Chapter 169 Seeking Buddha
In the middle of the night, the sound of a baby crying suddenly came from the originally silent alley.

"Whose child is crying so pitifully? Is this sick?"

Nian Yaoyue is also a mother, so she can naturally distinguish whether the child's crying is hungry or sick.

"It's the child of Liu Simei's family at the end of the alley. She went to be a pawn wife for two years and brought back a baby girl~"

Qiaoerniang's face was full of pity.

Pride wife
In the Qing Dynasty, where men were superior to women, the status of women was low, and polygamy was not surprising.

There is also a wonderful wedding system that originated in the Han Dynasty and prevailed in the Qing Dynasty, which is even more unbelievable.

That is the pawn wife, the so-called pawn wife is the poor rent a wife to have children.

The poor "rent" their wives to those bachelors in exchange for a sum of money. The rented wives give birth to children for the rented wife.

Liu Simei at the end of the alley, Nian Yaoyue remembers that she always lowered her head timidly, her husband had a bad habit of gambling and drinking, her son Fulai was still in bed for a long time, and the family had no way of life.

According to Qiaoerniang, Fulai's condition has become more and more serious in the past few years. In the end, Liu Simei and her husband pawned her to a poor old bachelor who couldn't afford a wife without even discussing with her first.

Two taels of silver, one hundred catties of rice, and twenty catties of peanut oil were pawned to the old bachelor for two years.

"She gave birth to a son and a daughter to that family, and they sent back the daughter who lost money. Poor fourth sister, his man is clamoring to throw that damned child into the baby tower after drinking too much." ~"

Listening to Qiaoerniang and Fat Huniang talking about Liu Simei's tragic experience, Nian Yaoyue felt bad. This is the evil old society, where women's status is not as good as that of dogs.

On the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Yinzhen stood quietly on the deck with his hands behind his back, frowning.

"My lord, the servant has asked the Green Camp Navy to search all the ships, big and small, going north in the name of catching water bandits, and they haven't found the figure of Master Nian."

"The servant quietly asked someone to ask along the road near Cao's house again. Some people saw that Master Nian seemed to be going in the direction of Jiangning Mansion!"

Su Peisheng hung his head, not daring to take a breath.

"Heh, go to Jiangning Mansion, South Cross Lane." Yin Zhen clenched his fists and smiled angrily.

Four Baylor Mansion thousands of miles away.

Tong Jinxian was throwing the secret letter in her hand into the brazier and burned it to ashes. Although she did not go to Jiangnan with her fourth brother, she knew everything about Jiangnan like the back of her hand.

"Did she take that medicine?" Tong Jinxian's eyes flashed with evil calculation.

Seeing the black figure standing in the dark nodding slightly, a happy smile appeared on the corner of Tong Jinxian's lips.

"Very good! Send the order down, let's do it!"

With the help of Qiaoerniang and Fat Huniang, Nian Yaoyue cleaned up the small courtyard inside and out.

The day after tomorrow is Buddha's birthday, and the three meet to burn incense and pray for blessings at the Jiming Temple in the western suburbs.

In the early morning of this day, Qiaoerniang and Fat Huniang led the newly moved Lierniang and Fengerniang, and the five went to Jiming Temple together.

Qiaoerniang and the others were reluctant to spend money on a boat ride, so Nian Yaoyue followed them to take a detour.

The five chatted and laughed as they shuttled among the high mountains, carrying bamboo baskets while walking on the rugged mountain road.

"Oh, isn't that Liu Simei? Oh, what a crime, she sent the child to the baby tower~"

Qiaoerniang was heartbroken, that was a real child.

"What baby tower?"

Last night, I heard Qiao Erniang and Fat Tiger Niang talking about the baby pagoda, Nian Yaoyue thought it was a pagoda for blessing children.

"Look, it's the small dusty tower standing on the hill. It's made of rough stones, the top is conical, and the top of the tower looks like a high hat worn by an opera singer~"

Nian Yaoyue followed the direction Qiaoerniang pointed, and saw a small gray pagoda about four or five meters high standing on a hill not far away.

At the foot of the tower there were some crude baskets thrown about in disorder, and on one side of the tower was a rectangular hole through which a string was drawn.

"What is that tower for?"

After hearing Qiao Erniang tell the function of the baby tower with lingering fear, Nian Yaoyue only felt a chill down her spine.

It turns out that these pigeon house-shaped buildings were used to house the bodies of babies and children.

In poor families, many young babies died prematurely as daughters or due to illness, and their families abandoned them in small towers made of stone and bricks.

Let it be exposed to the sun and rain, insects and ants gnaw, and it will fend for itself.

It seemed to hear a faint cry like a cat's meow coming from the baby tower.

"The child is still alive, we can't ignore death!"

She rushed towards the baby tower, but within two steps, she saw flames bursting out from the tower, half the height of a person.

The child's cries were completely drowned in the flames, and she stopped in her tracks.

There are baby towers like this all over the Qing Dynasty, and the babies who were born at the wrong time are really distressing.

She is not a person who likes to cry, but she burst into tears at this moment.

What's more, in the peaceful and prosperous times, what will happen in the troubled times when the people are struggling to survive?

With a heavy heart, she followed Qiao'erniang and the others on the mountain path. At this moment, Nian Yaoyue suddenly felt a strong murderous aura.


She drew out the soft sword at her waist, and protected the four of them, Qiao'erniang, who was not skilled in martial arts, behind her.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a chill on the back of her neck, and she was shocked.

Turning around, I saw the newly moved Feng'erniang and Li'erniang with fierce eyes, holding silver needles more than two feet long in their hands.

No wonder she didn't feel that there was a problem with the two of them, they didn't know martial arts at all, but were masters of using poison.

Nian Yaoyue tried her best to stab the two with her knife, and then led Qiaoerniang and Fat Huniang to flee deep into the dense forest.

The other party didn't know what kind of strange poison was given to her. At this time, she had no internal energy, and she didn't even have the strength to lift the soft sword in her hand, which was as thin as a cicada's wing.

In the end, Qiaoerniang and Fat Huniang dragged and dragged the two women who were chasing him away without a trace.

Just when the three of them were exhausted from running, and finally slumped on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly there were harsh voices from all around.

"Robbery! Don't move at all!"

Suddenly rushing forward into the depths of the dark dense forest, a dozen masked men sprang out, rushing towards them in a hurry.

"Go first, their target is me!"

How could it be such a coincidence that I met those two female assassins, and immediately met the bandits who robbed me.

Qiaoerniang and the others are honest and responsible ordinary people, so these people's goals can only be her, and she can't implicate the innocent Qiaoerniang and Fat Tiger Niang.

She raised her breath and galloped desperately towards the other end of the dense forest. As she expected, she saw those thugs chasing her almost without thinking.

Damn, who the hell wants her to die so badly!
Nian Yaoyue gritted her teeth and ran all the way, preparing to find a secluded place to take out Jananfeng's skill of killing thousands of cuts for emergency.

(End of this chapter)

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