The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 216 The Emperors of the Qing Dynasty Are All Lovers

Chapter 216 The Emperors of the Qing Dynasty Are All Lovers
After losing her temper with fourth master for no reason, Nian Yaoyue almost ran away in a hurry.

Although the process was painful, she could not soften her heart.

What she has to do is to set things right. That chaos is herself. She doesn't exist in the first place, so she wants to kill herself from fourth master's heart.

When she just wants to leave, she will leave the world with a wise monarch who is not trapped in love or disturbed in mind.

It is said that the emperor is passionate and ruthless, but the strange thing is that almost every emperor in the Qing Dynasty was an infatuated person.

Qing Taizu Nurhachi started with only thirteen sets of armor, gradually unified Jurchen, established Houjin, and subdued the tribes of Mongolia.

But it's not that the hero is sad about the beauty pass. His true love is Dongge, the old woman of Yehe who caused the four tribes to perish by herself.

When Dong Ge was born, it was prophesied by the wizard that "this woman can prosper the world, but she can perish the world".For this absurd prophecy, various forces competed for the beauty, including Nurhachi.

Maybe Nurhachi finally fell in love with the old woman Yehe, but he missed Dongge again and again.

So after raising troops, Nurhachi sent "seven major hatreds" to the sky against Ming, one of which was "Ming crossed the border and used soldiers to help Yehe, so that my hired daughter could be adapted to Mongolia."

It can be seen that Nurhachi has always been brooding about Yehe's old daughter.

Even in memory of Dongge, he tried his best to disregard the curse of Bi Yehe, the founder of the state, and passed on the throne of Great Khan to Huang Taiji, who was born by Dongge's niece, Queen Xiaocigao, Empress Yehenara.

Later, it was indeed the two empress dowagers Cixi and Longyu who were born in the Yehenala tribe, who ruined the country of the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty was almost completely defeated in the hands of Cixi, and the dramatic thing is that the Empress Dowager Longyu who agreed to the abdication of the Qing Emperor was also a member of the Yehe family.

I don't know if Nurhachi will regret the hasty decision he made because of love.

And the story of Emperor Taizong Huang Taiji and concubine Hai Lanzhu is well known to every household.

Huang Taiji built the Guanju Palace for her to symbolize her love, because Guanju is the first chapter of the Book of Songs.

Huang Taiji couldn't think of a better poem to give to his beloved woman, so he built the first chapter of the Book of Songs into a gorgeous palace and gave it to his concubine.

Huang Taiji also canonized Hai Lanzhu as the concubine of the East Palace, second only to the queen. If the abolition of the queen did not shake the court, Hai Lanzhu might already be the queen.

Huang Taiji has fought on the battlefield almost all his life, and neither suffering nor blood has ever made him shrink back.

But when the news of Hai Lanzhu's serious illness came, he immediately left the entire Songshan battlefield and ran for six days and nights, exhausting several horses before returning to the capital.

It's a pity that I still haven't seen Hai Lanzhu for the last time.Huang Taiji fainted several times from crying, and named her Yuanfei, meaning the first wife.

On her memorial day, Huang Taiji would bring his wife and children to pay homage. Every time he passed by her grave while hunting, Huang Taiji would suffer a lot.

Two years later, Huang Taiji was too sad and hurt his body because of longing, so he also left with her.

The sad and lingering relationship between Emperor Shunzhi Fulin, the son of Huang Taiji, and Concubine Dong E moved the world even more.

Concubine Dong E was almost favored by Shunzhi during her lifetime.After her death, Shunzhi slapped Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang in the face in order to give her the title of queen.

You must know that the successor Borzigit was still alive at that time, and Shunzhi was desperate to favor his concubine, causing a farce of two queens who were born and died.

A generation of emperors still quarreled to become monks.The disheartened Lord Shunzhi did not become a monk, but because of excessive grief and weakness, smallpox took advantage of it, and he went with his concubine soon after.

This can be regarded as life and death!
Shunzhi's son, Kangxi, was not as infatuated as his father and grandfather, but after the death of Empress Hesheli, Kangxi was very sad and did not become a queen for a long time.

