Chapter 224 Murder husband
In the elegant room of the theater, Nian Yaoyue sat in front of the theater window, holding a handkerchief and crying while listening to the opera.

Today's song is "The Peony Pavilion".

At this time, Du Liniang sang on the stage:

I don't know where the love started, but it goes deeper and deeper, what can I do, it's like a flower and a beautiful family, but I'm lost in the end, it's like water and years;
Hate disappears, disappears with a smile, but I don't know, love, hate, love and hatred will be unforgettable and unforgettable.

Surprised that lovesickness is not revealed, it turns out that it is only because it is already deep in the bone.

It turned out that the colorful flowers bloomed all over, like this, they were all ruined by the broken well.

What a beautiful day, what a beautiful day, whose courtyard is the place to enjoy, the morning flies and the evening rolls, the clouds and emerald pavilions, the rain and the wind, the misty waves and painted boats, the people of Jinping look at this time so cheap!

She was crying more and more, listening to these literary dramas could break her heart, as if she was the person in the song.

"Don't cry, let's not watch it, go and watch the sideshow"

Nalanheng was full of helplessness, do all women cry so much?

Hearing from Su Peisheng that Fourth Master had someone follow Nalan Heng, Nian Yaoyue suddenly had a plan in her mind, so she came to this private meeting in Liyuan today.

"he came!"

At this moment, Nalanheng saw Sibeile walking down the corridor to the private room upstairs with a livid face, so he reached out and took the rice cake into his arms, and the two cuddled together.

Standing in the private room with the closed door, Yinzhen stretched out his hand, but suddenly withdrew it timidly, he didn't have the courage to push the door open.

"He didn't do anything special on weekdays. He went to Yuqing Palace yesterday. He seemed to be discussing with the crown prince the candidate for the governor of Zhili. Also this morning I heard him and his staff talking about the outbreak of a plague in Zhenjiang in the south. Then, when we were having lunch, Lord Long Live arranged another paper, which should be about the money owed by the household department!"

Su Peisheng's face was pale, Nian's performance was lifelike, as if pouring beans from a bamboo tube, he told Nalan Heng what he did, who he met, and what important things he said these days.

"When did you mention our matter to your family? As long as you say a word, if you dare to marry me, I will marry you! If he hadn't relied on his status as the prince to break us up forcibly, I wouldn't have to do it to protect yours." An Wei, quietly hit our child, and that child is almost ready to take shape... woo woo woo."

"Don't cry, Nian Gao, I feel sorry for you too. Just bear with it. When the Prince of Zhijun becomes the prince in the future, we will have the merits of being a dragon. Are you afraid that he will be a Baylor who has lost power? At most three to five years will be over." it is good."

"I'm fed up, how many times have you said it, three years and three years, I don't have three years of youth to waste, I'm already old, how long do you want me to play with him for your future? !"

In the room, Nian Yaoyue nestled in Nalan Heng's arms, weeping and making up nonsense, and finally the more she said, the more sad she became, and she began to cry loudly.

"Don't cry. In this way, isn't there a plague in the south? You encourage him to go to the epidemic area. I heard that the plague is very serious this time. Maybe he will catch it."

The adulterer and his wife in the room are still conspiring to persuade him to go to the epidemic area to die.

Yinzhen's mind was buzzing, and he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Despondently turned around and left, leaving a heart ashamed.

It is night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Nian Yaoyue changed into brightly colored clothes, and also painted her red lips and rouge.

At this time, Shi Shiran came to Fourth Master's room with a plate of crabapple crisps that Fourth Master loved.

When the door was opened, there was a strong smell of alcohol, but fourth master was lazily leaning on the soft couch and drinking from a bottle.

"That's why I told you not to drink, you always don't listen to me!"

Nian Yaoyue was really angry, she rushed over and snatched the wine jar from fourth master's hand.

"Look at you, the eldest elder brother is already the king of the county, and even the third elder brother heard that he will soon be crowned king, and look at you again! Lord, you are all Ama's people, you should improve yourself It is!"

Seeing Fourth Master's unhappy look, Nian Yaoyue's tone paused.

"I heard that there is a plague in Zhenjiang Mansion. The crown prince wants you to appease the people."

Nian Yaoyue just wanted to say that you should go and come back earlier after making some meritorious service, but she saw Fourth Master looking up at her with a half-smile.

"Do you want Master to go? En?" Yinzhen stretched out his hand and pulled Nian Shi into his arms, and said with a sneer.

"I think you should go, sir. We'll be fine if we're careful. A real man should carry a three-foot sword. It's an invincible feat."

Nian Yaoyue gritted her teeth and persuaded.

But seeing Fourth Master suddenly put his lips against her ear, he said with a low smile, "Okay~"

With a sore nose, she was about to continue flattering and praising her, but she was shackled by the fourth master. This night, the fourth master seemed to be a different person.

No matter how much she cried out for pain, he only attacked the city more and more domineeringly. In the end, she couldn't help crying. Suddenly, she heard fourth master sigh softly and gently kiss the tears from the corners of her eyes drop by drop.

"Nian Yaoyue, I owe you! What should I do with you?" Yinzhen left Nianshi and put on his clothes calmly.

"I still have things to do, so go to bed first!"

Yinzhen raised his foot and was about to leave, but he felt the back of his hand warm, and his hand was tightly clenched by Nianshi.

"Don't go, stay with me tonight, okay?" Nian Yaoyue subconsciously hugged Fourth Master's hand to prevent him from leaving.

Seeing the blind Nian's eyes widening, holding his arm nervously to prevent him from leaving, Yinzhen was momentarily confused.

She clearly has affection in her eyes, but why does she still pretend to be affectionate towards him?Shaking his head bitterly, maybe the truth can be faked.

"Well, let's rest~"

Yinzhen held Nianshi in his arms, hugged her back to the bed and rested, but closed his eyes all night without sleep.

Two days later, fourth master volunteered to work in the epidemic area.

Not long after Fourth Master's carriage left, Yixian came to the Wuming courtyard.

"Don't go, you are weak, if you rashly go to the epidemic area, if you catch the plague, it will be worse~"

Yixian persuaded worriedly.

"I don't have a good life anyway. Is there anything worse than this?"

Nian Yaoyue had already put on a human skin mask, and behind Yi Xian a woman who was similar in stature to Nian Yaoyue also put on a human skin mask at the same time, which clearly resembled Nian Yaoyue's appearance.

Sifu Jin Yixian knew that she couldn't persuade Nian Gao, so she could only watch her leave Baylor Mansion on horseback alone in fear.

Nian Yaoyue arrived at Zhenjiang Mansion ahead of schedule along the Grand Canal without stopping.

The epidemic situation in Zhenjiang Mansion was worse than what was reported to the imperial court. At this time, there were funeral processions everywhere in the city.

Su Peisheng secretly reported that the fourth master would arrive at Zhenjiang mansion in about five days, and she had to figure out what kind of plague this was before the fourth master arrived.

Then find a way to find a cure, so that fourth master can control the situation here safely.

On the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Yinzhen stared at the sparkling river surface in a daze on the building boat.

Suddenly, I saw Su Peisheng, the dog servant, releasing a carrier pigeon on the deck.

"Su Peisheng!"

When Su Peisheng heard his grandfather standing in front of the window lattice, he trembled with fright, but quickly forced himself to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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