The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 214 The Destined Person Is Not Her

Chapter 214 The Destined Person Is Not Her

Nian Yaoyue was sleeping soundly, and suddenly felt a pair of warm palms wandering wantonly under her pajamas.

She let out an exclamation, felt a chill all over her body, and found that even her underwear had been taken off by the four wolves.

Hmph, now he can solve such complicated knots with ease.

"I want you, rice cake... is that okay?"

Fourth Master's repressed panting came from next to her ear, Nian Yaoyue shook her head mischievously, and when she raised her eyes, she saw her family's four wolves preparing to leave aggrieved.

"Idiot~ Continue to be your monk!"

Counting the time, from being pregnant to confinement, Fourth Master has been a monk for almost a year. This night, Nian Yaoyue was bullied by Fourth Master and fainted
When I woke up the next day, it was already high in the sun.

Looking at the five-red soup tea made with peanuts and red donkey-hide gelatin brought by Jinyu, Nian Yaoyue squeezed her nose and drank the tea that must be drunk for every meal.

After drinking tea, we officially began to eat breakfast.

When she was eating, she didn't like to be served, so she was sitting at the dining table alone at this time, eating happily.

Today's fish porridge is well cooked, the fire is just right, the fish fillets are smooth and tender, Nian Yaoyue sips the porridge, and suddenly purses her mouth with a strange expression.

Taking the empty bowl, she spit out the teeth-gripping thing in her mouth. When she saw the blood-stained teeth, Nian Yaoyue was stunned.

With a solemn face, she picked up the mouthwash on the side to rinse her mouth, and spit the water into the empty bowl. She heard the clear and crisp sound of clang clang.

Taking a closer look, she saw seven or eight blood-stained teeth falling out in the bowl.

Clenching her knuckles nervously and helplessly, she wrapped the fallen tooth in a handkerchief and hid it in the storage compartment.

He searched for the dog system without any hesitation, and burned his life for half a month to replace it with a full mouth of porcelain teeth.

Looking at the smile with eight white porcelain teeth in the mirror, Nian Yaoyue sighed softly.

Suddenly I lost my appetite.

So she picked up the impatiens juice on the side again, and started to make Kodan for the cyanotic nails.

"Jinyu, the badge for entering the palace, I'm going to Yonghe Palace to visit Empress Defei~"

For some things, she had to plan ahead, and the only one who could help her was Concubine De.

Fortunately, fourth master's destined person in this life is not her.

"Ah? But soon the imperial physician will come to take your daily peace pulse~" Jinyu who was guarding the door said hastily.

Lord Baylor would personally ask about the situation of the master's case every day.

"I'm not sick. From tomorrow onwards, I don't need to let the imperial doctor come to see me!" Nian Yaoyue said, pretending to be angry and throwing the bowl and chopsticks.

Jinyu didn't dare to disobey her master, so she asked someone to prepare a carriage.

When they came to Yonghe Palace, the concubine Wu Ya was returning from concubine Tong Guifei.

From a distance, she saw Nian Shi standing in the corridor, the weak willow Fufeng, the clothes on her body seemed to be loose and did not fit, like a pink skull, which would be blown away by the wind, Concubine De suddenly felt her brows twitch uneasily.

"Come in, it's windy outside~" Wu Ya waved at Nian, signaling that she didn't have to kneel down to salute.

Nian Yaoyue followed Concubine De to the palace, but looked at the slaves behind Concubine De hesitantly.

"Let's all go down, Ben Gong and Nian have some personal words~" Wu Ya saw that Nian had something to say, so he hurriedly turned away.

"What's the important thing, let's talk~" At this time, there were only Wu Yashi and Nianshi left in the hall.

"The slave knows that the Imperial Physician Zhou of the Imperial Hospital is the confidant of the empress, and the slave wants to ask the Imperial Physician Zhou to be stationed in Baylor's mansion in the future to diagnose the pulse of the slave full-time~"

Nian Yaoyue suddenly knelt down at Concubine De's feet and prayed, her tone was very anxious.