Later, under the coercion of the queen mother, Niu Gulu was established.In memory of Hesheli, Kangxi made her son Yinreng the crown prince.

Do everything about Yinfeng personally.Concerned about his daily life, personally taught him horseback riding and archery.

Transfer all the love for Hesheli to Yinfeng.Later, Kangxi's three actions against the prince showed his intolerance.

And fourth master, this fickle and infatuated emperor, gave all his love to Concubine Nian. His love for Concubine Nian was written into the history books, and it was a preference recognized by history.

The fourth master's successor, Qianlong, was as scumbag and romantic in history as he was once affectionate.

The Fucha family was Qianlong's original spouse, and they were treated as equals with Qianlong during their lifetime, and treated each other as guests.

Qianlong took the Fucha family with him every time he toured the south.Later, Fucha died of illness on his way to the south.Qianlong was heartbroken and vowed not to stand up again.

But he couldn't stand the empress dowager's persecution and appointed Ulanara as queen. After Ulanara became queen, Qianlong often compared her with Fucha.

Comparing people to people makes people mad.Qianlong felt more and more that the Ulanala family was not as good as the Fucha family and was not worthy of being the queen, so he decided to abolish the empress.

Later, when Qianlong visited the south again, the Ulanara clan had a dispute with her, and Qianlong deposed her! After the Ulanara clan was abolished, Qianlong felt that no one could be his queen like the Fucha clan, so he decided not to stand up.

Instead, the concubine Wei Jiashi ruled the six palaces.

It was only because Concubine Ling entered the palace for the first time and was a maid beside Empress Fucha.He was trained by the Fucha family, and his style of behavior has the shadow of the Fucha family. Qianlong's doting on the Wei Jia family can also be regarded as a memory of the Fucha family.

Moreover, Emperor Qianlong ordered that the Changchun Palace, where Empress Fucha lived, must remain the same and not be changed.

It must be cleaned and taken care of regularly like Empress Fucha was alive. Every year on the anniversary of Empress Fucha's death, Emperor Qianlong would go to Changchun Palace in person and sit in the palace for a long time, refusing to come out.

This habit did not change until Emperor Qianlong abdicated, and it remained for more than 40 years.

The ship that Empress Fucha lived in when she was dying was called Qingquefang, and Emperor Qianlong ordered the ship to be transported into the palace.

Could the dragon boat used by the queen be a small boat?

Calculated by the tonnage of this blue sparrow boat, at least a thousand tons or more, just carrying it from the river to the shore is already enough of a headache, let alone transporting it into Beijing City.

Emperor Qianlong didn't care about these, he just wanted to keep the time with Empress Fucha.

Finally, the ministers thought of a way to pave the track in the city. The track was covered with fresh vegetable leaves to make the track lubricated. It was only with the efforts of thousands of laborers that the ship was transported into the city.

Qianlong visited many places in his life, but he only visited Jinan City once, and that time Empress Fucha was seriously ill in Jinan.

From then on, no matter how much Emperor Qianlong traveled across mountains and rivers, he would take a detour when he arrived in Jinan City, so as not to be touched by the scene.

After the death of Empress Fucha, Emperor Qianlong accepted many concubines, but he hardly cared about any concubines.

He never let them stay by his side, and immediately had his concubines carried away after his luck. Few concubines in the harem could appreciate the love and care of Emperor Qianlong's husband.

For those women, he is only responsible for bringing them into the palace, not for love.

Was Emperor Qianlong affectionate?Still fickle?

 I saw readers asking me why the heroine did this, um...

  Because the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were almost all infatuated paranoiacs (I will briefly introduce almost all the favorites of the twelve emperors of the Qing Dynasty, which is a bit boring. No wonder)
  The hostess believes that only by completely destroying that relationship can everything return to track.

  What she has to do is to set things right. That chaos is herself. She doesn't exist in the first place, so she wants to kill herself from fourth master's heart.

  She is as paranoid as fourth master, she just wants to leave the world with a wise monarch who is not trapped by emotion or disturbed in heart.

  This is called great love, the great love of the common people in the world... I wonder if young readers can understand it...

(End of this chapter)

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