Chapter 356
Liang Jiugong was amazed when he saw the approving and gratifying smile on the face of the Long Live Lord.

Lord Long Live has been vacillating between choosing the fourth prince and the fourteenth prince for many years.

At this moment, Liang Jiugong saw the unresolved candidates for the crown prince, and finally the dust settled.

At this time, the little eunuch sent a new booklet.

Liang Jiugong handed the booklet to Lord Long Live, but Lord Kangxi only glanced at it twice before his face turned livid and he coughed unceasingly.

"Nizi! These naughty sons! I'm not dead yet, these bastards are anxious to start fighting each other!"

Emperor Kangxi beat his chest angrily, and dropped the memorial in his hand to the ground.

Liang Jiugong hastily leaned over to pick up the folder, took the opportunity to glance at it, and was shocked.

The Hanlin Academy reviewed Zhu Tianbao Shangshu and asked Yinreng to be crown prince again.

This, how can I sincerely invite the crown prince to be restored? This is to make the crown prince anger Kangxi.

This Zhu Baotian was once a disciple of the Eighth Master, and now several princes, including the Eighth Master, are secretly supporting the Fourteenth Master.

If it wasn't that the Eighth Master and the others wanted to join hands with the Fourteenth Master, it would be a move that the Fourteenth Master acquiesced.

But no matter which one it is, these princes have completely angered Lord Long Live.

So on the second day, there was a bloody storm in the court,

Lord Kangxi reprimanded Zhu Tianbao face-to-face for reviewing Zhu Tianbao because he knew that he was disloyal and unfilial, and ordered him to be punished.

On the same day, Lord Kangxi ordered Yinti, the fourteenth son of the emperor, to be the general of Fuyuan and march into Qinghai.

Order Hanlin and Kedao officials to enter the value.The emperor's seventh son Yinyou, the emperor's tenth son Yin, and the emperor's twelfth son Yinyu were ordered to manage the affairs of Zhenghuang, Zhengbai, and Zhenglan Manchurian and Han banners.

Not long after, Lord Kangxi ordered General Fuyuan Yinti to be stationed in Xining.

In a blink of an eye, it's time to sacrifice and pray for blessings and eat gizzard meat.

Every winter solstice, Lord Kangxi would go to the Temple of Heaven to pray for blessings, and then reward the princes and ministers with sacrificial meat for blessings.

In the final analysis, this piece of meat is equivalent to white meat without sauerkraut or mashed garlic. It is still cold in all likelihood, and the color and flavor are not complete, but it is of great significance, and the possibility of eating it is far greater than throwing it away.

Being able to receive this piece of meat, whether it tastes good or not is second to none, it is a status symbol.It's not that whoever wants to eat can eat it, and they must reach a certain level before they will be rewarded.

Gizzard meat is tasteless and tasteless and not too rotten. It is really not easy to make people appetizing. Moreover, it is not cooked enough with white water, and it is bloody, very greasy. In the winter, every year fourth master eats gills and comes back I will have a stomachache for several days.

But fourth master, this stupid man is the axis, he insists on eating up the giblets every time before coming back.

Regarding eating gizzards, there are policies and countermeasures. Many people are opportunistic and have researched many ways to make themselves swallow gizzards.

The custom of eating gizzard meat, in addition to following the old routine, the emperor also wanted to test their ability to endure hardship, reminding them not to forget the hard days that their ancestors spent in the white mountains and black waters, don’t you eat a piece of meat?
Can you still count on you to stand up in the face of difficulties?

But everyone really refused from the aspect of appetite, so they cheated a lot in the process of bestowing rewards.

Those who were closer to the emperor would take out a veil, which was undoubtedly specially processed and contained a lot of salt.

It is not known whether it is salt grains or sauce packets in the arms that are farther away.

For example, first use rice paper and other materials to make paper bags, soak them in soy sauce, vinegar and other soups to air dry for later use, and then put the bags in the broth in your own bowl when eating meat in the palace.

The taste has changed drastically, not only is it no longer difficult to swallow, but it is still delicious.

Later, it spread out of the palace and was widely promoted among the people, forming the signature dishes of Shaguoju, casserole white meat, and garlic paste white meat.

Nian Yaoyue watched the fourth master put the sauce rice paper she carefully prepared on the table and walk away, feeling very distressed.

So he hurriedly went to the imperial physician to prepare some stomach-protecting medicine in advance, and gave it to Fourth Master when he came back.

Yinzhen and the princes, civil and military ministers came to Qianqing Palace.

At this time, the eunuch had already distributed the prepared gills one by one.

"Fourth brother, did you bring any sauce? How much salt and pepper do I have~" Xiao Shisan Yinxiang said in a low voice.

"Put it away, if Huang Ama finds out, he will be furious." Yinzhen held the piece of fat that weighed more than a catty in his hand.

There were ice balls and red blood on the white fat pork.

He took out the dagger, and started to eat pork belly with a blank expression.

The little thirteen Yinxiang on the side saw that the fourth brother was eating deliciously, so he frowned and cut off a piece of gizzard meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

With the smell of meat and pigs in his mouth, Yinxiang felt nauseous for a while, and couldn't help but began to retch.

The fourth brother's endurance is really different from ordinary people, and he can still eat such an unpalatable food without changing his face.

Eating gizzard meat every year is a torture, but Yin Xiang finally couldn't hold it back, quietly took out the sauce packet from his sleeve and sprinkled it on the gizzard meat, and then reluctantly swallowed it.

Sitting on a high place, Emperor Kangxi had a panoramic view of the expressions of his sons eating gizzard meat.

He looked meaningfully at the bloody gills in front of him.

Ask Liang Jiugong to put away that piece of gizzard.

Xu Zhen endured the nausea and nausea, and ate a whole piece of gizzard.

After the ceremony, Huang Ama was sent away respectfully, and almost everyone left in a hurry.

Some couldn't help but hide in a corner and began to vomit.

At this time Yinzhen got up and was about to go back to the house, when he walked to the corner, suddenly a wrinkled face with a flattering smile appeared in front of him.

Su Peisheng was secretly surprised, it was the first time he saw Liang Jiugong, an old fox, nodding and bowing to the prince in such a subservient manner.

Yinzhen followed Liang Jiugong to the Hall of Cultivating the Heart of Huang Ama.

At this time, there are only two of them, father and son, in the hall, and there is no third person.

Emperor Kangxi personally picked up the plate of gizzards on the table and handed it to Yinzhen.

"Yinzhen, eat this piece of meat."

Yinzhen was suddenly astonished, trembling with excitement.

"My son, thank you, Emperor Amalong!"

Yinzhen solemnly took the piece of meat from Huang Ama's hand. The father and son looked solemn, as if they were making a major decision.

After that, the two looked at each other without saying a word.

He swallowed the whole piece of cold meat without saying a word.

It was a cold day, he had already eaten a piece of cold gizzard just now, and now he ate this piece of cold meat again. Although he was in good health, his stomach also felt uncomfortable.

But he didn't complain at all, on the contrary, he was very excited and very happy.At the same time, I also felt a heavy responsibility.

Because, the piece of giblet meat that Huang Ama gave him was not ordinary giblets, it was the meat that Huang Ama sacrificed to the heaven, and the son of heaven exclusively enjoyed it.

In ancient times, there was a tradition of "inheriting blessings and accepting blessings".The so-called "胙", the same as "Zuo", refers to the emperor's position as a monarch.

In the past, Huang Ama would only give it to the prince alone, but now that Huang Ama gave him this honor, how could Yinzhen not be excited?
(End of this chapter)

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