attention to the voice in his heart, or maybe he didn't want to face that problem now...

Let's talk about it when it's all over.

He looked down at the bright red hands, which were covered with blood, and it was horrifying just looking at them.

Suddenly, he remembered that she had said before that she hoped his hands were clean, but now...

Qi Yao pursed his thin lips tightly, put down his hands and wiped them carelessly, and then saw a new batch of people from the fairy world rushing up from here, and he went into battle again!
The strength of this group of immortals varies from high to low, and there are one or two immortals with high cultivation bases mixed in, which is difficult to deal with.

Moreover, he saw a somewhat familiar face.

The boy narrowed his eyes slightly, and old memories gradually emerged.If I remember correctly, it is the second elder of Immortal Realm.

The day Qi Yao was arrested and taken to the Immortal Prison, he had met him, and he was also the one who had the most hostility towards Qi Yao, yelling the word "evil disciple" over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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