The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 306 Frequent chapters for her

Chapter 306
It turned out that it was a strange maid who cleaned the house and fell to the ground, a false alarm.He thought that Nian Shi had fallen down.

Yinzhen breathed a sigh of relief, continued to keep a straight face, turned his head and continued walking, but his pace slowed down a lot.

Su Peisheng followed behind his master. Although he didn't look back for Nianshi, he seemed to be paying attention to what was going on behind him all the time.

Whenever the distance between Nianshi and Ye became farther, Ye would slow down his steps.

In the end, he had to take small steps so that he could barely get behind the master, otherwise he would walk in front of the master if he took a slightly larger step.

When the servants saw His Royal Highness Prince Yong, who was the most beautiful and handsome among the princes, for some reason today, the aura of frost and snow, which is not close to strangers, made people shudder even if they got close.

The two came to the carriage of the palace one after the other. Nian Yaoyue saw Fourth Master get into the carriage angrily, and left without waiting for her to get into the carriage.

"Sister?" Big brother Nian Xiyao's voice came from behind, Nian Yaoyue suppressed the loneliness on her face, smiled and turned to look at her big brother.

"Who dares to hit you!!"

Nian Xiyao saw the faint slap marks on her younger sister's face with keen eyes, and immediately blew out her beard and stared in anger.

"Is it Prince Yong? I'll find him!"

Rolling up his sleeves, Nian Xiyao was about to chase the carriage away.But Nian Yaoyue held her arms to prevent him from messing around.

"Brother, I hit it myself. The prince has something urgent to deal with. Let me go home in another carriage. Don't be impulsive. This is the Forbidden City, not our home."

Nian Yaoyue was sweating profusely.She can't let the big brother who loves his sister and crazy demon be criticized by others here.

"You can't be a fool if you are an older brother, but you can still make a slap mark when you bump into it yourself? Are you deliberately slapping someone?" Nian Xiyao scolded with distress.

The two brothers and sisters chattered outside the Shenwu Gate, which attracted the attention of passing officials.

"If you don't want me to ask Prince Yong to judge, you can go home with your brother!"

"Okay, I'll go home with my eldest brother, let's go back right away!"

Nian Yaoyue could only follow the family's carriage, and went back to Nian's house with her elder brother.

Yinzhen went back to the mansion in a fit of anger, thinking that the Nian family would definitely go back to the mansion in the other carriage in the mansion.

Sitting in the study waiting for Nianshi to explain, but until sunset, waiting and waiting, but still did not see Nianshi come back.

"Su Peisheng!" Yinzhen's tone paused, seeing that when it was time to light the lamp, there was still no movement in the courtyard next door.

"The servant is here~" Su Peisheng bowed his waist and waited beside the prince, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see the prince's order, so Su Peisheng could only wait patiently for the prince.

Yinzhen put down the memorial that he didn't read a single word in his hand, and sighed lightly: "Why hasn't she come back?"

"Perhaps he walked a bit slower, the servant will ask."

Nian's side is guarded by masters arranged by the master in the open and in the dark. It is harder than going to heaven if something goes wrong, and she must be at fault again.

Su Peisheng turned his head to inquire about Nian's whereabouts.

After about a cup of tea, Su Peisheng came back with a look of hesitation: "Master, Jinyu sent a letter saying that Master Nian has returned to her mother's house~"

Nian's family gathered together to eat hot pot in a copper stove. At this time, Nian Yaoyue had red and swollen Wuzhishan on her cheeks, chatting with her family while cooking hot pot.

"Second Master, everything has been arranged, that boy Wanyansong will definitely go and never return!" the servant whispered, and Nian Gengyao's eyes flashed fiercely.

The Wanyan family dared to do something to his sister based on the shabby residence of the [-]th Fortune Jin Dynasty. Although his Nian Gengyao didn't beat women, he could make Wanyan's brother Ma Ge, who was serving in the army, shroud his body.

"Second brother! Have you cut the mutton slices? I'm going to starve to death!" Nian Yaoyue shouted at her second brother to serve the food quickly.

In the dining room, his sister's shouts were heard urgently. Nian Gengyao took a large bowl of mutton slices in his hand, and returned to the dining room with a big smile on his face.

"Master, Prince Yong is here~" At this moment, the old butler suddenly came to report anxiously.

"Hicc! No see~" Nian Yaling, who had already drunk to seventy percent drunk, hiccupped and waved his hands with drunken eyes.

"Just go and say that our whole family has rested, please ask the prince to go back."

Seeing that the young master and the second young master had no intention of going out to meet the young master, the old housekeeper went to shut His Highness the Prince away with a mournful face and trembling.

"Daddy, I'm full, I'll come back tomorrow when I come home on the second day of the Lunar New Year~"

If the fourth master was really turned away, he would run away in a fit of anger, Nian Yaoyue put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth and walked out the door.

Outside the gate, Su Peisheng looked at the old butler with a smile on his face in disbelief.

"What did you say? How is it possible!"

Su Peisheng asked in a sharp voice, Nian Yaling dared to shut the door to the prince. Is it because the birthday man is getting impatient because he eats arsenic?

"I just took a detour to go home and have a meal. Why are you so motivating?"

Nian Yaoyue covered her cheeks with a handkerchief, revealing only a pair of bright, autumnal eyes.

"Come back!" She knew that fourth master was in the carriage, and the man was still so angry that he hid in the carriage and could not come out.

With Su Peisheng's support, she got into the carriage.

At this time, an oil lamp was lit in the carriage, and Nian Yaoyue saw Fourth Master reading a book seriously, as if she was a mass of transparent air.

Feeling wronged, she was slighted by others, but fourth master only knew how to be angry.

Unhappy, she moved to the corner, far away from fourth master.

Although Yinzhen was holding a book in his hand, he was looking at Nianshi from the corner of his eye. He looked suspiciously at Nianshi who was always covering his right cheek with a handkerchief.Through the dim light, Yinzhen saw that Nian's face was red and swollen.

"Injured?!" Yinzhen reached out to caress Nian's cheek, but she turned away angrily.

"Fourteenth brother hit it! Master, go kill this bastard!" Yinzhen said, holding the sword and was about to rush out of the carriage.But Nian Yaoyue pulled her arm.

"It's not him, it's me..." Nian Yaoyue hadn't finished speaking when she saw fourth master's sharp gaze cast over her.

"Don't you say? Huh? Su Peisheng, go and investigate, whoever is found out who hurt her, cut off his hands and feet!" Yinzhen laughed back angrily.

"I said, I said, can't I say it? Today in the Yonghe Palace, the Fourteenth Lord helped me, and then I was seen by Fourteen Fujin. She misunderstood that I was seducing the Fourteenth Lord, so I was slapped." .”

Nian Yaoyue bit her lip, her eyes full of grievances.

"You're still being fierce to me, and you're still walking so fast that my feet are covered in blisters. Huh, huh, huh"

There were indeed two large blisters on her heels, and before dinner, her mother pierced the blisters with a red-hot embroidery needle.At this time, after walking a few steps, I felt a sharp pain.

While talking, fourth master took off her socks, and fourth master held her feet and put them on his lap.

Soft fingertips gently and carefully touched her ankle, Nian Yaoyue grinned in pain.

Fourth Master gently applied the cold ointment to her heels, and the carriage drove straight in, entering the small courtyard through the corner gate.

(End of this chapter)

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