The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 230 Love Me, You Are Not Worthy

Chapter 230 Love Me, You Are Not Worthy
On the night of Qixi Festival, every family begs to look at the autumn moon, and the marriage tree in front of the Yuelao Temple is covered with thousands of red silk ribbons.

At this time in previous years, fourth master would definitely put aside everything, live alone with her, and take her to the Qixi Festival temple fair.

At this time, Nian Yaoyue was sitting under the pepper tree full of peppercorns, weaving red ropes.

"Jinyu, go and invite your master to come to the courtyard, just say that I'm dying~" She held the crystal clear enamel glass bottle in her hand and played with it.

"Ah? The servant obeys~" Jinyu turned around and went to the next courtyard to invite Lord Baylor to come.

About the time for a cup of tea, Nian Yaoyue put the braided red string on her wrist, counting down three two one in her heart.

After counting down to two, I saw a person jumping down from the wall. If it wasn't Si Ye, who was it?

"Nian Gao!" Hearing Jinyu say that she was dying, Yinzhen's heart trembled, the grief of death swept over him, his mind went blank, and he rushed to Nianshi in a breakdown.

"I lied to you."

Nian Yaoyue held his cool fingertips with sobs, and when she saw him throwing her hand away angrily, she smiled.

At this time, Su Peisheng rushed into the courtyard with Doctor Zhou in a hurry.

"Master, you hold on"

Su Peisheng saw Nian Shi sitting on the swing under the pepper tree, looking at Fourth Master with a low eyebrow and a slight smile, while Fourth Master turned his head away from Nian Shi with an angry face.

"Let's go, let's all go out and wait~"

Su Peisheng lowered his voice, led Doctor Zhou and the servants in the courtyard to retreat outside the courtyard and waited.

"Look, I prepared a glass bottle. Let's write down what we want to say to each other on paper and seal it in a wax pill. Let's take it out when we are old, okay?"

There was caution and pleading in her tone.

"Boring!" Yin Zhen turned around with a cold face and was about to leave.

"Don't go, today is Chinese Valentine's Day, can you stay with me?" Sniffing, she hugged Fourth Master from behind in a useless manner.

Tears fell silently, and gradually, the despair that had been suppressed for a long time completely collapsed at this moment, and she lay on fourth master's back and sobbed in grief.

"Don't cry, sir, write the bottle and bring it"

Feeling that his back was wet with Nianshi's tears, Yinzhen felt a sharp pain in his heart, and turned around to wipe her tears.

He hated himself for being worthless, after all, he turned back again and again because of her.

"it is good"

Nian Yaoyue put away her tears and happily prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Seeing Fourth Master write down the words with a solemn expression, and then personally made wax pills and sealed them in glass bottles, Nian Yaoyue burst into tears.

"If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening? I like this poem, and I give it to you~"

Nian Yaoyue gave Si Ye the two lines of poems that she had written all afternoon and wasted several sheets of red paper.

Yinzhen doesn't like the Queqiao Fairy written by Qin Guan, and always feels very frustrated.It's just nonsense and self-contradictory.

Since the two love each other, why can't they stay together day and night, and it's not that the yin and yang are separated and the love is lost forever.

Seeing that Nian looked at him expectantly, Yinzhen put the red note into his arms unexpectedly.Keep it close to your body.

Yu Nian took the shovel and buried the two glass bottles under the pepper tree.

The heartless Nian clamored to go to the Tanabata Temple Fair with Fujin, but he had no intention of celebrating the Qixi Festival with him at all.

Yinzhen felt resentful in his heart, snorted coldly, turned and went back to his yard.

Sitting alone in the study room and looking at the countless bright lights adorning the starry sky, Yinzhen felt more and more resentful, so he got up and went to Nianshi's courtyard.

He took a shovel and dug out the buried glass bottle. He took out Nianshi's glass bottle and crushed the wax pellets. He saw that there was a sign saying sorry on the glass bottle.

Sad in his heart, what he was looking forward to was not these three words at all. It turned out that she only felt guilty towards him, and had no half affection for him.

After resealing the note, he took out his own glass bottle and crushed the wax pellets in the bottle into fine powder.

Nian's name doesn't deserve those three characters!

He took the note and angrily wrote the words "Damn you".

Back in the study, feeling more and more restless, Yin Zhen paced back and forth agitatedly.

"Su Peisheng! Bring the wine!!"

I poured a large jar of throat-cutting spirits into my lungs, but I felt more and more lonely and desolate. The wine turned into tears of lovesickness when it entered my heart.

Who said that a man doesn't flick his tears easily, but he hasn't reached the point of sadness.

Nian Yaoyue went back to the house unhappily, she was out of her mind all night, as if she was wandering, her heart was empty and there was no place to rest.

She dragged her weary pace, and when she opened the door, she smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Before he could light the lamp, he was suddenly hugged tightly from behind.

She was just about to exclaim, but she was violently thrown onto the bed, and a body reeking of alcohol fell on top of her.

"Nian Yaoyue! You should die, you should die."

Her hands were held by Kong Wu's powerful fourth master and placed on top of her head, and her clothes were torn apart by the fourth master. Without any tenderness, she could only be forced to bear the almost crazy punishment and favor of the fourth master to vent his anger.

It turned out that the fourth master who didn't love her could be so cruel and ruthless. She felt that she was about to be tortured to death by the fourth master.

It was not until dawn was about to break that fourth master fell into a deep sleep.

Enduring the unbearable and pain all over her body, she reached out to caress his furrowed brow.

"Don't frown, do you hear me?"

When Yinzhen woke up, he saw Nian sitting in front of the dressing table, taking something out of the dark compartment and feeding it into his mouth.

He continued to doze quietly, and when he heard Nian's approaching footsteps, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Master, I'll take care of Little Gege for breakfast!" Nian Yaoyue turned and left the house.

Yinzhen got up, walked to the dressing table, and took out a small black porcelain bottle from the hidden compartment.

He took out a pill and hid it in his hand, and called Su Peisheng in.

"Take this pill to the medical clinic outside to see what kind of medicine it is, remember to find a few more~"

Su Peisheng took the pill from Grandpa's hand. Nian Shi had already told him that the pill was for avoiding children.

Su Peisheng took the pills and went to the teahouse, found a corner, listened to the play for a long time, and then slowly returned to Baylor House to answer.

"Master, this is for women to avoid their children." Seeing his furious expression, Su Peisheng didn't dare to breathe, lowered his head and dared not speak again.

"Master, didn't you let the slaves send people to watch Nalan Heng? He has been moving again in the past few days, and he seems to want to tamper with the Mid-Autumn Festival gift you gave to Long Live Lord~"

"Heh! Keep an eye on Nianshi, and see what terrible thing she has exchanged the gift from Master for!"

Yinzhen's eyes were dark and prey, and he said with a sneer.

After lunch, Yinzhen was restlessly practicing calligraphy in the study, when suddenly Nian came in with a food box.

"Master, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival next month. What gifts have you prepared for Lord Long Live and Empress Defei?" Nian Yaoyue put the snacks in the food box in front of Fourth Master.

But he just glanced at it and didn't move his chopsticks.

"My Lord prepared the jade bat jade pendant used by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which is rare in the world!"

Yinzhen casually opened the brocade box beside the desk, revealing a simple and transparent ancient jade.

(End of this chapter)

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