The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 221 Awakening to the Power of the World

Chapter 221 Awakening to the Power of the World

When Yinzhen came back to the mansion, he didn't have time to change the court clothes and crown, so he called Su Peisheng to the study for questioning.

"Back to Lord Baylor, this servant hid on the second floor and watched what happened in the Unnamed Courtyard. Except that Fujin sent a bowl of black chicken soup, there was nothing special~"

Su Peisheng sniffed and said calmly.

"Uncomfortable?" Yinzhen heard that Su Peisheng's voice was hoarse.

"Ah? Nianzhu'er is fine, I'm not feeling well!" Su Peisheng raised his eyes and explained.

"I said you!" Yinzhen saw that Su Peisheng's eyes were bloodshot.

"Ah! Oh, yes, yes, yes! The slave forgot to add an extra coat today, and the cold wind blowing at the window on the second floor for a long time, seems to be catching a cold..."

Su Peisheng hastily concealed his flustered mood.

"Go down and rest, and Enpu will serve you."

"The slave obeys!"

Su Peisheng bowed his waist and left in a hurry.


Early this morning, Enpu served the fourth master and went to court.

Su Peisheng harnessed the carriage and waited for Nian Shi at the corner gate.

Watching Sheng Xia Nian wrap himself in his cloak, he would stop every few steps to rest.

Su Peisheng suddenly remembered the horrifying scene yesterday when Nian was basking in the sun in the yard and suddenly vomited blood.

Letting Su Peisheng hitch a car, Nian Yaoyue came to the gate of a simple courtyard in Pichai Hutong.

According to Nian's order, Su Peisheng knocked on the gate of the courtyard.

Not long after, a plainly dressed Qingjun scholar opened the door.

"Eunuch Su?"

The scholar recognized that this was Su Peisheng, the confidant eunuch next to Sibeile Yinzhen.

"The servant came here on the order of the Lord, and handed over the money to you. The Lord said that Qiu Wei is coming soon, so that you can concentrate on the exam, Mr. Li Wei, and you don't have to go to Baylor's mansion to be an assistant."

In fact, Su Peisheng didn't have much impression of the down-and-out scholar in front of him. Fourth Master had many staff members.

Su Peisheng couldn't even remember Li Wei's name for a small role like Li Wei who was doing odd jobs outside.

If Nian hadn't told him to remember Li Wei just now, Su Peisheng wouldn't want to remember this dispensable role at all.

"I heard that your mother is a widow in the south of the Yangtze River, and I'm worried that you don't trust her old man, so I have ordered someone to take her to the capital, and she will arrive in the capital in a few days!"

"Grassman Li Wei! Thank you, Lord Baylor, for your concern! From now on, I will be like a cow and a horse to repay Lord Baylor!"

Li Wei was very moved, he never thought that Lord Baylor would still remember such a small person like him.


Su Peisheng was puzzled, he followed Nian around half of the Forty-Nine City in the morning, and almost all the people he visited were little-known people.

He didn't understand why Nianshi wasted so much money and effort to win over these useless little hunchbacks for Fourth Master.

At this time, the carriage came to a deep alley again.

We stopped at a house with a big pagoda tree in front of it.

When he saw the frail scholar nestling in the doorway basking in the sun and smoking a cigarette bag, Su Peisheng immediately lost his temper.

"Liu Luoguoer!!"

How could it be this sour scholar who speaks so infuriatingly!
"Su Peisheng! Come in the carriage and talk!"

When Nian Yaoyue heard Su Peisheng's bad tone, she hurriedly called him into the carriage to talk.

Su Peisheng didn't understand at all that the Liu Luoguo he was talking about would be Liu Tongxun, the prime minister during the Yongzheng and Qianlong years.

Liu Tongxun was basking in the sun, and suddenly felt someone smiling in his ear, so he opened his eyes and took a look.

After seeing the person in front of him clearly, he suddenly let out a soft hum from his nostrils.

"Hey, Mr. Liu is basking in the sun..."

