Chapter 170 Congratulations
At this moment, she suddenly felt that her feet were empty, she let out a cry of surprise, and her whole body fell straight to the ground.

No, there is a trap, no wonder those masked people just left a gap in this direction, so they were inviting you into the urn.

Nian Yaoyue woke up from being splashed with cold water, struggled to open her eyes, and saw a dozen fierce and silver eyes all looking at her.

Turning her head to look, she didn't see the two of Qiaoerniang and the others, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, she was suspended in mid-air.I don't know where I lost my robe.

"Whoever sent you here, if you want money, I can offer you a hundred times more than the other party, as long as you strong men can let the little girl go~"

If the other party is buying murder, Nian Yaoyue believes that there is no loyalty that cannot be bought by money, and she is afraid that the other party simply wants her to die without a place to bury her.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that she is a rich and powerful beauty. My brother and I also want people and money. How about this? If you serve our brothers comfortably, we will let you go~"

"Really? That's great~"

At this time, Nian Yaoyue didn't care about burning her life or not, she just took out the skill of killing thousands of cuts from the storage space, if they just wanted money, she would at most send these people to the authorities for investigation.

But now, they are all going to die.

"This waist is so thin and smooth~"

Suddenly feeling cold, her bellyband was ripped off, Nian Yaoyue was ashamed and angry, just about to resist, the rope that was hanging her suddenly slipped,

With a bang, her hands and feet were bound by ropes, and she fell straight to the ground.

As soon as his body sank, the stinky man jumped up and covered him.

"Okay~ I can't wait~"

Suppressing her anger, Nian Yaoyue smiled charmingly and put her arms around that smelly man.

"Tsk tsk, you really are a coquettish fox. My brother thought you would seek death and life. I didn't expect you to be so cute that my brother couldn't help but want to love you~"

The gangster was full of obscenities, and his hands were not idle.

"Of course life is important~ I'm not a chaste woman~ Brother, come on~" She slowly raised her palm, and was about to use her skills when countless sharp arrows flew in from the window.

"Courting death! Let her go!!"

With a bang, a big hole was dug out of the roof, and Fourth Master fell from the sky in armor.

Nian Yaoyue was stunned, she still kept her hands hooking the gangster's neck, and the flattering smile on her face hadn't had time to restrain herself.

"go to hell!"

Caught off guard, the thug lying on top of her was cut in half by Si Ye's sword, and the smelly blood splashed all over her body.

Still in shock, Nian Yaoyue reached out to wipe off the blood on her face, and slowly stood up.

A black cloak flew towards her. She wrapped the cloak around her body, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Fourth Master standing silently in front of her with a sword in hand.

His eyes were cold, staring at her face for a moment.

"Nian Yaoyue, if the Lord doesn't come to rescue you today, are you going to serve these people one by one?" Yinzhen's tone was full of anger.

Nian Yaoyue was stunned, and stared at Fourth Master in disbelief.

"The slave wants to live, is there something wrong?" She found that she and the fourth master had nothing to say now, and the three views were in disagreement.

Could it be that she, the victim, was to be blamed after being raped?Taking a step back, she was raped and raped. In order to survive, she had to be wronged and humiliated. Is this wrong?
Does she have to fight to the death with the perpetrator, and finally use death to fulfill her so-called innocence?

"In three months, you'd better not get pregnant! Otherwise" Yinzhen's eyes were full of restrained anger, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Nian.

"You don't have to wait for three months. Congratulations to Lord Belle. Congratulations to Lord Baylor. The slave is pregnant now. Just now, the slave served several thugs! Congratulations to Lord Baylor for becoming a father!"

"You! Do you know what shame is? Su Peisheng, go prepare Bizitang!" Yinzhen staggered back a few steps with pain in his eyes.

At this time, a wretched one-eyed dragon suddenly jumped out of the subdued bandits, crawling and kneeling at the feet of Fourth Master, begging for mercy.

"Hero, please forgive me. It was my eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fifth brother and sixth brother who tarnished this girl's innocence just now. The villain didn't even have time to touch her finger! The villain swears."

But before he finished speaking, his throat was sealed with a sword, and none of the next few thugs who were kneeling on the ground was spared, and they were all beheaded by the fourth master himself.

At this time, Yinzhen felt extremely sad, hateful!He was still a step late, Nian Shi had already been ruined by those beasts.

Su Peisheng and fourth master's blood droplet guards on the side had killed all the soldiers they brought.

Blood flowed all over the ground, Nian Yaoyue didn't wear shoes, and the white socks under her feet were stained into a frightening sacrificial red by the blood.

"Master, I didn't..." She was just about to explain that she was innocent, but now all those gangsters are dead, and there is no proof.


Fourth Master's cold and cold snort came from beside her ear, and she mustered up the courage to grab Fourth Master's hand, but he ruthlessly shook her off.

"You think I'm dirty?" She curled her lips into a sneer, and suddenly felt that the man in front of her was very strange.

"Go back to Beijing!"

Along the way, she was arranged alone in a carriage, and fourth master never even came to see her.

When we returned to Baylor Mansion, it was already midsummer.

The carriage stopped at the gate of Baylor Mansion, Sifu Jin Yixian led the concubines in the mansion to stand outside the gate of Baylor Mansion to welcome Fourth Master back to the mansion.

Ulanara Yixian keenly noticed the subtle changes between Nian Gao and Fourth Master, and the two quarreled again?
"Fourth brother, Yue Ya'er misses you so much, did you bring a gift for Yue Ya'er?" Tong Jinxian said coquettishly, holding fourth master's arm affectionately.

"Of course, Master Huihui asked Su Peisheng to deliver the gift to your courtyard~" Yinzhen stretched out his hand to rub the top of Tong Jinxian's head, but glanced at Nian who was standing beside him.

Seeing that there was no expression on Nian's face, Yinzhen felt angry and irritable for no reason.

"I'm going to have dinner in your courtyard today~" He stretched out his hand angrily and hugged Tong Jinxian into his arms, whispering softly into her ear.

Ulanara Yixian looked at Nian Gao standing there expressionless like a stone statue, and was suddenly worried.

"The sisters are all gone. I am thinking of Tong Fangfujin. You have also seen that Tong Jia's family is very much loved by me. You have to learn from her more, so that you can make me like you~"

After dismissing those concubines, Gege, Ulanara Yixian took the hand of Nian Gao and walked towards the main courtyard of Fujin.

"What's going on? Are you bickering again? What's the reason this time?"

"Go back to the house and talk~" Nian Yaoyue took Yi Xian's hand, and the two went back to the house to have a long talk.

"Yixian, do you believe me?" Nian Yaoyue told Yixian about meeting the bandits.

"Believe it or not, if you're dead, you don't care what else to do? I think Fourth Master just owes a lesson. Could it be that he would rather have a cold corpse than a living you? If that's the case, he doesn't deserve it you!"

(End of this chapter)

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