The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 355 The Crown Prince Has Been Decided

Chapter 355 The Crown Prince Has Been Decided
She stood by the door and listened to Yuan Wan's angrily explaining the funeral.

Yuan Wan gave birth to a little princess all her life, and was married to Horqin Fumeng by Lord Kangxi, and now she can't even come back to serve in front of the hospital bed.

Hearing the suppressed sobs of the sisters in the house and the deposed prince Yinreng, Nian Yaoyue gently wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

Feeling warmth on her shoulders, she turned her head and saw Fourth Master standing beside her.

"Successful and defeated, that's all." Yinzhen saw the deposed prince lying on Fujin's bed like a stray dog, crying heartbreakingly.

I became more and more determined in my heart that I must get the throne at all costs.

Even before she died, Yuan Wan never forgot to beg a few sisters to help take care of her sons and daughters with her years of love.

It's easy to deal with the little elder brothers, but Lord Kangxi can't treat his grandson harshly.

But little Gege, if there is no one to help take care of them, I am afraid that they will not even be able to find a decent husband's family in the future.

She was taken away from Xian'an Palace by the fourth master, but she still cherished Yuanwan's last wish.


Inside Xian'an Palace.

"Yuanwan, it's not that I don't want to take care of those children for you. You also know that I can't protect myself now. I'm afraid that I will implicate those children instead."

Jin Zhiqing, who was only in her early thirties, had faint fine lines around her eyes in recent years, and she lowered her head in embarrassment at this moment.

"There are only a few more pairs of chopsticks on the left, but my Jiuye and Baye brothers can wear a pair of trousers. Don't worry, I will think of a way to get Jiuye to come forward to ask for someone!"

Jiu Fujin twisted her handkerchief and said, feeling very guilty.

Because she knew that Master Jiu would never take a risk to abolish the prince.

It's good that he didn't hit the rocks!

Qifu Jin Lejin has an upright temperament, and she directly refuses what she can't do.

She has been guarding the border gate in the south with Qi Ye all year round. A few days ago, she heard that Yuan Wan could not bear it any longer, so she hurried back to see her for the last time.It's all she can do.

Everyone looked at each other in embarrassment, and finally cast their eyes on Sifu Jin Yixian.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was the unknown Prince Yong and his brother who had the last laugh and had a peak duel.

"What do you see me doing? You also know that our fourth master has an idea. How can I handle him? But don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, I will not leave all of you alone. "

Dong Ecunxin shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it, you should take care of yourself, don't be spoiled by concubines and destroy your wife, you still have to take care of the children of Nian Gao!"

Dong Ecunxin of Jiufu Jin put his head close to Yixian of Sifu Jin, and said mysteriously: "To be honest, I have a medicine that never leaves a trace. If you don't think about the children of Nian Gao, you should also be for Dizi Hui." Think about it~"

Yixian shook her head lightly: "Let's talk about it later."


The abandoned princess Guarjia Yuanwan finally passed away with regret.

After hearing Yixian tell Yuan Wan's last wish, Nian Yaoyue came to Fourth Master's study.

Seeing Fourth Master writing a notebook at his desk, Nian Yaoyue went to Fourth Master's side to help him grind ink.

Nian Yaoyue burst into tears when she accidentally saw the notebook that fourth master was writing.

"Will it embarrass Grandpa?"

Nian Yaoyue saw that the fourth master was writing a petition to Lord Kangxi, and took the young elder brothers of the abolished prince and the two young Gege from the side Fujin to the palace to take care of them.

It is well known that Lord Kangxi dislikes the abolished prince. Anyone who continues to entangle with the abolished prince at this time will definitely be angered by Kangxi.

Nian Yaoyue knew that Fourth Master was writing this book for her sake.

"The prince also has kindness to the master, and it can be regarded as repayment." Yinzhen didn't stop writing the notebook.Said slowly.

"Unless I am in love with each other from now on, can our little Gege stop touching Meng?"

Almost all the women of the Aixinjueluo family could not escape the fate of marrying Fumeng.

Many princesses and princesses ended up depressed and died in a foreign land at a young age.

Nian Yaoyue felt apprehensive when she thought that her two eldest daughters, Qing Huan, would start choosing a husband in two years.

"Huang Ama has long decided to marry Qing Huan to the son of Horqin. The child has been inspected by the Lord. He is a good child and worthy of Qing Huan." Yin Zhen stretched out his hand to hold Nian's fingertips.

As a royal family, enjoying all the wealth and honor in the world, one has to bear the necessary responsibilities.

"Does Qing Huan like it?" Nian Yaoyue asked worriedly.

"After she gets married, the two of them will naturally like each other after getting along for a long time. Marriage matters are all ordered by the parents and the words of the matchmaker. How can you let your own temperament like to mess around?" Yinzhen said noncommittally.

Nian Yaoyue was at a loss for words. Fourth Master must have meant that he never asked Qing Huan.

"But what if she has someone she likes? Don't you want to beat the mandarin duck with a stick?"

Yinzhen's eyes flickered; "Her identity is destined to marry someone of the right family!"

Nian Yaoyue's heart skipped a beat, the meaning of what fourth master said, could it be that Qing Huan has already fallen in love with a poor boy who has a very different status from her?

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, Nian Yaoyue put on the court uniform and crown for Fourth Master with a lot of thoughts.

Watching fourth master leave.

Yinzhen put the written notes together with the greeting note to Huang Ama, changed into court clothes, and went to Huang Ama's Hall of Mental Cultivation to perform the invitation in person.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Emperor Kangxi looked at the folder in his hand calmly, and his probing eyes fell on Yinzhen who was prostrate on the ground.

"Fourth, are you free? Or do you think I will treat my grandchildren harshly?"

Emperor Kangxi stood up with a sneer, and walked slowly to the fourth child.

"Huang Ama calm down, I just feel that the second elder brother is now imprisoned in Xian'an Palace, those little princesses and little elder brothers are still young, and they must need Huang Ama to take care of you. I am worried about you, Huang Ama. Tired."

The corner of Kangxi's mouth curled up, and he smiled silently.

"Second elder brother is now imprisoned in Xian'an Palace, and the power behind him has been cut off long ago. You are a waste."

Emperor Kangxi hadn't finished speaking, but Yinzhen interrupted him anxiously.

"Huang Ama, whether the second elder brother is the prince or the second elder brother who is imprisoned, he is always Yinzhen's second elder brother. It is only natural for younger brothers to take care of nephews and nieces."

Yinzhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he could feel that Huang Ama was not really angry.

"What a matter of course! You go down! I will give you an answer tomorrow."

Although Emperor Kangxi was serious on the face, he felt relieved in his heart that among so many sons, except Yinzhen, none of them dared to take care of Yinfeng's children.

The old eight and the old nine might wish that Yinfeng could die with the Guerjia family so as to avoid future troubles forever.

Master Kangxi watched the back of the fourth child kneeling and leaving, gradually disappearing at the gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Liang Jiugong, does the old Fourteen have any notes?"

Liang Jiugong lowered his head and replied nervously: "Go back to Lord Long Live, the Fourteenth Lord is now in a fierce fight with Galdan. The state affairs are the most important thing. Maybe there will be a book in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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