The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 215 Don't be sad, it will be even more sad in the future

Chapter 215 Don't be sad, it will be even more sad in the future
"Heh! I just used some chili powder for your mother! As for?"

Nian Yaoyue suddenly raised her brows and scolded sharply.

"Aixinjue Luo Yinzhen!"

When Su Peisheng and the servants in the courtyard heard Nian calling Lord Baylor by his name, they all showed panic and retreated outside the door with their heads down.

"You only have your mother in your heart! What am I! Let me ask you! If neither your mother nor I can swim, and we fall into the river at the same time, who will you save?!"

Nian Yaoyue questioned unreasonably with her hips crossed.

The way she is now, she is a rambunctious and unreasonable shrew, and she herself hates herself.

This is an eternal problem that men hate. Mother and lover, one gives him life, and the other accompanies him to old age. No matter who is saved first, it is wrong.

Yinzhen's face turned cold, he pursed his lips and remained silent.

Nian's question was so tricky and mean that he was speechless. He didn't know why Nian asked such a heart-wrenching question.

"Nian Yaoyue, are you happy with me?" Yinzhen asked back.

"Ah? Hmm!" Nian Yaoyue didn't expect that Fourth Master would not follow the routine, she froze for a moment, and nodded without thinking.

"Since that's the case, don't ask such boring questions again!"

Yinzhen didn't want to mess with Nian anymore, so he turned around and went to the study to be alone and calm down.

"Stop! What if I don't like you! Can you answer me!" Nian Yaoyue continued to ask unwillingly.

Hearing these words, Yinzhen's footsteps paused, and his hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists angrily.

She became more and more aggressive, and for a nonsense answer, she actually underestimated their feelings so much!

"Since you are ruthless and loveless to me! Why did I save you?"

Yinzhen already has the answer in his heart, but he doesn't want to express his feelings repeatedly in front of Nian.

His choice is to save Er Niang first, and then save Nianshi. If Nianshi dies, although he cannot be born on the same day, he will die on the same day.

Nian Yaoyue was speechless by fourth master's words.There is no room for refutation at all.

She could only watch fourth master leave without looking back.She knew fourth master was sulking.

That night, Yinzhen was in the study room listening to the pulse case of Nianshi and several children reported by the imperial physician Zhou, while writing quickly to deal with the notes sent by Huang Ama.

It has become an indispensable habit to listen to the imperial physician's report on the pulse condition of Nianshi and the child every day.

"Back to Lord Baylor, the eldest elder brother has eaten a little less these days, and the slave has already prescribed some hawthorn drink. The second elder brother has a dry mouth these few days, and the servant has a fever, so he asked the small kitchen to arrange rock sugar pear tremella soup , Seventh elder brother has been suffering from back molars for the past few days, and it is inevitable that he will be irritable and cry a lot, so the servant prescribed some decoctions to help sleep..."

Doctor Zhou was about to continue talking when he was suddenly interrupted by Lord Belle.

"Little elder brother is too young, try not to use medicine!" Yinzhen instructed in a cold voice.

"Your servant complied. I asked the little elder brother's wet nurse to drink the decoction, and then nursed the younger elder brother, and it will have the same effect."

"Little Gege is in good health. He eats well and grows strong..."

"Well, how is she?" Yinzhen put down the folder in his hand, and looked at Imperial Physician Zhou with a straight face.

"Back...Back to Master Baylor, Nianzhu'er's health is fine, but he still has a deficiency of qi, the servant can just take care of it!"

Doctor Zhou lowered his head, full of lies against his conscience.

"Well, just ask if you need anything!" Yinzhen picked up the notebook again and instructed in a low voice.

"Your servant obeys!" After Zhou Taiyi reported the situation of the masters and masters, Shi Shiran left Lord Belle's study.

After returning to the residence and closing the door, he staggered, trembling and almost lost his footing.

What a hit!
What kind of strange disease did Nianshi suffer from? It was getting worse and worse. Every day when he went to check Nianshi's pulse, he felt terrified.

I was afraid that I would suddenly hear the news of Nian's sudden death the next day...

Fourth Master did not come back to rest tonight, Su Peisheng said that Lord Kangxi arranged a lot of booklets for Fourth Master, and he would be busy until late.

Nian Yaoyue knew that fourth master would not come back tonight in a fit of anger, so she huddled under the blanket to rest alone.

The corners of her eyes were sore, and she wanted to cry in sadness, but she gritted her teeth and reminded herself that she must not be sad, because every day in the future would be more sad.


In the evening of the second day, Yin Zhen was practicing calligraphy in the study, when the door of the study was suddenly pushed open by Nian.

"Master, it will be my mother's birthday in a few days. I would like to ask you to draw a picture of my mother's [-]th birthday!"

Nian Yaoyue spread out the prepared scrolls and put them on Si Ye's desk.

"Yeah. On Erniang's birthday next month, how are you preparing for Erniang's gift?"

Yinzhen saw that Nian was very happy, but did not mention Er Niang's gift, so he asked casually.

"Ah? That's right, I almost forgot... But Yixian prepares the gifts for Empress Defei every year, how would I know?"

Nian Yaoyue said pretending not to care.

"That's my mother-in-law! It's also your mother-in-law. If you respect your mother, you should also show your filial piety to my mother-in-law!"

Yinzhen put down his pen and said angrily.

"Your mother is different from my mother! My mother..." Seeing Fourth Master's angry face, Nian Yaoyue dared not continue.

"What's different! Huh? What's different!!"

Although Erniang didn't treat Nianshi very well, she has protected Nianshi in everything these years.

Whenever Nianshi was wronged, Eniang would definitely call him to the Yonghe Palace and scold him regardless of whether he was wronged or not.

"What's the same! At least my mother won't put women in my husband's backyard! She won't force me to accept those women! She won't force me to personally send those women to serve my husband!!"

Nian Yaoyue cried and threw the things at hand on the ground randomly, and left angrily under the astonished eyes of Fourth Master.

"Master, Concubine De is ill..." When Su Peisheng came in, he saw the porcelain broken by Nian Shi, the torn calligraphy and paintings all over the floor.

There is even a memorial arranged by the Long Live Lord for his review!

"Su Peisheng, ask someone to copy those torn memorials again, saying that the master accidentally knocked over the candle and burned it."

Yinzhen silently watched Nian's back disappear in front of her eyes. She never expected that after so many years, she said she didn't mind anymore, but she still harbored resentment towards E Niang in her heart.

Rubbing between his brows with a headache, the most difficult thing to reconcile in the world is the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

As a husband and a son, he was caught in the middle, he was angry at both ends, and he was really aggrieved.

Taking a deep breath, let Su Peisheng's dog servant serve the pen and ink.

Spreading out the blank brocade scroll again, Yinzhen began to carefully write the picture of his mother-in-law's [-]th birthday stroke by stroke.

"Go and find Emiang's favorite jade ornament, and then say it's a birthday gift prepared by Mrs. Nian himself!"

Su Peisheng responded, he heard the movement in the study clearly just now.Nian's temper became more and more unpleasant.

From the bottom of my heart, I look down on Nian Shi's pettiness and affectation more and more. I really don't know what is so good about Nian Shi, but my master favors Nian Shi for no reason.

It seems that the master has begun to wake up, and is somewhat tired of Nianshi...

(End of this chapter)

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