Chapter 127 What Did I Do Wrong?

After dinner, the father-son trio of copy-pasted dolls stood in front of Nian Yaoyue wearing the same style of mandarin jackets and long gowns.

"There is a temple fair in the Town God's Temple today, let's go out for a walk~" Yinzhen squeezed out a few hours out of his busy schedule to take his wife and children out for a stroll.

I took a carriage to the Town God's Temple in the west of the city, surrounded by bustling crowds and small stalls selling goods.

Nian Yaoyue looked at the two cubs on both sides of fourth master's shoulders, and felt indescribably happy.

So she held her purse and went shopping all the way, buying a lot of things for the father and son.

This feeling of buying things for men and cubs is simply happier than buying things for myself.

Behind him, Su Peisheng and the four servants were already carrying a bunch of things in large and small bags.

Li Gege, Geng Gege, and Liu Gege, three women with sons, can barely speak a few words on weekdays because they all have sons.

It is rare that the children are all around, so we made an appointment to bring the children to the Town God Temple Fair tonight.

"Er Niang, look quickly, that's Ama!"

Following the direction of Ergege's finger, the Li family saw Master Belle carrying the elder brother and the second elder brother on his shoulders, followed by Nian Shi, and the whole family was shopping happily.

"Bah, coquettish fox!" Geng Gege let out a little jealousy.

Forget about the elder brother, a decent eldest son, but what is the second elder brother.

It's just a bastard born like them, why should he get the love of the master.

"Er Niang, my son also wants Ama to be held high!"

Hongshi watched anxiously as Ama carried the eldest brother and second brother on his shoulders. The eldest brother and second brother still held delicious candied haws and the beautiful Monkey King sugar figure in their hands.

"Emiang, why can the eldest brother and the second brother play with Ama? My son also wants to play with Ama."

Fifth elder brother Hong Zhou bit his finger, looking enviously at his elder brothers with Ama by his side.

"Ama!!" Er Gege suddenly yelled loudly and rushed towards Ama who was not far away.

Her legs were hugged by a little girl, and when Yinzhen lowered her head, she met a pair of bright eyes like a little elk.

"Huh?" Yinzhen looked at the completely unfamiliar child suspiciously.

"Master, this is your Ergege, and her mother-in-law is Li Gege." Su Peisheng knew that the master didn't know his own daughter at all, so he reminded him.

"Oh." The smile on Yinzhen's lips disappeared immediately, and he gave Su Peisheng a look.

"Little Gege, this servant will take you to find your mother."

Su Peisheng saw the sullen expression on Grandpa's face, so he leaned over and picked Er Gege up and left.

"Wuuuuuuu, Ama, I want Ama, Ama, Rou'er has done something wrong, Rou'er can correct it. Don't want Rou'er!!" The little guy cried with tears and snot all over his face.

"Ama, my son wants to play with my second sister." Although the kind-hearted Xiao Honghui begged to Ama, he tugged at Nian Yaoyue's sleeve.

Xiao Honghui always dreamed about wanting a little sister.

"Ama." Suddenly there were three more small heads under his feet, and Yin Zhen's face was completely gloomy.

"Master Baylor, this slave deserves to die. This slave will take the child away." Li Gege and others who came after him ignored the crying of the children and wanted to leave with the child in their arms.

"Go back, I'm tired." Yinzhen said in a deep voice to Su Peisheng.

Su Peisheng responded, and soon a carriage came. Yin Zhen walked into the carriage with his two sons in his arms, without looking at the crying children.

Hearing them crying, Yinzhen only felt very annoyed.

"Go back!" Seeing Nian Yaoyue still standing where she was, Yinzhen urged displeased.

Nian Yaoyue took a look at the poor crying children, stuffed the few candied haws, doughnuts, and fructose she just bought into the children's hands, and then left with Fourth Master.

Seeing Ama leave them behind, the children cried even harder.

"Children, it's all because Nianshi is bewitching you Ahma, so although the second elder brother is a concubine like you, he is cared by your Ahma. Don't cry, children, Li Eniang will take you to eat well." food."

"Bah, I don't want what she gave me, Er Niang, buy candied haws for my son!"

The third elder brother Hongshi still put the candied haws and candies that Nian Gege had given to him on the ground with a face full of resentment, stomped on them again and again, and even spit several times.

Fourth Master packed up his things early the next morning and moved into the elder brother's house in the Forbidden City.

Nian Yaoyue got fourth master's permission to invite her natal family to the mansion as guests.

The six nephews and the second elder brother were led by the nanny to play in the small garden of the mansion. At this time, Nian Yaoyue was drinking tea and chatting with the family.

"Nian Gaoer, you are a bald boy with a sharp belly."

The eldest sister-in-law Lu gave birth to four sons in a row, so it is natural to see that the younger sister is pregnant with another son.

"The imperial doctor just came to take the pulse yesterday, and it's almost inseparable. Hey, I think it's my mother-in-law's life."

"It's not good! The nephews and the second elder brother beat up the other elder brothers in the house!" Nanny Zhou came in to report in a panic.

"Nianshi! Will you teach your son? Look at your son beating us!"

Before Li Gege arrived, the sound of cursing came into the living room first.

"Nianshi, your son broke the forehead of my family's Zhou'er! Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

The cowardly Geng Gege hugged the fifth elder brother who was wrapped in blood-stained gauze on his forehead and cried loudly.

"Sisters, is there some misunderstanding? Our second elder brother is usually polite, and it is impossible to beat the younger brothers on purpose."

The old-fashioned temperament is just like his Ama, restrained and calm, and he can't beat a fart, so how can he beat someone?

"Don't talk nonsense, let's judge in front of Fujin. Your son is so arrogant and domineering, and he is not a wild child born without a mother. If you let him do everything, sooner or later, big trouble will happen!"

Niu Hulu yelled angrily while holding the fourth elder brother Hongli whose face was scratched.

A little bastard raised by Gege of the Han Army Banner dares to hurt her son, bah!

"Nurse Zhou, go and bring the second elder brother!" Nian Yaoyue didn't believe that the old man would be so violent.

Soon the second elder brother and six nephews holding a small wooden sword rushed in aggressively. Seeing the third elder brother, Hong Sheng glared at him, and slashed at Hong Shi's forehead with the small wooden sword.

"Cheng'er! You are not allowed to hit anyone! Who told you to bully my little brother!" Nian Yaoyue did not expect her usually gentle and elegant son to become so violent.

"Don't let anyone stop me today, I want him to die!" Hong Sheng pushed away the little eunuch who was holding him, and raised his small wooden sword to poke the third brother's forehead.


Seeing her son making trouble for no reason, Nian Yao raised her hand angrily and slapped him.

"If you have something to say, let's be reasonable. Er Niang orders you to apologize to the brothers who were injured by you one by one! You apologize to me!"

"My son is right, my son does not apologize!" Hong Sheng shouted confidently.

This bad temper was exactly the same as his Ama, trembling with rage, so he took a feather duster and spanked his son's ass.

(End of this chapter)

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