The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 168 What I Want, You Can't Give It

Chapter 168 What I Want, You Can't Give It
"If the slave is not the woman Lord Baylor likes, is he the same as those criminal slaves on the hunting ground? When the master shoots the slave to death with an arrow, he doesn't even hesitate to frown?"

Nian Yaoyue didn't answer fourth master's question directly, but stretched out her hand to break away fourth master's hand tightly around her waist.

"I'm sorry, I like slaves. You are wronged by Lord Baylor. You are not wrong. It is the slaves who are wrong. It is the slaves who are mediocre. They can't see their own identity. It's wrong. It's all the fault of the slaves."

It would be wrong to say one more word, she bent her humble back even more, and left in a hurry without looking back.

"Su Peisheng, what did she mean?"

Yinzhen frowned and thought deeply, he thought he was not a fool, but what Nian said made him at a loss, what exactly does she want?
"My lord, the slave conjectures, the master of the year may...maybe thinks that you regard her as a slave, and regard your good and bad treatment of her as rewards and punishments. The slave is stupid, and the slave is just guessing."

Su Peisheng secretly scolded Nian for being stupid, and he was also the slave of his master. Su Peisheng naturally heard what Nian was thinking.

What she was thinking about was rebellious things, she wanted to be on an equal footing with fourth master, regardless of superiority or inferiority.

It's a big joke, couples in common people's families still have male superiority and female inferiority, Nian Shi is too hypocritical.

Su Peisheng was like a bright mirror in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell the master directly about such a rebellious thought, so he could only say a few vague words.

I hope Nianshi can figure it out earlier, otherwise she will ruin her own good life.

At that time, I will completely lose my master's heart, let's see how she lives!
Almost fleeing in embarrassment, Nian Yaoyue locked herself in the room.

There was a self-deprecating wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

She is so stupid that there is no cure for it. She actually told an ancient prince that all beings are equal and that men and women are equal. Fourth master must have regarded her as a lunatic.

It's really hard for her to be treated as a slave by the one she loves.

From the moment Nianshi left, Yinzhen stood there, thinking hard, and finally figured out what Nianshi wanted!
What she wants is too ridiculous, he can't give it, and he won't give it!

"Su Peisheng, go and prepare some dishes that Nianshi likes, and also, bring back those precious jewelry that Grandpa got!"

Women are the same, as long as he is willing to let go of his body and coax her softly, she will surely regain his tenderness and comprehension again.

Yinzhen came to Nian's door with those jewels, pushed the door lightly, but found that there was no movement.

He patiently pushed hard, only to find that the door was locked from the inside.

She turned him away!
"Master Nian, Lord Belle is here~" Su Peisheng, who was holding the tray, said awkwardly to remind Nian inside.

"The servant has come to Kuishui. It is inconvenient to serve the master. Please forgive me! If the master wants to fight with blood, the servant will get up and open the door."

There was a slight sound of footsteps inside.

Su Peisheng:! !
After a while, the room was opened, and Nian was blocking the door in his outer robe, holding the door with both hands.

She obviously didn't mean to let anyone into the house.

"Kuishui? Huh? You come to Kuishui from the eighth to the twelfth of every month, and today is 25!! Do you think that my father came to you just to let you sleep? What do you think of my father!!"

She didn't even want to find a good excuse for perfunctory, at this time Yinzhen raised her hand angrily and overturned the jewelry on the tray to the ground.

He also has a temper, he doesn't want to continue arrogating Nian Shi.

Although this woman is the one he likes, if she can't learn to obey, sooner or later she will suffer.

If Nianshi loses his favor, he will come back crying and admit his mistake, Yinzhen decided to make Nianshi realize that he is her god.

"Master is angry!" He dropped the words with a cold face, turned and left furiously.

At this time, all the strength in Nian Yaoyue's body was drained in an instant, and she slumped on the ground powerlessly.

Looking at the jewels that were broken on the ground, he couldn't help but laugh.

She could feel fourth master's patience with her being consumed a little bit, but...but she had her pride and self-esteem.

If this love is mixed with distinctions of superiority and inferiority, she would rather choose to let go than just let it go.

For the next few days, fourth master didn't come to see her, and Nian Yaoyue was left out by fourth master.

She knew that fourth master was waiting for her to take the initiative to admit her mistakes and show her kindness, but she didn't want to.

Early this morning, she left a letter and left alone with her luggage.

Instead of staying by his side and watching him slap his face, it's better for her to leave first, and she plans to return to Beijing first.

He spent the whole day discussing with the crown prince about Huang Ama's return to Luan, and it was not until dinner time that Yinzhen dragged his weary pace back to the residence.

After being cold for the past few days, Nianshi realized that he was the one who suffered in the end. Who is punishing whom?
He raised his leg and stepped into Nianshi's room, but found that there was no one in the room.It was pitch black, and no candles were even lit.

At this time, Su Pei lit the candle in a hurry, and Yinzhen glanced around the room, and saw a letter on the desk.

He walked quickly to the table, opened the letter and read it, and he suddenly became angry for no reason, and she went back to Beijing alone without saying a word!
"Master, Mother Zhou said that Nianzhu left early this morning, and if he took a merchant ship, he would have already left the border of Jiangnan by now."

Su Peisheng asked Nanny Zhou to question him carefully, and reported all the information he got to Fourth Master.

"Bring two little elder brothers, let's set off immediately! Let Enpu pack up and keep up!"

Yinzhen clenched the letter paper in his hand into a ball, gently twisted it slowly, and the letter paper instantly turned into powder.

At this time, Nian Yaoyue, who was carrying her luggage, did not take the merchant ship all the way back to the capital.

She came to Jiangning Mansion, in the Southern Cross Alley where she used to live.

"Sister Nian, is that you?"

Qiaoer's mother heard the sound coming from the yard next door that had been vacant for a long time, so she took Qiaoer's hand and came out to have a look, but unexpectedly she saw Nian Shi who had been married long ago.

"It's me, oops, Qiaoer has grown so tall, in a few years it's time to talk about marriage~"

Nian Yaoyue reached out and touched Qiaoer's increasingly pretty oval face.

"It's so late, it's already dawn when you're going to clean up the dust again, or you can rest at my place tonight and sleep in my Qiaoer's room."

Qiaoerniang enthusiastically took Nian's arm and invited her to her courtyard.

Southern Cross Alley wasn't that big at all, and the fat tiger lady who heard the movement also came out at this moment.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and saw that it was Nian Shi who came, so she enthusiastically brought some steamed buns for tomorrow morning.

"Sister Nian, I was thinking that you must be hungry on your way. Here are the big steamed buns with sauced meat I made, and there is also a bowl of millet porridge left over from dinner. You should fill your stomach first!"

"Thank you two sisters!" On the road, he was in a daze, like a walking dead, not feeling hungry.

But as soon as she returned to the familiar Southern Cross Alley, she suddenly felt that she was alive again.

(End of this chapter)

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