Su Peisheng was despised for a long time by Liu Tongxun, a bastard who coaxed his nostrils into bullshit, and wished he could tear his stinky face to pieces!

"Eunuch Su, I'm basking in the moon!" Liu Tongxun closed his eyes, not wanting to look at this dead eunuch who looked down upon others.

"Ah? Where does the moon come from in broad daylight?" Su Peisheng felt puzzled.

"The world is declining, people's hearts are not old, and certain things cover the sky with one hand. Liu can only live in darkness!"

Liu Tongxun picked up the pipe pot in his hand and tapped on Su Peisheng's hat.

Su Peisheng resisted the urge to curse, and his tone became more respectful.

"It was the servant who was wrong before. The master knew that the servant took your money in private, so he scolded the servant angrily."

"Master Baylor asked the slave to return double the money he received. Lord Baylor said that if you don't forgive the slave, he will not return to Baylor's mansion! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Su Peisheng cried while wiping his tears, but he scolded his mother in his heart. Liu Tongxun's family is a scholarly family, but he doesn't know the ways of the world. What is there to win over such a person?
When Liu Tongxun saw that the dead eunuch nodded and bowed to admit his mistake, his face immediately softened a lot.

"In fact, Liu is not short of that little money, but it's just that Si Baylor's staff is really hard to be. I haven't even seen Lord Baylor's face. It costs no less than a hundred taels of silver to manage every layer!"

"Ah? There are other people extorting money! How unreasonable!" Su Peisheng didn't expect that there were moths in Baylor's house, so he rolled up his sleeves angrily.

"These are not important! You go back and tell Lord Baylor that based on his way of being a corporal, if Liu becomes an assistant, he will definitely go to Si Baylor's residence!"

Liu Tongxun secretly decided in his heart that he would return the invitation letter sent by Babeile to the staff later.

Of course, he will not go to Sibeile's mansion, he decided to go all out to participate in this Qiuwei Enke.

The number one scholar dare not say it, but it is more than enough to win a Tanhua man.

After Su Peisheng exchanged pleasantries with Liu Tongxun, he found that apart from his bad mouth, he didn't seem to be that bad, and he felt quite speculative while chatting.

But still confused, why are the people that Nian wooed for Lord Belle all weird and poor?

He followed Nian's family and wandered around a few more official positions, even saying that they were humble and praised their ninth-rank officials, and there was even a city gate pawn named Yue Zhongqi...

The Nian family gave them a lot of money generously, and acted as a stepping stone to their success in the officialdom.

It's just that I don't know if these people will use the money they spent in officialdom to buy rice, noodles, grain and oil because they have no rice to cook.

Although he didn't know what Nianshi was going to do, Su Peisheng couldn't bear to refuse the last wish of a dying man, so he worked hard for Nianshi.

For two or three days in a row, Nian Yaoyue went out after the fourth master's court, and asked Su Peisheng to use the name of the fourth master to win over those future power officials who had not yet risen.

Although I don't know if those people will be loyal to fourth master in the future, at least let them remember fourth master's kindness.

Even if those people had no choice but to stand against fourth master in the future, they would not kill fourth master.

She was making a lot of plans for the day when the fourth master woke up and took over the power of the world.

When Yinzhen came back, he asked Su Peisheng for questioning as usual.

"Master... Slave... Slave found out that Nian Shi was selling officials and nobles in your name... Even among your staff, there are people who were selected by bribing Nian Shi..."

"Many of these people don't know a lot of Chinese characters, they just talk sharply, and the articles are all written by someone else. The reason why they passed your test is because Nian revealed the test questions you gave..."

Su Peisheng presented the list given to him by Nian Shi to Lord Belle.

Those on the list are all inconspicuous peripheral staff.Although he was not appreciated by Lord Baylor, who knows if he will rise up suddenly in the future?
Moreover, they are not ignorant people, on the contrary, they all have real skills, otherwise they would not pass the staff assessment set by the master.

But Nian said, those people cannot stay, many of them are spies placed in the mansion by others, and they must be driven out quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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