Chapter 197 The Fourth Master Is the Real Boss

Guarjia Yuanwan could somewhat guess the temperament of the brothers like the prince.

At this time, seeing Jiufujin smoothing things over for Bafujin, he suddenly felt angry.

Nian Yaoyue stood aside silently, she was very guilty.His man is the big boss who laughs last
These people are fighting to the death, but the result is loneliness. In the end, it was her family's fourth master who took advantage of the fisherman's profit and made a fortune silently.

"Believe it or not, I really don't know at all~"

Eight blessings Jin Zhiqing said, but she lowered her head in embarrassment. She probably knew who did it.

But she and Ba Ye are one body, and they are proud of each other. What Ba Ye does is also what she does.

"You can't figure out what Lord Long Live is thinking, let me tell you clearly, you! Guo Luo Luo Zhiqing is the biggest obstacle for the eighth master to fight for the crown prince!"

"Even if the prince is dragged down from the position of crown prince by Babeile, the new prince, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the ten, the fourteenth, and even the crippled seventh can be the princes, but it's not your turn." Hu!"

Guarjia Yuanwan couldn't get rid of the anger in her heart, she pointed at Guo Luoluo Zhiqing and cursed.

Everyone knows that Long Live Lord doesn't like Zhiqing, a domineering and jealous Bafujin, and people outside say that Babeile married such a good-for-nothing loser because of bad luck.

"No, no, no, our fourth master is the one who works for Yuqing Palace, how could he have a different heart? My father often talks in front of me, and he hopes that the crown prince will become an idle and hereditary prince in the future. ~"

Nian Yaoyue argued against her conscience for her fourth master.

"That's right, the fourth Baylor of our family is cultivating his body and mind on weekdays, and he is almost becoming a farmer. How can he have the heart to mess with those dark things~"

Yi Xian hurriedly defended Fourth Master.

"I know that Si Bei Le of your family is an honest person! As long as you put your heart into doing errands for the prince, even if the prince doesn't miss your Si Bei Le from now on, I will try my best to fight for it!"

Guarjia Yuanwan rubbed the center of his brows wearily, the Crown Prince's position as the heir apparent has been sitting on pins and needles for decades.

"Guo Luo Luo Zhiqing" the princess turned around and was about to leave, when she suddenly looked back and gritted her teeth for the last time.

"You'd better let your Babeile live in peace, if he doesn't let someone send that necklace to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, your Guo Luomafa (grandfather) Prince An might still be able to keep his position as the head of the House of Internal Affairs~ "

As she spoke, she smashed the diamond necklace she had just hidden in her sleeve to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the hard diamond shattered in an instant, like glass. No, it was not a diamond necklace, but a necklace made of glass.

Nian Yaoyue and Yixian looked at each other, and immediately understood that Babeile seemed to be turned by the crown prince.

Although the Crown Princess Yuan Wan didn't remind her a single word, she made it clear through the broken necklace.

She had already said enough, as for how much she could understand, it depended on Guo Luoluo Zhiqing's luck.

"Thank you!" Hearing these words, the eighth blessing Jin Zhiqing ran out of the gate of the mansion, and ordered the horses to be prepared immediately while running.

"She won't be able to keep up. The position of Chief of the Internal Affairs Office of Prince An will definitely be lost! She deserves it. If she didn't have the intention of harming others, how could she cause a commotion~"

The Crown Princess Yuan Wan let out a light sigh of disdain, and looked at the good sisters who grew up together with complex eyes in front of her.

Today is the eight blessings, Jin Zhiqing, who is going to plot against her tomorrow?Sitting in the position of the princess was her original sin.

Suddenly feeling very lonely, will these sisters join hands to send her to hell?
"In the future, if you have something to do, you can come to Yuqing Palace to find me at any time. I won't come outside the Forbidden City. I'm afraid of trouble~"

The Crown Princess Yuan Wan reached out and pinched Xiao Hongxi's cheek, handed the prepared presents to the sisters with her own hands, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then went back to the palace.

"What do you think the ambitions of men have to do with our women? Does it have to be like this?"

Qifu Jin Yuejin shook his head helplessly.

A good party ends unhappily.

Guo Luoluo Zhiqing galloped all the way, panting to the House of Internal Affairs, but was told that Guo Luomafa had already gone to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She was so anxious that she was about to cry, she threw off the bottom of the flowerpot under her feet and ran all the way to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When he reached the moat, he saw Guo Luomafa being thrown out of the Forbidden City by the guards.

"Guo Luo Mafa!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Seeing the old man's official uniform and hats being stripped off, she burst into tears.

"Why are you crying? Even if I'm not the head of the House of Internal Affairs, I'm still a prince~"

Seeing his precious granddaughter crying, King An was heartbroken, and stretched out his calloused hand in distress to wipe his granddaughter's tears.

It suddenly occurred to him that his hands were very rough, and he was afraid of scratching his granddaughter's cheeks.

The old man turned down the horseshoe sleeves and gently wiped the tears of his precious granddaughter through the soft silk cloth.

"The prince is surrounded by Suo'etu for advice. Suo'etu is more cunning and cunning than Amasoni. You ask Babeile to beware of Suo'etu. If you want to bring down the prince, you must bring down Suo'etu~"

The old people have fallen to this point, and they are still thinking about planning for Babeile, Guo Luo and Luo Zhiqing feel guilty all of a sudden, and cry even more sadly.

Behind him, Babeile Yinhu and his ninth and tenth younger brothers stood silently in court clothes.

Yinhu's complexion was pale at this time, he did not expect the prince to turn the tide and turn defeat into victory.

If it wasn't for Prince An's own efforts today to bear the charge of slandering the prince, once Huang Ama and the prince wanted to investigate, he would definitely not be able to escape unscathed.

"Brother, you can't blame us for this. Who knew that the necklace that King An sent to Huang Ama was real. Our people saw it as real. Who would have thought that he was digging a hole for us to jump~"

The tenth elder brother patted his heart in fear.

Just now he was the one who attacked the crown prince the most fiercely in the court, and the crown prince even bluntly stated that he had a part in it. Fortunately, King An took the initiative to admit that he was not on good terms with the crown prince, so he framed him.

"Brother, didn't we just lose the House of Internal Affairs? So what if Huang Ama asked Suo'etu to also serve as the head of the House of Internal Affairs? The Hesheli family is already famous enough. It may not be a good thing for Suo'etu to take over the post of head of the House of Internal Affairs. The so-called tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, and the Hesheli family is too big to attract the wind~"

Brother Jiu felt that no matter who was in charge of the fat job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, his hands would not be clean, and he would always be able to catch Suo'etu's mistakes and omissions, and then pursue and retaliate fiercely.

"Brother, let's go first, sister-in-law, then you should comfort me~"

Brother Nine Yinzhen patted Myna on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Hmm~" Yinhu's eyes were full of guilt, he was too eager for quick success, otherwise he would not have hurt Zhiqing's grandfather.

"Master, the Crown Princess came to our house to make a fuss today, and she even beat Fujin, look, Fujin's face is swollen from the beating~"

(End of this chapter)

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