Chapter 222 Koi Xiaofu Wife

Looking at the list that Su Peisheng handed over, Yinzhen secretly sighed in his heart that Su Peisheng's ability to handle errands has improved more and more.

Although these people on the list are inconspicuous, several of them are eyeliners inserted by various forces.

The reason why he didn't pull out these nails was just to use them as a microphone to leak the information he wanted to his opponent to his opponent.

Yinzhen drew out the eyes of the eighth younger brother, eldest brother, and prince, and handed the list to Su Peisheng.

"These circled people don't move, and the rest of them will all find excuses to send away~"

"From now on, the master is not in the mansion, the study is locked, and people are sent to guard the doors and windows, and no one is allowed to approach!"

"Ah? Does this ban also include Nianzhuer?"

Su Peisheng looked at Lord Baylor anxiously.

"En!" Yinzhen nodded.

After all, Nian is a girl, with long hair but short knowledge.

Yinzhen didn't like her getting involved in those messy plots.

He didn't think that Nian's taking money was a heinous crime, but he was worried that Nian's pure heart would be used by someone with a heart, and he would suffer unnecessary harm.

"Master, I heard that the master of the year sold seven or eight big Zhuangzi who made a lot of money under your name, and replaced a dozen remote small Zhuangzi~"

Su Peisheng saw every opportunity and spared no effort to slander Nian Shi.

"No problem!" Yinzhen said nonchalantly.

Those big Zhuangzi are too ostentatious. They look golden and jade on the outside, but they are full of people, corrupt and exploitative inside. Yinzhen has long wanted to get rid of those Zhuangzi who are ruined.

"Slave obeys~"

Su Peisheng was a little frustrated, he found that no matter how much he poured dirty water on Nian Shi, the master seemed to think that Nian Shi was doing the right thing, and he didn't care about it at all.

Thinking about how to find other terrible dirty water to splash on.

At this time, Nian Yaoyue was sitting cross-legged on the heated Kang, checking the structure diagram and title deed of the newly purchased small manor.

The slaves in Xinzhuangzi were all newly bought, and they all checked their family backgrounds and signed death contracts, so they can feel at ease when they use them.

"Nian Gao, tell me why you bought these crappy places in the corners. You can't even eat up the money if you use it to lend money and pay interest!"

Sifu Jin Yixian couldn't see why Nian Gao did these money-losing deals.

"Those Zhuangzi who sold look at the scenery, how much money can they make every year? We still have to subsidize money to the slaves on the Zhuangzi to make a living, so it's a loss of tens of thousands of taels of silver!"

Nian Yaoyue recorded the information of those Zhuangzi in detail, and she bought a total of [-] small Zhuangzi.

She didn't buy these Zhuangzi randomly, but spent a few days wandering around the Zhuangzi herself. Not only that, she also burned her life for two months and learned some secrets.

Among them, fourteen Zhuangzis were indeed losing money. The reason why she bought these losing Zhuangzis was to cover up the secrets of the other five Zhuangzis.

Because those five remote villages hide five treasures.

Under the two villages at the western foot of Tangshan Mountain in the western suburbs, there are rich carnelian and topaz mines.

There is a large tomb under Zhuangzi near the mass grave in the southern suburbs.

It was the mass grave dug in secret when King Li Zicheng invaded the Forbidden City of the former Ming Dynasty, but what was buried was not the dead bodies, but the royal treasures of the former Ming Dynasty looted from the Forbidden City.

Soon after, Dorgon led the Eight Banners Army to join forces with Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, and fought against Li Zicheng inside and outside Shanhaiguan.

Li Zicheng was defeated and withdrew from Beijing, but Dorgon, the regent who entered Beijing, searched for several months with the elite of the Eight Banners, but he couldn't find the wealth accumulated for generations in the previous Ming Dynasty.

Until Li Zicheng died in Jiugong Mountain, the whereabouts of those missing treasures became a mystery.

There is also the Zhuangzi hidden in the deep mountains and old forests near the Old Summer Palace. Everyone says that Zhuangzi is evil.

It is said that the place where Zhuangzi was built was once an ancient battlefield, and many innocent souls were buried underground.

Therefore, almost everything is planted and dead within a radius of one mile around Zhuangzi.

Even if you try to grow some sweet potatoes that are easy to survive, the sweet potatoes that are produced are all weird-shaped, and you will still get upset if you eat them.

What's even more strange is that spiritual animals like cattle and sheep would rather be hungry than eat the weeds in the village.

Nian Yaoyue bought this evil Zhuangzi for less than 100 taels of silver, and he also gave a nearby bare mountain as a gift.

Nian Yaoyue almost missed the treasure at that time, but luckily she spent ten days of her life to let the system scan the geological layers, only to find that there is a copper mine buried under the village.

And the weeds that grow wildly all over the nearby mountains and plains, which even cattle and sheep can't eat, are called fennel, and later generations are also called copper grass.

Because it is a plant that can absorb copper metal in the soil.

Therefore, people often say that "when you see copper grass, there is copper." In copper mine exploration, "copper grass" is used as an indicator of copper mines. As long as "copper grass" is found, further exploration can often find copper mines.

The reason why it is difficult for nearby plants to survive is because if plants absorb excessive metal elements, especially some toxic metal elements, they will often cause large-scale death of plants.

If they can still survive after excessive absorption of metal elements, the plants in this area may mutate, such as those strangely shaped sweet potatoes.

If this Zhuangzi and the nearby hilltops were not owned by people who had fallen into the banner, strangers were not allowed to enter on weekdays, and the secret might have been discovered long ago.

There is also the Zhuangzi in the southeastern suburbs, which is a well-known Poison Zhuangzi.

There is only one kind of highly poisonous medicinal material planted in that village, and that is Wenjingcao.

The whole plant of Vitex chinensis is toxic. If you eat too much, you will become excited, walk crookedly, have difficulty standing, and lose motor skills. If you are acutely poisoned, you may lose your life within a few hours.

But more importantly, wattle can accumulate gold in its body.

In the era when there was no geological exploration, the mine owner would deliberately plant thorn grass near the gold mine.

After a period of time, analyze the gold content in Vitex chinensis to judge the amount of gold in the deposit, so Vitex vexata can detect gold mines.

Now these Zhuangzi are all private properties under the name of the fourth master. This man always spends money lavishly, and Nian Yaoyue can only rack his brains to increase income and reduce expenditure.

Although he is a prince and possesses abundant wealth, Nian Yaoyue still has to plan ahead.

Let Jinyu carry the locked box and the thick ledger, and Nian Yaoyue led Sifu Jin Yixian by the hand to Fourth Master's study.

Fourth Master was busy with business again, Nian Yaoyue walked up to Fourth Master and knocked on the table.

"I don't want to be a housekeeper anymore! It's thankless, your properties are all subsidizing money, and I take a lot of the money I earn every year to fill the holes in the house~ This is a bottomless pit, I've had enough!"

Nian Yaoyue threw a thick ledger and a bunch of keys to various warehouses in front of fourth master.

"Niangao, what's yours and mine? It's all our own property. What are you doing so clearly?"

Sifu Jin Yixian secretly saw Fourth Master's face becoming more and more gloomy, so he took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

(End of this chapter)

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