The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 126 The only favorite is her reminder

Chapter 126 The only favorite is her reminder
That night, Nian Yaoyue, who was in a light sleep, suddenly heard a knock on the door from the closet.

"Nian Gao, can I come in?" Fourth Master asked in a low voice from inside the door.

Nian Yaoyue:
Is there any difference between him now and in the house?

"If you don't say anything from now on, the Lord will take it as your acquiescence."

Before Nian Yaoyue could react, she changed into her pajamas, and the fourth master in a cloak had already walked to her bed.

He lifted the quilt and lay down next to her with ease, and smoothly took her into his arms.

In the next few days, Nian Yaoyue resolutely refused to open the door of the closet to Fourth Master.

But the fourth master quickly broke in while she was asleep.

When she woke up and found that there was someone else beside her, fourth master said confidently that he had asked her opinion, and since she didn't say anything, it was assumed that she had acquiesced.

Nian Yaoyue:! ! !

What about the cold-faced Tsundere Four?Who is this scoundrel?
This morning, the fourth master next to the pillow disappeared again, Nian Yaoyue rubbed her brows, could it be that she is just dreaming these days?

"Nurse Zhou, where did Lord Belle rest last night?"

Nian Yaoyue was stunned when she heard Nanny Zhou reply that fourth master was resting in the old Gege's room last night.

Could it be because she missed fourth master so much that she was dreaming every day?
That night, Nian Yaoyue opened her eyes wide and forced herself not to doze off, and when the midnight passed, Fourth Master finally came.

Yinzhen took off his shoes and socks and hugged Nianshi to sleep as usual, when suddenly he felt his wrist being pulled, and then a red silk rope tied his right wrist to Nianshi's left wrist.

"Huh?" Yinzhen was confused, but Nian stared at her with round eyes.

She said in a fierce tone: "If you dare to withdraw, I will go back to my mother's house tomorrow morning and don't want you!"

Too sleepy, Nian Yaoyue fell asleep in Fourth Master's warm arms.

Early the next morning, she felt a little pain in her wrist, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Fourth Master half lying beside her, with the other hand not idle, flipping through the official document.

Her wrist and fourth master's wrist were entangled with the red rope, and their fingers were tightly intertwined.

"Are you awake?" Yinzhen smiled slightly.

Feeling Fourth Master's grip on her palm, Nian Yaoyue took the scissors, and cut the red rope binding them together without hesitation.

Yinzhen's originally smiling eyes were suddenly stained with sullenness.

With a cold snort, he dragged the cut red rope straight away from the secret passage.

Only Nian Yaoyue was left watching Fourth Master walk away in astonishment.

"Mother Zhou!" Nian Yaoyue hastily called Mother Zhou into the room.

"When did my master come back last night? Whose room is he resting in?" Her heart was hanging.

"Go back to Gege, last night when Mr. Baylor came back, he rested in Yinggege's courtyard."

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that fourth master came to her room after staying overnight with other women, but she didn't expect that he really only came to her room.

At this time, Nian Yaoyue already understood that this man had been silent for more than half a month, betting on when she would find out the truth by herself.

Feeling very guilty, Nian Yaoyue turned her head and stared at the wardrobe door secretly sad.

That night, she decided to apologize to fourth master when he came.

But he didn't wait for fourth master to come until it was almost dawn.

"Mommy, in whose room did Fourth Master stay last night?" Nian Yaoyue asked anxiously.

"Back to Gege, Lord Baylor stayed at Chen Gege's place last night." Nurse Zhou's deep voice came from outside the door.

After dinner that day, Nian Yaoyue asked Nanny Zhou to quietly find out that Fourth Master was resting in Su Gege's room tonight.

After dinner, she moved Zhang Taishi's chair and sat in the yard, and saw Si Ye leave her yard through the iron fence of the moon gate.

She just went to the small kitchen to bring the food box, and opened the iron fence door with the key she carried with her.

As soon as she stepped into the fourth master's house, someone reported the news on her back.

At this time, Yinzhen was dealing with a bunch of messy things in the household department in Su Gege's house.After getting ready to deal with it, go back to your room to rest through the secret passage.

"Master, Nian Gege has come to your room..." Su Peisheng reported outside the door.

"Oh..." Yinzhen frowned slightly, she occupied his room, where should he go to rest tonight?

Su's room smelled of fat and powder, which made him extremely displeased.

Nian Yaoyue lay sprawled on fourth master's bed, the bedding and pillows were filled with his clean and pleasant smell.

" stomach hurts!" She pretended to cry and sobbed in a low voice.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually going away outside, she sat and waited with her legs crossed.

After a cup of tea, she began to count down silently in her heart.

When counting down from ten to five, not only the fourth master came, but even the imperial physician stationed in Baylor Mansion.

"Take her pulse quickly! Is it still hurting?" Yin Zhen's tone of voice was panting lightly, and he ran all the way back.

"I... lied to you..." I didn't expect such a big commotion, at this time Nian Yaoyue looked at Fourth Master in embarrassment.

"Hmph! You are becoming more and more arrogant!" Yinzhen was really angry, Nian's even used the child's safety as a cover.

Seeing that fourth master was about to leave with an angry face and shaking his sleeves, Nian Yaoyue became anxious, and reached out to hug fourth master's arm to prevent him from leaving.

"I was wrong..." She plucked up her courage and apologized to fourth master.

"Grandpa, don't go..." she bit her lip and muttered.

"I don't want you to go to other women's rooms. I'm a jealous woman, you know!"

Fourth Master secretly loved her without telling everyone, and gave her the exclusive love, which moved Nian Yaoyue deeply.

"I can't just spoil you as a woman."

The sole favor is her talisman, and Yinzhen will not be so stupid as to give her the sole favor blatantly.

At least, until he is strong enough, he will not let anyone know that the fatal weakness and Nilin of the Fourth Prince Yinzhen is a woman.

"Master, as long as you are happy when you say it!" Nian Yaoyue hugged Fourth Master's arm and did not let go.

"Rest!" Yinzhen stretched out his hand to rub her hair, he was exhausted physically and mentally during this time.

Nian Shi in the backyard is still confronting him in a cold war for no reason due to his endless business affairs.It's just frustrating.

"In a few days, Master will live in Elder Brother's house. I don't want you to be running back and forth all the time." Nian Yaoyue looked at Fourth Master's dark blue eyes with distress.

"Okay, but I won't take you into the palace."

Yinzhen knew that Nianshi didn't like the Forbidden City, so he didn't want to force her to accompany her.

"Understood! I'm so busy, I don't have time to accompany you!" Nian Yaoyue said pretending to be nonchalant.

In the next few days, fourth master would go to rest in different gege rooms as usual.

But no matter which house he goes to, he will always return to Nian Yaoyue's house and sleep until dawn before leaving.

Almost all the newcomers in the backyard were favored by the fourth master.

Only those old people who served Fourth Master, Fourth Master never set foot in their courtyard.

The women in the backyard all rely on their own abilities to win fourth master's favor and hang around.

If everyone else can be favored, but you can't, it's your fault. No one will sympathize with a loser who can't compete with others.

(End of this chapter)

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