The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 198 You Are the Body of the Greedy Lord

Chapter 198 You Are the Body of the Greedy Lord
Xiao Xizi, the servant next to Fujin, saw his master coming, so he walked up to him to complain for Fujin.

"Fu Jin..." Babeile Yinhu walked to Fujin with her head drooping.

"Woooooo! It's all your fault, it's all your fault!!"

Guo Luoluo Zhiqing angrily beat Ba Ye's heart desperately and roared.

Because of his scheme, she lost one of her best sisters today.

And when her grandfather was old, he was dismissed from his post by the Lord Long Live and expelled from the Forbidden City with his clothes removed.

"Master was wrong, I will definitely not let you be wronged in the future." Yinhu caressed the bruise on Fujin's cheek distressedly.

At this time, Yinzhen, his twelfth younger brother Yinqi, and his thirteenth younger brother Yinxiang also walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The farce in the courtroom today was simply reversed, making people jaw-dropping.

In the face of all the unfavorable evidence, the prince turned against the wind. How long did the prince plan for today?

Now that the eighth brother has lost the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Suo'etu has become the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the future, the Ministry of Internal Affairs may become the capital for the prince to recruit troops.

Nianshi is a simple woman, she doesn't know how to plot people's hearts, Yinzhen decided to let Nianshi not go to Babeile's mansion, so as to save Yinhu's poisonous snake from noticing something.

In Yuqing Palace, Crown Princess Guarjia Yuanwan took off her hairpin and knelt in the main hall.

"My lord, my ignorance has brought you down. It's because I don't know people well. I've hurt you~" Seeing the prince come in, Guarjia Yuanwan bowed her head and knelt down.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are the lonely crown princess, what are you talking about? There is no old eight today, and there are others. It is the lonely who implicated you. The position of the crown prince will drive people crazy sooner or later!"

Yinfeng supported his forehead with a headache, if it wasn't for Suo'etu's entangled and hidden piles in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, maybe he would have stumbled this time.

Huang Ama was most jealous of others coveting the House of Internal Affairs, and he was careless, but he didn't expect that Huang Ama would be so angry just by holding a necklace.

I feel wronged in my heart, he is the prince, obviously these things will belong to him sooner or later, since they belong to him in the end, why can't he use them now?He is the prince~
Reminiscent of Huang Ama's increasingly demanding demands on him recently.

If he made a slight mistake, it was just a lesson of swearing, Yinfeng felt for the first time that Huang Ama seemed to be more and more dissatisfied with him.

Even Huang Ama might not want him to sit down even after he had been the crown prince for decades.

The more Yinreng thought about it, the more he felt that he had guessed Huang Ama's mind correctly, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt his scalp numb and his back feel cold.

If he is not a prince, but an ordinary prince, it's fine if he can't be an emperor.

But he is a prince, if he can't become emperor, he can only be deposed.

Even if he is deposed, how can the deposed prince be tolerated when the new emperor ascends the throne in the future?

But Huang Ama is almost fifty years old, but he looks more and more energetic. If Huang Ama lives to be 70 years old, then he will be an old prince for almost 50 years.

There is no more difficult prince than him in history.
By the time he ascended the throne after surviving Huang Ama to death, he was already in his 50s.Maybe the last ridiculous thing is that the white-haired Huang Ama gave away the black-haired man, and he was sent away first.
What should I do?suddenly feel hopeless
The more the prince thought about it, the more panicked he became, and finally he summoned a few beauties who were drunk and dreamed of dying in the gentle village, only then could he barely calm his restless emotions.

Yinzhen rode back to Baylor's mansion and went straight to the small courtyard with no name.

"Stop going to Eighth Brother's house from now on, and tell Fujin that you have to be careful when speaking to Eighth Brother~" Yinzhen took off the imperial crown and handed it to Su Peisheng, who was waiting on the side.

"Understood~" Nian Yaoyue nodded solemnly, it has not been a few years since the crown prince was deposed, she can't add trouble to fourth master.

A few days later, Nian Yaoyue and Yixian took their children and sat in a spacious carriage.

Fourth Master rode a horse and stood guard beside the carriage in military uniform.

Now the fourth master has been bestowed the title of owner of the Zhenghong Banner by Long Live God, and today he is wearing a magenta magenta military uniform with silver and white cloud patterns on the Zhenghong Flag.

This man was wearing a red shirt, with red lips and white teeth, and a jade-like crown.Very handsome.

Let Nian Yaoyue look at her old rabbit in her heart, and from time to time she secretly glanced through the opened carriage window.

"Does it look good?"

Fourth Master's low and hearty laughter came from beside her ear, Nian Yaoyue nodded subconsciously: "It's pretty..No..Not good-looking."

It was only then that she realized that fourth master's flourishing beauty made her laugh.

Fourth master found out that she was a nympho, so he hurriedly shook his head and lowered the curtain of the carriage window.

Suddenly feeling the sinking of the carriage, Su Peisheng lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at Sifu Jin Yixian with a smile on his face.

"Fujin, I brought Eunuch Qi Yuan from Yuqing Palace to work in Changchun Garden again. This time, Mulan Qiuxi, I brought Qi Yuan with me~ He's in the carriage behind~"

"Thank you Lord Belle for Ben Fujin~" Ulanara Yixian clenched her knuckles excitedly, this is to reward her for what she has done during this time.

"Yixian, hurry up~"

Now that Qi Yuan has become a eunuch, Yixian can at most get a spiritual consolation, and can't cuckold fourth master.

Nian Yaoyue mentioned it a few times to make fourth master treat Yi Xian and Qi Yuan better, but this man really listened to it.

Inside Fujin's carriage, Tong Jinxian was arranging the clothes for the fourth elder brother Hongli.

This time, Mulan Qiuxi, with the help of her aunt, a noble concubine, Hongli will definitely shine in front of the Long Live Lord.

The fourth brother is a prince, and all princes will have ideas about the supreme chair.

The fourth brother is no exception, as long as she is capable enough to help the fourth brother get the throne, the fourth brother will definitely look at her with admiration and be grateful.

If the fourth brother still doesn't take her seriously at that time, she will be a queen mother who wakes up and takes over the power of the world, and reduce this man she can't ask for to her own male favourite~
After several days of running around, Yujia finally arrived at the Mulan paddock in the evening.

Nian Yaoyue Qian reminded Wan that his sons were not allowed to participate in those shooting games where prisoners were used as prey, and got the promise of the fourth master, so he was relieved.

That night, Lord Long Live held a bonfire family dinner in the paddock.

There are not as many rules outside the Forbidden City, so Nian Yaoyue quietly mixed in with Su Peisheng's servants and came to the emperor's camp together.

Today happened to be the Chongyang Ninth Festival, and the princes presented gifts to the Long Live Lord and their respective mothers one after another.

Fourth Master had prepared Wu Daozi's authentic work for Long Live Lord early on.

Nian Yaoyue and Yixian also carefully prepared the gift for Concubine De.

Not outstanding and not shabby, Defei believed in Buddhism, so she gave her a statue of suet jade Buddha consecrated by an eminent monk.

The prince's gifts are nothing more than calligraphy and painting antiques, and the concubines are either Avalokitesvara or jewelry.

At this time, after Babeile presented the western music box, it was the turn of the eight blessings Jin Zhiqing to present a gift to Concubine Liang.

What Zhiqing sent was a pair of garnet bracelets. Garnet can improve blood circulation, promote blood circulation, and enhance vitality, so as to achieve the effect of beauty and beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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