The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 223 Everyone Is Helping Her Derail

Chapter 223 Everyone Is Helping Her Derail
"How can a man spend a woman's money? I earned that money hard, and I have to spend it on my own every month to raise a child!"

Nian Yaoyue rolled her eyes in contempt.

"It's fine to raise a child, but I'm married, and I even have to pay for food and clothing myself. Whoever loves this kind of widowed life!"

Nian Yaoyue whimpered and complained, and suddenly saw Fourth Master push those ledgers and keys in front of her again.

In fact, she knew in her heart that the reason why the expenses in the mansion have become extravagant during this period is because of her medicine jar, which is worth tens of thousands of taels of treasure every day.

"It's up to you to decide, I'll give it to you~"

Seeing the kind and warm smile on the corner of Fourth Master's mouth, Nian Yaoyue opened her mouth in astonishment, and stuffed her mouth with a stomach full of vitriol.It's hard to open my mouth.

Feeling warm in my heart, does this man know that the things he handed to her without blinking are all his belongings?
"No, whoever takes this thankless job~"

Suppressing the emotion in her heart, Nian Yaoyue sternly pushed those ledgers and land deeds back in front of Fourth Master.

"Stop arguing. If the master trusts me, I will recommend myself to take charge of the house. Don't worry, I will report the income and expenditure to the master every month~"

Sifu Jin Yixian, who had discussed with Nian Yaoyue a long time ago, took over the power of the house smoothly.

"That's great, I'll trouble Fujin to worry about it from now on~" Nian Yaoyue couldn't help pushing those ledgers to Sifu Jin Yixian.

Seeing Fourth Master's face getting more and more gloomy, Nian Yaoyue suddenly put his hips on his hips and glared.

"You said I was in charge, and you changed your mind in a blink of an eye? Huh?"

Yinzhen lowered his eyes and hummed lightly.

"Then let's start the handover!"

Nian Yaoyue took the ledger and the land deed, and explained everything to Yixian in detail.

Even which Zhuangzi visited in what month, which Zhuangzi was in charge, and what kind of temperament.

There is also a shop that has clearly stated when the rent should be raised or lowered.

Su Peisheng, who was standing behind his grandfather, heard where Nianshi and Lianye bought his favorite pens and inks.

Which tailor should I find for the clothes on my grandfather's body, which is better than the one in the House of Internal Affairs.

Which winery the wine I like to drink is in my name, how to brew it, and the recipe.

Su Peisheng's eyes turned red when he heard Nian's sarcastic tone deliberately mocking Fourth Master for drinking less.

Pressing his head down, the corners of Su Peisheng's eyes turned sour, and he always felt that every word Nian said at this time seemed to be explaining the funeral.

Sifu Jin Yixian was calm, she wore a dignified and elegant smile the whole time, but she still couldn't help clenching her knuckles hidden in her wide sleeves.

"Let's rest, the days ahead are long, don't be in a hurry to ramble on forever~"

Seeing Nian's dry mouth and tongue, Yinzhen began to cough dryly, and immediately interrupted in displeasure.

"Just let me finish. I'll just say it once, and I won't say it again."

Nian Yaoyue relentlessly tugged on Fourth Master's sleeve to prevent him from leaving.

Then he began to criticize that fourth master would become a four-eyed dog sooner or later, so that he would not read too many books at night on weekdays, and his eyesight would not be good.

He also scolded him for being too strict with the children, and asked him to smile more at the children and spend more time with the children in the future.

Then order fourth master not to be picky eaters, otherwise he won't be given carrots on the dinner table from now on.

After two or three hours of scolding, ridiculing, sarcasm, and mocking Fourth Master, her voice became hoarse.

But there was still no intention of stopping.

Yinzhen signaled the rest of the room to leave first, and finally couldn't hold back to interrupt Nianshi's nagging again.

"Let's talk tomorrow~"

At this time, only Nianshi and Yinzhen, whose ears were callused, were left in the room, and he leaned over to cover Nianshi's chattering mouth with a kiss.

When hugging the little girl tightly, Yinzhen frowned subconsciously, why did she lose so much weight again?
"I'm coming to Guishui!"

Nian Yaoyue nestled in Fourth Master's warm embrace, took a deep breath of incomparable nostalgia, and then unreasonably pushed Fourth Master away.

"Nian Gao, let me hug you, don't do anything else."

Yinzhen's eyes were stained with a touch of desire, kissing the cheek of the rice cake, and said tenderly.

Her Guishui was only cleaned the day before yesterday, and Yinzhen remembered that since she was unwilling, he would not force it, but his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

He always felt that something was wrong with the rice cake, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

She didn't like those boring ledgers, since she didn't want to manage those nasty butler chores, she could spend more time with him and the children.

Seeing Fourth Master looking at her pitifully, Nian Yaoyue couldn't help but feel soft-hearted, so she put her arms around Fourth Master's waist, and leaned on Fourth Master's heart, listening to his slightly faster heartbeat.

Deeper and heavier, Yinzhen has always been a light sleeper, and he has not slept deeply these past few days. At this time, he heard Nianshi in his arms talking in his sleep.

Curious about what she said in the dream, Yinzhen listened attentively.

But when he heard clearly what Nian said, he was immediately furious.

She was actually calling Brother Heng! !Heng!Nalan Heng!

She actually called another man's name in her dream!Yinzhen only felt his blood surging, endured the overwhelming anger and pushed the sleeping Nianshi away from his arms.

He lifted the quilt and rushed out of the room without even wearing his clothes.

Su Peisheng, who was guarding the door, was dozing off, when suddenly he saw his grandfather rushing out shirtless with an angry face, and suddenly woke up with fright.

"Cloak!" Yinzhen said coldly.

Su Peisheng handed over the black cloak he was holding to his grandfather, and watched helplessly as Lord Baylor was wrapped in the cloak, climbed over the wall with bare feet and went back to the courtyard next door.

In the room, Nian Yaoyue was nestled in the bed, biting the corner of the bed tightly, not letting herself make any sound, presumably after today, Fourth Master won't come.

When Yinzhen returned to the room, he had a sleepless night. That old Nalan Mingzhu thought that he could sit back and relax by clinging to the crown prince in the open and hooking up with the elder brother in secret?

He really didn't dare to touch Nalanheng!
"Su Peisheng, go and find out what Nalanheng has been doing recently! Whoever you have come into contact with, send someone to follow Nalanheng closely at twelve hours a day!"

Su Peisheng nodded again and again, but he was thinking secretly in his heart.

Within two days, Su Peisheng came to the study in a hurry.

"Master, didn't you let the slaves send people to watch Nalan Heng? The slaves saw him...and..."

Su Peisheng looked embarrassed, he hesitated to speak and looked at Yinzhen, which made Yinzhen feel cold.

"Dog slave, speak up!"

"Your servant obeys... As far as the spy who was staring at Nalan Heng just now is concerned, Nalan Heng is listening to the music in the Fanglan Courtyard at this time, and the person listening to the music with him in the private room is the master of the year."

Su Peisheng didn't dare to look at his master's face, so he just closed his eyes and said straightaway.

"Shut up, don't talk, the Lord orders you to shut up!!" Yin Zhen yelled as he beat the table with his hands frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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