Chapter 593
"Devil, die!"

Before Qi Yao could think about it, the eyes of the disciple who rushed up in front of him were already shattered, and he gathered his immortal power and hit him hard!

It's a pity that that little cultivation base is not enough after all.

Qi Yao snorted coldly, and without even dodging, he went up to the attack straight up, and with a backhand blow, he broke the immortal power directly.

"How, how is it possible?!"

The fairy disciple was terrified, obviously he had never seen the opponent's ability before, and he had no combat experience.

The second elder found that he was frozen in place, as if he was being suppressed by the majesty, unable to move, and the second demonic energy had already swept over...

"Get out of the way!" The second elder hurriedly pushed the disciple away, and abruptly accepted Qi Yao's move, his body was invaded by the strong devilish energy, stirring his internal organs.

He spit out a mouthful of blood unexpectedly, looking a little embarrassed.

"Second Elder, long time no see."

Qi Yao sneered, with a contemptuous and disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, he put on the devil's airs: "Are you satisfied with my current cultivation?"

Back then, when his body was recovering, and the aura in his body was out of balance with the devil energy, the first and second elders of the fairy world often laughed at him...

You are nothing but a villain, a monster who is half fairy and half devil.

A man of demons, bewitching Lingzun.

Words like this are relatively polite, and there are various other words that insult him, and the ugly faces of the people in the fairy world are deeply imprinted in Qi Yao's memory.

"You must never have imagined that the fairy world would be reduced to where it is today, right?"

Qi Yao's sneer was deeper, and his tone was cold and frightening: "It's all thanks to you, today I will repay you a hundred times!"

The words fall.

He made a sudden move, without saying a word, he attacked the second elder in the fairy world, and with a ruthless blow, he went straight to the lifeline!

The second elder hurriedly dodged, but because the distance was too close, there was no time to dodge.Unexpectedly, however, the attack did not fall on him...

Just now, when Qi Yao made a move, the coercion on the disciple's body was relieved a lot. Regardless of his own safety, the disciple almost flew over and blocked the second elder!

The cries of pain accompanied by the sound of bones breaking were very clear.

The second elder was heartbroken: "Why are you so reckless, how can I make this old man..." How to face his master, as well as the ancestors of the fairy world.

The disciple fell down slowly, without a sound.

He could no longer hear the words that followed.

There was no disturbance in Qi Yao's heart, and he even threw a vicious blow, and the disciple's body was instantly wiped out.

The eyes of the second elder were bloodshot, and he asked sharply angrily: "Demon, why are you so vicious, you will die!!"

"Second Elder is an unintentional person, there is no need to show the love between master and apprentice in front of the deity."

If they had really paid attention to the relationship between master and apprentice, they would not have provoked the relationship between him and Yin Ran'er several times back then.

Even if you regret it now, it's too late.

"When your fairy world interfered with the matter between me and Master, didn't you expect this day?"

The young man stared coldly at the other immortals, and beat their hearts with every word, and the questioning was even more heartbreaking.

Some disciples in the fairy world may not understand what happened back then, but this Second Elder knew about it and participated in the whole process...

Qi Yao has no intention of letting anyone in the fairy world go, the enmity between him and them is irreconcilable!

(End of this chapter)

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