Chapter 207 Deviant, just for you
Although Defei Wuya tried her best to block the news.

However, there was too much movement in Sibaile's mansion that day, and there were so many people that there was no way to keep a secret.

For a while, rumors and rumors were flying everywhere.

Some people even speculated that Sibeile was about to die, so the palace's mistress, the empress, and the imperial physician came out in full force.

Within two days, the scandal that Sibeile Yinzhen, who had always been pure and ascetic, almost died in a woman's belly because of excessive rifting, spread throughout Sijiu City.

At this time, Nian Yaoyue was holding a bowl of porridge, serving the weak fourth master for breakfast.

In the past few days, he ate and slept with fourth master, except for the moment when she occasionally left, this man nervously tugged at her hand, but he didn't even ask a single word curiously.

"Master, do you have anything to ask me?" Nian Yaoyue wiped the corners of Fourth Master's mouth with a handkerchief, and asked anxiously with downcast eyes.

"My lord promised you, I won't ask you in this life~"

Yinzhen pinched the back of Nian's hand, and suddenly frowned nervously.

"Su Peisheng, immediately demolish the Buddhist building in the mansion, and strictly prohibit the private establishment of Buddhist altars in Baylor Mansion. In addition, lamas, monks and Taoists are not allowed to enter Baylor Mansion! Otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

"Ah? Okay, are you tearing down some Buddhist towers and killing some monks?"

Nian Yaoyue opened her mouth wide in surprise, Fourth Master thought she was a female ghost who returned to Yang, so worried that she would be taken away by those Buddha's Light Taoist Talismans?

"It doesn't matter, how could the master be so unreasonable to destroy the Buddha and the Dao? All the masters and masters in the mansion don't enshrine a statue of Guanyin Buddha~"

Nian Yaoyue still wanted to argue with reason, but suddenly her hands felt cold, and the string of obsidian beads that fourth master made for her years ago was actually torn apart.

"These consecrated things are not allowed to be worn anymore!"

Yinzhen struggled to get up, and put down all the curtains that had been hung up. He still felt that it was not safe enough, so he used his body to block the faint sunlight that shone on Nianshi.

"Idiot, if I can't bask in the sun, why don't you still beat the sun down for nine days?"

Nian Yaoyue got up calmly, pulled aside the curtain, opened the window generously, and bathed in the sunshine to her heart's content.

"If I suddenly start to be afraid of ghosts and gods, outsiders will think that I have done something wrong, so I dare not face gods and Buddhas!"

Nian Yaoyue continued to persuade Si Ye to stop the absurd act of exterminating Taoism and Buddha in Baylor's mansion.

In this era where people are not asked but ghosts and gods, if Fourth Master deviates from the scriptures, he will surely be drowned by spit stars.

"I was just beaten on the head by Long Kedo and fell into a state of suspended animation. I must have used some kind of ecstasy incense to hallucinate!"

After all, I still couldn't bear to tell fourth master that she was a complete alien.

"Yes, yes, I heard that the reason why the rhinoceros horn incense has become a forbidden incense is because it can produce hallucinations like Wushisan!"

Su Peisheng agreed with Nian, and secretly tore off the Maitreya Buddha jade pendant that his old mother had left for him to wear next to him before she died, and tucked it into the sleeve again.

"Yes! But Buddha statues are not allowed to stay! There is no discussion!"

Yinzhen nodded, he had promised Nian that he would not ask about it in this life, since Nian was alive by his side, nothing else was important.

But among the monsters in the mountains and fields he saw before, it was said that ghosts are most afraid of Buddhist and Taoist artifacts.

No matter whether Nianshi is a human or a ghost, he will never let her leave his side again.

Because of Si Ye's words, the whole Baylor Mansion was turned upside down, and Su Peisheng took away the Avalokitesvara bestowed by Defei in Li Gege's house.

Su Peisheng even searched for the amulet that the third elder brother Hongshi had never left since he was a child.

There are also two window grilles pasted on the door of Song Gege's room, both of which were cut off by Su Peisheng little by little with a knife.

The things in Tong Jinxian's room were the most horrifying. Su Peisheng looked at the villain Huang Fu and the strange scriptures and blood curses hidden in the dark grid by side Fujin, and his heart grew hairy.

The equipment in her room is more complete than that of the sorceress who collects money to beat villains under the Beixin Bridge.


Nian Yaoyue looked at the fourth master who looked like a frightened bird, and suddenly remembered that the leader of the black robe group said that she had two or three years left to live.

I feel very uncomfortable, she just died for a few days, and fourth master can't bear it. If she really leaves this world after two or three years, will fourth master go crazy?

"Master, people will have a day of birth, old age, sickness and death, if one day I really leave, what will you do?"

Nian Yaoyue asked tentatively.

"Live as long as you!" Yinzhen replied without thinking.

Four short words are worth a thousand words, Nian Yaoyue was stunned for a moment, and tears gradually filled her eyes.

"A big man doesn't do big things that benefit the country and the people all day long, but only cares about these small things that are long-lasting and heroic, and aren't afraid of others laughing at you?"

Nian Yaoyue wiped away her tears and glared at Fourth Master pretending to be mocking.

"It's been rumored outside that Master is a big pig who would die without a woman!" Nian Yaoyue deliberately joked.

"That's not a rumor, it's a fact!"

Yinzhen didn't know what the pig's trotters had to do with him, but without Nian's family name, he would indeed be worse off than dead, not as good as going to Qiongbi and falling to the underworld, with life and death accompanying him.

Nian Yaoyue panicked more and more, what should she do!


In Yuqing Palace.

Crown Princess Yuan Wan was rubbing her red, swollen and bruised knee with traumatic medicine.

During the time when the crown prince was detained by the Long Live Lord, she lived in fear, and finally had no choice but to grit her teeth and take off her hairpin and kneel in front of the queen mother's tent to plead for mercy.

The prince was detained for a few days, and she knelt for a few days. The prince has always done his own way, no matter in the Forbidden City or in the court, he has made countless enemies.

She can only rely on her and her natal family's comfort and aftermath. She is a glorious crown princess and the future queen of the palace.

She deserved to bear these twists and turns, swallowing tears and pretending to be happy.

She can't count how many times she wiped the prince's ass to clean up the aftermath.

"Yuan Wan, I'm here to help you..."

Just as the princess was rubbing the bruises on her knees and weeping secretly, the gentle voice of the prince suddenly came from behind her.

The princess's back trembled, she must have heard it wrong.

After marrying him for so many years, he always called her the crown princess, Guerjia, and this was the first time the prince called her by her boudoir name.

And he still called her name in such a warm tone.

But then the prince spoke again.It was only then that the crown princess realized that the familiar yet unfamiliar, reborn person was really the crown prince.

"My lord, what trouble have you caused again? Is this a matter of the harem or the previous dynasty?"

"No, Gu just wanted to talk to you."

Yinreng looked at the bruises and swelling on Guerjia's knee, and then at her forbearing and stubborn eyes.

For the first time, he felt that he had missed a lot of good things in these years.

"Don't be afraid, there is a solitary in everything, even if the solitary is abolished, the solitary will support suitable candidates as a way out."

In the past few days, Yinfeng locked himself in the study and thought about many things, and finally figured out the deadliest truth.

That is, the Tian family has no father and son, let alone brothers and sisters. In the royal family, the princes are all used to kill!
(End of this chapter)

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