Chapter 305 Seduce
"Going back to Huang Mafa, my grandson misses Ama, but when my grandson went to see Ama, Ama said that he would be locked up for doing something wrong, so he can't come back, woo woo woo."

The little guy felt extremely sad when he thought that Ama would not come home.

"Good grandson, Huang Mafa will take you to see your Ama later!"

Nian Yaoyue clenched her knuckles excitedly, the Thirteenth Master was about to come out.

She knelt behind fourth master's side and saw fourth master's hands slightly clenched into fists. She knew that fourth master was very happy.

The thirteenth master is back, and he doesn't have to stay in that ghostly place anymore.

Fourth Master no longer had to face those conspiracies and schemes alone in the court.

Next it was the Fourteenth Master's and Fujin's turn to celebrate the New Year. Since that time when he went to the Fourteenth Master's mansion to humiliate himself, Nian Yaoyue had never seen him again.

I heard that he went to Fengtai camp to practice on the second day after Si Ye was released from the clan mansion.

Next, several little princes took turns to pay New Year greetings to Lord Kangxi.

From the beginning to the end, the eight blessings, Jin Zhiqing, knelt beside her with her spine straight. There was a generous and warm smile on the corner of Zhiqing's mouth, but it made people feel sad.

After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Nian Yaoyue was about to follow Fourth Master and Fujin to the empress ladies in the Forbidden City to pay their respects, but Fourth Master who was walking in front suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Master, the new shoes I wear today don't fit my feet well, and my heels are blistered now, so I'm bold enough to want to rest in Emiang Palace."

Sifu Jin Yixian had figured out what Fourth Master meant a long time ago, so he spoke quietly.

"Well, let Mrs. Nian and Mrs. Li go back to Erniang with you." Yinzhen's expression was indifferent, showing no emotion.

Nian Yaoyue knew in her heart that Fourth Master didn't want her to step on the bottom of a flower pot to pay her respects to her concubine in the Forbidden City after the snow, so she went up to help Sifu Jin Yixian's hand.

"I obey you~" she said to the fourth master with a slight blessing.

Following Yixian to the Yonghe Palace, Concubine De took Yixian and Li Fangfujin to the Empress Dowager's Palace to wait on her. She was bored and sat under the ginkgo tree in the courtyard to bask in the sun.

The Yonghe Palace was very quiet.

She was lying on the rocking chair under a thin blanket, drowsy, when she suddenly heard a cold snort.

Youyou opened her eyes, and saw Fourteenth Master standing in front of her with a cold face.

Nian Yaoyue got up in a hurry and was about to leave. It's inappropriate for her and the fourteenth master to be here alone at this time. If the fourth master sees it, he will be jealous again.

She was a little flustered, so much so that she forgot that she was still wearing flowerpot bottoms on her feet, and suddenly her calf felt numb, and she fell straight to the ground.


Nian Yaoyue heard an anxious exclamation, her shoulders were hugged tightly, and she crashed into Fourteenth Master's arms.

"Nian Shi! You shameless little whore, you still want to seduce your brother-in-law with a big belly!"

Before she could raise her eyes, she was slapped heavily on the face.

But seeing the fourteenth Fujin Wanyan's slapping his hands angrily, he was about to slap him again.


Wanyan's wrist was squeezed hard by the Fourteenth Master, making a rattling sound, and then there was a click, and Wanyan suddenly wailed in pain.

"Come on, Fujin is not feeling well, send her back to the mansion immediately!" Yinti let go of Wanyan's hand and said coldly.

"I'm sorry, it was the concubine who slipped and accidentally bumped into Master Fourteen just now. Don't get me wrong Fourteen Fujin."

Depressedly, Nian Yaoyue stroked her cheek that was sore from being beaten, and held back her anger to apologize.

"There's no need to apologize, it's because she made trouble for no reason." Yinti said warmly.

After the cursing Fourteenth Fujin left, only Fourteenth Master and Nian Yaoyue were left in the courtyard.

Liu Xi brought a boiled egg from the small kitchen, and Nian Yaoyue took the egg and rolled it back and forth on her flushed cheeks.

"Sorry!" Yinti stared at Nianshi who hadn't seen her for a long time with complicated eyes. Hearing that she was pregnant with a child, it was no wonder her face was round. Looking at Nianshi's slightly protruding belly, she suddenly wanted to touch it.

By the time he realized it, his hand had already stuck to Nian's stomach by a strange coincidence.

Nian Yaoyue never expected that Fourteenth Master would suddenly reach out to touch her stomach, and her eyes widened in panic and she was about to back away.

"What are you doing!!"

At this moment, fourth master's furious growl came from behind.

"Hey, fourth brother, what do you think we are doing, that is what you think." Seeing fourth master's eyes full of anger and protecting Nianshi behind him, Yinti sneered and teased road.

"Master, I fell down just now, Master Fourteen just helped me up." Nian Yaoyue reached out and tugged at Fourth Master's sleeve.

This is in the Forbidden City, there are eyeliners of various forces everywhere, she doesn't want others to see their brothers fighting each other, and be jealous and ridiculed.

"Fourth brother, Yinti learned a new set of Nanquan from Adana a few days ago. The weather is nice today, why don't you come and have a fight?" Yinti swung his fist and threw it at the pious fourth brother's face .

"I will accompany you to the end!" Yinzhen moved lightly, and used Liuyun Sanshou to meet the fist of the fourteenth brother.

"Stop the fight!" Nian Yaoyue saw that the fourth master and the fourteenth master were fighting fiercely, and immediately rushed to stop her.

But there was another person who moved faster than her.

"Two bastards! I want to fight at the grave of my mother! As long as my mother is alive, I won't allow you brothers to kill each other. Kneel down!" Wu Ya leaned over and threw the bottom of the flowerpot on her feet to the two who were still fighting. a son.

Seeing that Er Niang was angry, brothers Yinzhen and Yinti knelt down in front of Er Niang obediently.

"It's promising!!" Defei Wu Yashi took off the armor, swung Wuzhishan and slapped the two brothers' foreheads.

"People say that brothers work together to cut money. Er Niang doesn't expect that you two brothers will love each other. Er Niang only hopes that after Er Niang dies, you two brothers can support each other. Don't let others bully you." "Wu Ya looked at the red palm prints on the foreheads of her two sons, and couldn't help feeling distressed.

"The New Year's Eve made me so upset, you brothers, go back and think about your mistakes behind closed doors!" Wu Ya raised her forehead, not wanting to see this seemingly incompatible pair of brothers again.

Others said that the next emperor, Zuo, would be chosen from among her two sons, and that she was already the future queen mother.

But Wu Yashi couldn't be happy. Becoming the queen mother meant that she would have to kill a man, and she could become the queen mother only after becoming a widow.

If given a choice, she would rather be a concubine who loves and prides herself until she is 80 years old.

She sighed softly, turned around and slammed the door of the palace, leaving the two brothers Yinzhen looking at each other in dismay.

Seeing Fourth Master walk away with a livid face, Nian Yaoyue stepped on the bottom of the flower pot and hurriedly followed Fourth Master.

"Master, the road is slippery in the snow, walk slowly..." Su Peisheng said weakly when he saw Nian struggling to follow.

Yinzhen kept a stern face as if he didn't hear it, and walked forward with brisk steps.


Suddenly there was a woman's exclamation from behind, and the anger on Yinzhen's face was filled with fear, and he turned around in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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