The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 229 I Swear To Never Be With Others With This Heart, This Body

Chapter 229 I Swear To Never Be With Others With This Heart, This Body
"Master Belle, the young master is in good health, but he still suffers from old problems, lack of energy and blood, there is nothing wrong with the other side, but he eats a lot less in order to be slimmer and look more graceful~"

Physician Zhou said quietly.

"Su Peisheng, starting tomorrow, bring her three meals a day, watch her eat them all, or kill the cook who prepared the meals that day!"

"The slave obeys..."

Su Peisheng was about to cry, the masters were angry, and it was their innocent servants who got hurt in the end.

So on the second day, Su Peisheng came to Nian's house with the food box.

He had already been informed that Nian Shi was infected with the plague, and he had already made full preparations.

Standing far away, behind the door of the room, looking at the dying Nian lying on the bed, Su Peisheng was heartbroken.

"How are you doing these days? Are you recovering well? Are you eating well and sleeping soundly?"

Nian Yaoyue asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I have Fujin and the imperial physicians to take care of you. It's alright. I'll let my servants deliver three meals to you starting today. They must watch you finish eating, otherwise the cook who prepares the meals for you will be executed."

There was a long silence behind the curtain, Nian Yaoyue sighed lightly, and asked Jinyu to take her bowls and dishes, put some of the five dishes and one soup separately, and forced herself to eat.

Let Su Peisheng and Jinyu eat the rest of the meal together.

Just like that, quietly hiding in the house to recuperate alone, Nian Yaoyue didn't fully recover until ten days later.

In the past few days, she has been missing Si Ye crazily. Although she is only separated by a wall, she can't visit him, and can only stare in a daze at the wall near Si Ye's courtyard every day.

Suddenly, I wanted to be willful for a while, go to see fourth master, have a good conversation with him, even if I don't say anything, just look at him.

She rolled up her sleeves and went to the small kitchen to make dumplings. When it was almost lunch time, she carried the food box and went straight to the secret door.

Pushing the door, only to find that the door was locked at some point. In the past, this door was not locked, it was only concealed.

Lost in her heart, she took a deep breath, turned around and left the courtyard gate, and went to fourth master's courtyard through the main entrance instead.

At this time Yinzhen sat on the rocking chair and listened to Li Gege reporting what Er Niang asked her to pass on today.

"Master, my concubine got up early in the morning and made some crabapple cakes, would you like to try it?"

Li Gege looked shyly and timidly at Fourth Master's handsome face.

"Okay, hello!"

Yinzhen reached out and pulled Li Gege into his arms, kissed her lightly on the cheek, and said tenderly.

"That concubine serves the Lord to eat~"

Suddenly feeling the master's hand caressing her slender waist gently, Li Shi's brows brightened immediately, and shyly slipped into fourth master's arms.

Just as she was about to put the crabapple crisps into fourth master's mouth, there was a sudden sound of cups and plates breaking behind her.

Turning around, I saw Nian Shi fell to the ground, and there were dumplings scattered all over the floor.

Li Gege gritted his teeth with hatred, that bastard Nian is cutting off his beard on purpose again, damn it!
"I'm sorry, the slave didn't do it on purpose, he ran into the master and Li Gege, the slave will leave now~"

Nian Yaoyue hastily knelt on the ground and lowered her head. She hated herself for being worthless, why she couldn't control her emotions when she saw him making out with other women.

"Oh, you are so careless~"

Su Peisheng watched Nianshi pick up the scattered dumplings on the ground with his bare hands, and hurriedly leaned over to help Nianshi pick them up.

Stealing an eye, I saw blood stains on the corners of Nian's mouth and eyes.

"You've splashed soup on your face~" Su Peisheng pointed out with a wink at Nian.

Nian Yaoyue understood immediately, so she reached out to take the handkerchief to wipe her face, but in her panic, she forgot that she was still holding the broken porcelain in her hand.

Subconsciously clenched it, and blood flowed profusely immediately.


Li Gege pretended to be weak and exclaimed, suddenly felt pushed away by the fourth master, she was about to act like a baby, but saw that the fourth master had already walked in front of Nianshi.

Seeing Fourth Master approaching, Nian Yaoyue hastily stretched out her bloody hand, and wiped her face, which was immediately covered in blood.

"do not move!"

Seeing that Nian's hands and face were covered with blood, and his heart missed half a beat, Xu Zhen subconsciously leaned over and hugged her in his arms, and rushed straight into the room.

"Su Peisheng, pass on the imperial physician!"

"Master, it was her hand that hurt her."

Li Gege, who was left on the sidelines, stomped his feet angrily, but his hand was cut. As for it, he couldn't even walk the road by himself?Hypocritical bitch!

After putting Nianshi on the bed, Yinzhen realized what he had done after a while.

It's terrible to get used to this kind of thing, why should he worry about her?Why did you panic when you saw her hurt?
However, seeing her lose control of her emotions because he was getting close to other women, Yinzhen actually felt a little joy in his heart.

"Huh, why don't you be with others anymore, what is just me, it's all a lie, the women in the backyard should have slept in the past few days, congratulations master, you probably will soon Becoming an Ama~"

She was so angry that she didn't know what she was talking about.

"Are you jealous? Huh?" Yinzhen pinched Nian's chin with his hand, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

"No, whoever I like to favor is my freedom!" Nian Yaoyue restrained her jealousy and said coldly.

"What else can I do? I have given birth to several children, and they are old and young. Why don't you want me if you say no? I just ask the Lord to promise not to let Li's son surpass our children!"

The light in Yinzhen's eyes dimmed, it turned out that she was worried that if she fell out of favor, he would neglect her sons and daughters.
At this time, the imperial doctor Zhou brought the medicine box to diagnose and treat Nian Shi, Yinzhen narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced at Nian Shi, the two of them looked at each other speechlessly, he turned and left the room.

After the fourth master left, Nian Yaoyue felt relieved immediately, she knew that the fourth master would not come back before she left.

He stared at the closed study door opposite, and suddenly felt a dazzling white light flash in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, he felt that the sky was much darker.

"Is it going to rain outside? There are dark clouds!"

She looks like she is wearing sunglasses now, everything in front of her eyes is a layer of foggy black ash.

"Ah? No, it's a cool autumn today, but there are a lot of fire clouds~"

Imperial Physician Zhou looked at the bright sun outside in bewilderment.

"No, Doctor Zhou, please look into my eyes!" At the same time, Nian Yaoyue asked the system to scan her body.

The result was not optimistic, she could no longer control this body.

"You may have just fallen, and now you are staring at the stars, you can rest for a few hours and see again~"

After doctor Zhou took Nian's pulse, he didn't find anything unusual.

I thought that Nian's body was getting weaker and weaker, and there were so many sequelae after falling.

"En~" Nian Yaoyuexin was very anxious, the time left for her was running out!
(End of this chapter)

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