Chapter 112 Fourth Master Has No Face to Die
Elder brother said, the sky is snowing and ruthless.

Yinzhen looked lonely, standing alone in the heavy snow.

In the deserted courtyard in front of him, Nian Shi was once left here alone by him.

Until the day she died, she was still sweeping the snow without hesitation and waiting for his return.

Yinzhen looked at the place where the broom handle had been polished.Hold it tightly.As if holding her slender hand in the palm of your hand.

He remained silent and carefully swept the snow from the depths of the courtyard to the front of the Zhu gate.

He saw a corner of the wealthy family that was obviously cleaner than other places, and he seemed to be able to vaguely see the outline of her shoulders.

There were many neat nicks beside the door, and he counted them carefully. There were a total of 110 four nicks, exactly the number of days she had been grounded.

"Su Peisheng! Take the bricks and tiles in this small courtyard, and this rich door, back to Baylor Mansion!"

Su Peisheng was about to reply, but saw that his grandfather was about to fall, and he fell to the ground with a bang.


Hesheli Fang'er, the daughter of the Hesheli family, was killed by a wild dog in a remote back alley.

When it was discovered, the wild dogs had already gnawed the poor daughter of the Hesheli family into pieces, and her intestines spilled all over the floor.

Tong Jinzhen, the fifth lady of the Tong family, was doing acupuncture and moxibustion to improve her beauty, but because of a wrong operation by the acupuncture doctor, the silver needle pierced Fengchi acupoint and died on the spot.

Hu Fei's mansion.

Nian Xiyue held her one-year-old daughter in her arms, and looked at Hu Fei, who was drunk and dreamed of dying in the gentle town all day long, helpless.

In one month, Hu Fei had already taken seventeen concubines, and even married a woman from the Fucha clan as a flat wife.

Since marrying into the Hu family, she has become a display.

Hu Fei never even touched her again, she felt like she was a widow, and her parents blatantly severed ties with her.

Dad said that if her surname wasn't Nian, she would have died long ago.

She lived a lonely life without the backing of her mother's family and her husband's favor. In the century-old Hu family, no one thought highly of her at all...


In the 33rd year of Kangxi, during the season of Waking of Insects, trees and flowers bloomed among the red walls and colorful eaves.

Ulanara Yixian was basking in the sun in the yard holding her eldest son Honghui who was less than a hundred days old.

"Fu Jin, the imperial physician spread the word that my grandfather is not in good health..."

Su Peisheng knelt in front of Si Fujin with a crying voice.The master forbids him to enter the palace to look for the concubine De, so he can only turn to Fujin who wished the master would ascend to heaven soon!
Ulanara Yixian looked solemn, put down the rattle in her hand, looked at the little elder brother in her arms, and gritted her teeth for the last time.

"Su Peisheng, take the little elder brother to my grandfather, don't let any of you take care of the little elder brother, just let him cry by my grandfather's side!"

For Fourth Master, death is liberation, and life is punishment!

The little elder brother is the crime and punishment that Nian Gao left to the fourth master, so let Nian Gao's son collect debts from that poor man on his mother's behalf!

This is his debt to Rice Cake!It is also the last tie left by Nian Gao in this world to Fourth Master.

She is going to die, but this man is going to a bright future, it's not fair!

With the elder brother here, Ulanara Yixian can be sure that the fourth master is ashamed to die!
In the dark room, Yinzhen's face was haggard, he hadn't had any water or rice for more than ten days, and he was almost useless.

He heard the sound of a baby crying, and he turned his head with difficulty, and saw a pair of eyes very similar to Nian's.

"Wow wow wow wow~"

The little guy was crying with hunger, tears all over his face, but at this moment, he stretched out his chubby little hand and grabbed Ama's braid.

Yinzhen remembered that his mother-in-law also liked to pull his braids, and her eyes were moist.He sighed softly.

"Su Peisheng! Is everyone dead? Come and take care of the little elder brother! Cough cough cough..." He roared with all his might.

Su Peisheng, who was standing outside the door, hurried in and picked up the little brother pretending to be clumsy. The little guy cried even harder.

"Master, Fujin said that she can't take care of elder brother, so you can find any woman to raise him..." Su Peisheng said according to Fujin's order.

"Dog slave, put down the child! Get out!"

Yinzhen looked at the child crying and fussing in Su Peisheng's arms with distress, struggling in pain, his little face was flushed.

Su Peisheng embarrassingly put the little elder brother next to Grandpa, and rolled out of the house to guard.

At this time, a ray of morning light reflected on the rich gate that had left a mark.

In a daze, he saw the way she was talking and laughing at Yan Yan back then, and she opened her arms and acted like a baby...

Yinzhen wiped away the tears remaining in the corners of his eyes, immediately got up, and clumsily hugged the crying little elder brother beside him.

Father and son hug each other and cry...

After the little elder brother was weaned, Yinzhen took care of everything he drank, pecked, and dressed.

Yinzhen began to clumsily change the diapers for the little elder brother himself, bathe him, accompany him toddler, babble, father and son depended on each other.

Since then, the eldest son, Honghui, has been taken care of by Sibeile Yinzhen himself, and they are inseparable.


In the 36th year of Kangxi, it was another Mid-Autumn Festival reunion night.

Wu Yashi looked at Xiaoshisi like a child king, leading Yinzhen's little brother and little princesses to play there.

Feeling extremely melancholy, Yinzhen hadn't spoken a word to her for three years.

Over the years, Yinzhen took his elder brother to travel around, in the name of making progress, to share the worries of the Long Live Lord and the prince, but in fact, he was chasing himself in the world, wandering alone all his life.

Is she really wrong?


Jiangning Mansion, on the banks of the Qinhuai River, was prosperous in the tenth generation, full of luxury and wealth.

Nanshizi Lane by the Qinhuai River is a well-known distribution center for traffickers and pawns.

At this time, a young boy with a childish face and a small milk fat was sitting at the gate of the fence with a small bamboo whip in his hand, reading three hundred Tang poems.

The child who is only three or four years old has a stern face and a serious expression, just like a little old-fashioned person who should not be approached by strangers.

Stepping on the moonlight, Nian Yaoyue rushed home with a shoulder pole, and saw the mini version of Fourth Master sitting at the door waiting for her to go home from a distance.

"Little old-fashioned, my mother is back (˙o˙)~, then I seem to have forgotten to bring you candied haws~"

Feeling guilty, Nian Yaoyue reached out and pinched her son's chubby cheek.

"Hmph!" The little milk baby snorted coldly, avoiding his mother's clutches.

"Qiaoerniang saw you playing mahjong with people all afternoon in the alley next door! How much money did you lose? You promised me not to gamble!" The little guy sternly educated his mother.

Nian Yaoyue pouted, and the tone of the little boy's speech was very similar to that of the fourth master.

"Mother doesn't teach, it's the child's fault!" The little guy said, and even lashed himself with the small bamboo whip in his hand.

In an instant, several bruises appeared on the white and tender arms.

This kid is enough!He was carved out of the same mold as his Ama, and even beat himself when he went crazy.

"Alright, alright, little brother Nian Cheng, I don't dare, and I won't dare again next time!" Nian Yaoyue snatched the small bamboo whip from her son's hand in distress.

"Next time? Huh?" The little guy asked with a straight face, his tone getting colder and colder.

"Don't dare!" Nian Yaoyue shook her head like a rattle.

"It's time to eat~"

In the small courtyard, a Qingjun man wearing a half silver mask covering half of his face waved the spatula in his hand towards the mother and son.

(End of this chapter)

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