Chapter 206

Almost at the same time, Xia Jie who doted on concubine Xi and died in the Xia Dynasty, Shang Zhou who caused the Yin and Shang to perish because of the nine-tailed fox Su Daji, Sui Yang Emperor Yang Guang, Tang Ming Emperor Li Longji, Yongjun Xianfeng Emperor
The foolish tyrant and Yongjun of different planes, the bloody and savage rivers and lakes of the lonely city, the first swordsman who seeks defeat alone, the regent king with power over the court and the opposition, the nine thousand-year-old king who holds the emperor to make the princes, and the white clothes who turn their hands into clouds and rain Your Majesty.
All kinds of men, but thousands of men with the same face, all endured the bone-eroding pain that seemed to burst from the depths of their souls.

For two whole days, Nian Yaoyue finally understood why the vixen could suck people dry. In these two days, fourth master was just a piece of Tang Monk meat that could live forever in her eyes.

She couldn't control the greed that came from the depths of her soul, just like a vampire saw the delicious plasma and the blood flowing through the main artery.

At this time, her eyes were glowing with a coquettish dark red light, and some ancient and sealed blood was slowly awakening, which was the consciousness of the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, the goddess Ba.

It is also the consciousness of living in the frightening evil Hanba in the legend.

At this moment, a spell glowing with orchid light came overwhelmingly from the top of her head, and landed directly on top of her celestial spirit cover, filling the faintly visible gap seamlessly again.

"Little Yinyin, do you have the heart to seal me again with the Butian Crack? Ang?"

A seductive and ethereal voice slowly uttered from the unconscious Nian Yaoyue.

The moment the white figure controlling the spell "Bending the Sky Crack" heard the voice that had not been seen for thousands of years, his figure became more and more shaky.

"Trash! If we let her out, we will all die! The six worlds and the eight wildernesses will burn people for thousands of miles!" The black-robed man gave the white-robed man a contemptuous glance.

"I know, since I made the mistake, I will be responsible to the end!" The white-robed man gritted his teeth and promised.

"Heh~ If I don't seal her again with you, your soul and soul have already been sacrificed!" The black-robed man looked at the dying prince under the nun, and mocked contemptuously.

"Trash, you have spent thousands of years in this love catastrophe, and you are still deeply involved in it, what use is it for you!"

As the black-robed man said, he used spiritual power to strengthen the seal, and then slapped the white-robed man on the face with his backhand.

For so many years, the cultivation base of his primordial spirit has already surpassed the deity, and the deity is only a little moon old.

For thousands of years of doing nothing, he foolishly broke his three souls and seven souls into tens of millions of petals, and used those damn broken red threads to entangle the evil fate in the thousands of water mirrors every day!

If it wasn't for his incompetence, he, the Demon Lord, would not have to do everything possible to protect his body in order to survive, and gather the soul fragments of the female demon by any means.

Enduring the hatred of wanting to destroy these fragments every day, let those women collect soul fragments.

"Heh~ You are the primordial spirit of this seat, and the consciousness of this seat is yours, so why do you do everything possible to protect every one of her?"

The white-robed man flicked his sleeves and summoned a water mirror. In the plane at this time, the tyrant Xia Jie did not forget to call his beloved Yuxi to the bedside when he was ill. He hugged her and made people tear the brocade worth ten thousand gold to her. she listens.

Zhu Jianshen, Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty, was furious because his beloved concubine Wan Shi was slapped by the queen, and because the concubine abolished the queen.

And standing on the top of the deer platform, the tyrant King Zhou, who was holding Daji's corpse, wept blood as he walked, and jumped into the raging flames.

Behind him, there are millions of soldiers from the Yin and Shang Dynasties who were invincible in the north and south. They knelt on the ground in unison to watch the king pass away.

The reason for not resisting is because what the king wants is not the loss of life, but the unification of the mountains and rivers, a peaceful and prosperous world.

He has implemented a series of innovative measures to oppose theocracy and reform old customs.Breaking the "hereditary" system of slave-owners and aristocrats, boldly promoted a group of newcomers from the middle and lower classes to serve its innovation line.

Before King Zhou, the emperors did not pay attention to the gods. Heaven and man were equal, and there was no distinction between high and low, so King Zhou dared to provoke Nuwa.

When the emperor is alive, heaven and humans are equal; when the emperor is dead, people are controlled by heaven.

Since King Zhou, all the emperors in the world have become "sons of heaven", begging the emperor of heaven every year to let the world have good weather and good harvests. After King Zhou, there will be no more emperors.

"You are me! Hehehe~"

Hearing what the waste said, the black-robed man was immediately stunned speechless, snorted coldly, and dissipated into a wisp of vast blue smoke.

Bai Pao Yue Lao looked at the pair of intertwined figures, raised his head to look up at the sky with complicated eyes, and left helplessly.

In the early morning of the second day, Nian Yaoyue was awakened by Su Peisheng's deafening cries.

Countless imperial physicians came in and out, all with anxious expressions on their faces.

She was suddenly horrified, and felt her right hand being clasped tightly by the fingers of a slightly cool hand.

Turning around, she saw Fourth Master's pale and haggard face, Defei Wu Yashi was holding the handkerchief, sobbing in fear.

The imperial physicians gave Sibeile an needle and pinched the person, and finally poured down a bowl of Liuwei Dihuang Soup before he hesitated to speak but knelt down in front of the concubine Defei tremblingly to answer.

"Back...Go back to your mother, Lord Baylor...that's...I'm tired, just rest in bed for half a month, remember to be pure-hearted and ascetic, and you will be cured..."

The imperial doctor stammered and overwhelmed Lord Baylor's concubine, and it was too euphemistic to say that he almost passed away immediately.

Wu Yashi immediately stopped his frightened whimpering, and the expression on his face became awkward and weird.

"Oh. Let's all go down. I hope you will rot in your stomachs about what happened today. If I hear any gossip, I will punish you severely!"

Su Peisheng who was on the side was almost stunned, his master still...had to the dying Nianshi...

In the end, he tossed Nian's name abruptly, this!Grandpa is so mighty!

"Your Majesty, this girl may have been in a state of suspended animation shock before, but her pulse was extremely weak, so she was misjudged as dead, and then she woke up after being... overly stimulated."

It's really exciting that Master Baylor is so fierce, the imperial doctor said while wiping his sweat.

Sitting beside Fourth Master's bed, Nian Yaoyue's face was so red that she was about to burn, she could only hang her head and pretend she couldn't hear.

Seeing that Fourth Master opened his eyes faintly at this time, and smiled weakly at her, Nian Yaoyue held his hand tightly and dared not let go.

"Don't... don't go..."

Seeing fourth master anxiously struggling to get up to drag her, Nian Yaoyue hastily bent down and lay on fourth master's heart.

"Cough cough cough cough! The imperial doctor said you can't get close to women. My son, you are dying!"

Wu Yashi rushed to Yinzhen and pushed Nianshi away. What time is this? Nianshi still doesn't know how to restrain himself a bit, maybe he wants to be a widow!
"No... not allowed... allowed... go!"

Wu Yashi saw his son was breathless and out of breath after speaking a few words, and his face turned pale with fright.

"Nian Shi, you're dead. Hurry up and serve Yinzhen!"

(End of this chapter)

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