The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 113 Master 4, do you still remember Nian Yuhe by the Qinhuai River?

Chapter 113 Si Ye, do you still remember Nian Yuhe by the Qinhuai River?

"Cheng'er, I made your favorite braised radish with minced meat!"

"Ang, Daddy Nalan!" Xiao Guban, with his hands behind his back, walked like a dignified little gentleman.

"Nalan, I bought quicksand mooncakes from Zhimeilou!" Nian Yaoyue took out an oiled paper bag from the pannier behind her and handed it to Nalanheng.

Three years ago, Nalanheng rushed into the sea of ​​fire desperately to rescue her, who gave birth to her second child.

But he was burned by the fire, and his originally handsome face was scorched by the fire, leaving hideous scars.

In order to thank Nalan Heng for saving his life, Nian Yaoyue asked her son to recognize Nalan Heng as a godfather.

"How about the three of us go to Jinyi Lane to watch the lanterns tonight?"

Hearing a family of three, Nian Yaoyue opened her mouth, she understood Nalan Heng's thoughts, this man has accompanied her for three years without complaint or regret.

When she was most helpless, it was Nalan Heng who never left her.

"Brother Cheng, look at the dog lantern my father bought for me!"

Qiao'er from the courtyard next door showed off with a naive lantern.

"Did your father buy it for you? Let's compare whose lanterns look better!"

"I don't have a father, my mother said that my father is dead..."

Seeing her son's mood clearly depressed, Nian Yaoyue put down her chopsticks.Just as he was about to speak to comfort his son, he saw Nalan Heng stretching out his hand to comfort his son's head.

"Xiao Cheng'er, Daddy Nalan will buy you a big dog lantern later! A revolving lantern! Okay?"

Nalan Heng rubbed the little guy's head lovingly.

"Okay~" Although the little guy didn't have many smiles on his face, Nian Yaoyue could see that her son was very happy.

"Let's get married! You and I are both poor people. I don't want to waste time with each passing day."

Nalanheng looked at Nian Yaoyue sincerely.

"Okay! Let's hold the wedding next month. As long as you're not afraid of being stigmatized as a wife!" Counting the time, she still has three years to live.

And Nalan Heng was two years older than her, and the two short-lived ghosts happened to live together.

"Really? Rice cake! Hahaha~" Nalan Heng jumped up happily, he finally watched the moonlight when the clouds opened.

"Really, as long as you don't dislike me." Nian Yaoyue reached out and took the initiative to hold Nalan Heng's hand full of burns and scars.


In the depths of Jinyi Lane, where every inch of land is precious.

Among the blue bricks and gray tiles, the kitchen smoke billows.

Yinzhen is cooking his son's favorite food, squirrel mandarin fish, with his sleeves rolled up.

Turning his head, he saw a small hand pressing on the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs.

"Hee hee hee, the pork ribs you made are really delicious!"

A child with gentle eyes and a light dimple on his face poked out half of his head from behind the chair with a playful smile.

"Hui'er, do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival gift from Ama?" Yinzhen raised his hand to wipe off the grease stains on his son's lips.

"Hmm... like it..." The little guy is about to cry. Whose Ama will give the new exam questions from the Imperial College as a gift to the children's families during the holidays?
Woooooo...Ama!The Lun family wants a slingshot, a small wooden sword, and a rattan ball...

After the meal was ready, the father and son sat down.

On the table were squirrel mandarin fish, Dongpo elbow, roasted radish with minced meat, braised prawns in oil, emerald and white jade soup, and braised chicken drumsticks.

All are Ama's specialty dishes.

"My mother's next meal, my second brother's next meal~" Xiao Honghui was used to talking to the two sets of bowls and chopsticks beside him.

There is also a portrait hanging on one of the positions. Ama said it was his mother-in-law, but why is his mother-in-law a piece of paper?
He really wants his mother to hug him!But Ama said that Er Niang and her second brother had gone far, far away and would never return home.

"Eat fish~"

Yinzhen put the squirrel mandarin fish that had been carefully picked out of the fishbone in his son's bowl, and then put a large piece of Dongpo's elbow in the bowl beside him.

The bowl is already full of Nian's favorite dishes...

After dinner, Nian Yaoyue and Nalan Heng took Sheng'er's hand and came to Jinyi Lane.

Today's Jinyi Lane is full of bustling crowds.

"Mother, Daddy Nalan, look quickly! Revolving lantern!" The little guy happily ran straight to the lantern booth.

At this moment, a team of dragon dancers suddenly lay in the middle, and the sound of crackling firecrackers and beating of gongs and drums was deafening.

Thick gunpowder smoke was everywhere, and Nian Yaoyue suddenly felt uneasy.

I waved away the smoke, only to find that the opposite side was empty, and Sheng'er was gone!

At the same time, Xiao Honghui sat on Ama's shoulder with a happy smile, holding his favorite candied haws in his hand.

"Ama, Ama! My son wants to buy a sugar figurine, and he wants it from Sun Dasheng!" The little guy danced and pointed to the roadside stall of the sugar figurine not far away.

"Hmm~" Yinzhen walked sideways towards the sugar figurine stand.

Behind him, Nian Yaoyue anxiously searched for her son in the crowd. The two ran in opposite directions, and they never even passed each other.

"Master, there is news about those traffickers!" Su Peisheng hurriedly reported.

"Then close the net!"

Recently, many beggars with severed limbs or serious injuries have sprung up in the capital.After investigation, it was discovered that those children had been cut or burned intentionally by human beings.

The purpose is to win sympathy and make money for the wicked.

The victimized children are even children of the rich and powerful, and they are devoid of conscience.

Yinzhen tracked all the way to the Jiangning mansion, and finally got some clues. He didn't expect that there was a big brother behind this dehumanizing deed!

At noon the next day, Su Peisheng was taking a nap when he suddenly saw Mr. Zhao, the prefect of Hangzhou, standing in front of him, hesitant to speak.

"Master Zhao, what's wrong with you?" Su Peisheng asked curiously.

"That...Grandpa Su, we arrested the suspect last night and brought back a few innocent children who were taken away by the suspect."

"Oh, then you send the child back to their family." Su Peisheng felt that Mr. Zhao was really in ink, and he still couldn't make up his mind about how big it was.

"No! Why don't you follow the official to the government office to have a look!" Mr. Zhao stomped his feet anxiously.

Su Peisheng was puzzled and followed Mr. Zhao to the mansion, when he saw the child sitting on the grand master's chair.

Su Peisheng was so frightened that he knelt down in front of the child. If the child in front of him was not the child of the master, his name Su Peisheng would be written upside down.

That child looks exactly like my grandpa when he was a child!
In the study room, Yinzhen was reading official documents, when he looked up, he saw Su Peisheng, that dog servant, peeking at him preoccupied.

"Huh?" Yinzhen cast a narrow glance at Su Peisheng.

"Master, do you still remember the girl Nian Yuhe by the Qinhuai River?" The child said his mother was called Nian Yuhe.

But Su Peisheng couldn't remember that he knew a girl named Yuhe!

"What?" Yinzhen looked at Su Peisheng suspiciously, completely unaware of what this dog slave was talking about.

"Master, I want to invite you to meet someone in the side hall!"

At a loss, Yinzhen followed Su Peisheng, a startled dog slave, to the side hall.

The first time he saw the child sitting there quietly reading a book, he was immediately sure that it was his heir!
"Son, what's your name? What's your mother's name?"

(End of this chapter)

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