"You don't know how to restrain your temper. Doctor Zhou is now the deputy judge of the Imperial Hospital. After another five or six years, the old judge should retire and return home. Why do you want him to give up his good work?" future?"

Concubine De said sullenly.

Doctor Zhou is an influence she has cultivated for many years. Nian's tone is so loud that he will ask the deputy court judge to stay in her courtyard to serve her alone.

"Your servant, please ask your majesty to invite Imperial Physician Zhou to take the pulse of this servant. If your empress still insists on not letting Imperial Physician Zhou come, this servant has nothing to say~"

Nian Yaoyue buried her head even lower.

Wu Yashi stared at Nianshi's back suspiciously, and it was the first time in his memory that he saw Nianshi's hastily and desperate eyes.

"Lan Cui, go ask the imperial physician Zhou to give me a pulse for peace~"

Lan Cui outside the door responded, and not long after, Imperial Physician Zhou came with a medicine box on his back.

The concubine Wu Yashi took the time to watch Imperial Physician Zhou take Nian's pulse while holding a teacup, but gradually she noticed that Imperial Physician Zhou looked flustered.

"what happened!"

Wu Yashi anxiously held the teacup and got up and walked towards Nianshi.

"Your Majesty, the slave is incompetent, the slave deserves to die. This... year master, she... her illness is strange, and the slave is incompetent"

Doctor Zhou was on the verge of crying, and he took the pulse of a mortal man early in the morning.

"Even if her servant tries her best to treat and recuperate, at most, she can save the life of the Nianzhuer for three years or less...less than three years"

What happened to Nian's this year, the child was born safely, and he took care of Nian until yesterday before returning to the imperial hospital, why it took only one day, and Nian's has reached the point where all the fuel is exhausted.

"What!!" Wu Yashi exclaimed in disbelief with a high-pitched voice.

"Oh, I'm scalding to death!" She was so impatient that she forgot to hold scented tea in her hand, and the tea soup was all over her body.

"Ma'am... are you alright?" Lan Cui, who was guarding the door, asked anxiously.

"Lan Cui! Go outside and watch, no one is allowed to approach the main hall!"

Wu Yashi casually wiped off the tea stains on his body with a handkerchief.

"Young lady! Help the servant! Help the fourth master!"


When Nian Yaoyue returned to Baylor's Mansion, she brought back Imperial Physician Zhou.

"He is Erniang's confidant, how did you do it?"

Yinzhen wanted to get the superb doctor Zhou to his residence several times, but Erniang sternly refused.

"Hee hee, it is said that the Qibai ointment that Imperial Physician Zhou prepared for Empress Defei went wrong a few days ago, causing many small bumps on Empress's face. Concubine De was furious and wanted to drive Imperial Physician Zhou out of the imperial hospital."

"Then... I went to Empress Defei to intercede, and by the way, I sent some of Hua Xiangrong's newly developed anti-wrinkle and anti-spot mask to Empress, and I also promised Empress that Hua Xiangrong will customize skin care products for her in the future."

"Huh, little clever ghost!" Yinzhen said, stretching out his hand to scratch Nianshi's nose.

"I don't worry about other people's consultations. Everyone knows that Doctor Zhou's medical skills are among the best in the hospital."

"Actually..." Nian Yaoyue stood on tiptoe, and whispered in Fourth Master's ear with her lips.

"I added some chili powder to the Qibai Paste, I made it (^_^)v!" Nian Yaoyue laughed.

"Nonsense! Erniang is an elder after all, how could you play tricks on Erniang like this!"

Yinzhen was suddenly a little angry, if she needed doctor Zhou to see her, she could ask him for someone.You can use vicious methods to deal with Er Niang, but you are still complacent, it is simply disrespectful!

(End of this chapter)

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