Chapter 359
At this time, she was holding the string of [-] lapels that had been cleaned up in her hand, and was about to wear them on the lapel again, but Yi Xian snatched it away.

"Since you know that this thing is not clean, why do you still wear it, don't wear it!" Yi Xian said with eyes full of guilt.

Nian Yaoyue smiled and shook her head: "Wouldn't it be strange if the gift you gave was lost for no reason? Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Nian Yaoyue took out the red musk bead wrapped in a handkerchief from her sleeve and handed it to Yixian.

"There are too many people in the palace, you have to find someone to deal with it carefully, don't leave anything behind, it's inconvenient for me, other women are all staring at my courtyard."

Nian Yaoyue has been favored by the fourth master for ten years, and those women in the backyard have been widowed for ten years, so how can they not resent her, so there are countless pairs of eyes watching her every move.

Even the leaves swept out of her yard were quietly picked up for fuss.

Nian Yaoyue is used to being the public enemy of the women in the backyard.

"Other things are fine. If there is no problem, I will take them back."

Nian Yaoyue was about to pack the things in the bag, but Yixian pressed the back of her hand, hesitating to speak.

"Nian Gao, wait a minute, I'll have someone clean it up right away, and you can take it back after it's cleaned up." Yi Xian laughed awkwardly.

"Then you pick out all the problematic things."

Nian Yaoyue spread out her bundles, which contained delicate jewelry, velvet flowers, hand-stringed sachets and other small items, as well as several sets of clothes.

Yi Xian stretched out her hand and took a velvet crabapple flower and pinched it in her hand.

"Is everything else okay? Then I'll take these things back first."

Seeing Yixian shaking her head, Nian Yaoyue packed up her bag and prepared to take back these non-tricky things first.

But Yixian stuffed the crabapple flower in her hand into her hand, and then snatched the bundle into her hand.

Yixian smiled awkwardly: "I mean, except for the velvet flower, I have to clean up all the other things before handing them over to you, and I also take off the tourmaline stone earrings hanging from your ears and give them to you." I."

Nian Yaoyue: "!!!"

Unexpectedly, except for the crabapple velvet flower, everything else has problems.

She really believed in Yixian so much, if Yixian poisoned her, maybe she would have been poisoned to death by Yixian, and she probably wouldn't doubt Yixian after she died.

No wonder fourth master always reminded her in her ear from time to time, telling her not to trust others too easily.

Fourth Master must have noticed that something was wrong with Yi Xian, so he reminded her by making side-effects.

Yixian handed everything including the lapel to Nanny Gui, while Nian Yaoyue chatted with Yixian.

But after a while, Nanny Gui suddenly came in with a flustered expression, and looked at Nian Yaoyue warily.

Nian Yaoyue was at a loss when she heard Yixian and Nanny Gui whispering among the master and servant.

At this time Yixian hurriedly walked up to her.

"Nian Gao, those things have been cleaned up! Did you do it? Or"

Yixian thought of a possibility, a pair of cold eyes flashed in her mind, she trembled with fright.

Nian Yaoyue shook her head in a daze and said, "It's not me!"

Yixian was so shocked that she held the corner of the table, bit her lip and said, "It's either you or the prince."

"Impossible!" Nian Yaoyue stood up abruptly, how could it be Fourth Master.

Fourth Master knew that she liked children very much, how could he know that she was wearing red musk beads every day and not remind her?
Suddenly, it occurred to him that fourth master had secretly taken child-preventing medicine for men in order to prevent her from getting pregnant.

The motive of this man's crime is obvious!He just didn't want her to get pregnant, so he decided to use the things Yixian sent to prevent pregnancy.

It's a pity that this stinky man has a contradictory temperament, he wanted to take advantage of his strength, but he was also worried that the medicine would harm her body, so he had someone quietly dispose of everything Yixian sent.

Nian Yaoyue couldn't laugh or cry immediately, she really didn't know whether to thank the Fourth Master for her fake kindness, or to blame the Fourth Master for her ulterior motives.

"Nian Gao. What should I do? What should I do! The lord knows it all. No wonder his attitude towards me has changed drastically. Will he kill me quietly... woo woo woo. I know I was wrong!"

Yixian was terrified, and her tone of voice was obviously crying.

Nian Yaoyue crossed her arms and sneered: "Kill you? He should be secretly happy, thanks to you, it's almost the same!"

Sifu Jin Yixian was crying and wiping away tears in panic, but when she heard what Nian Gao said, she was startled.

That's right, she has become fourth master's good helper invisibly.

Now the rice cake is her life-saving talisman, Yixian gritted her teeth, so she was going to sell fourth master first.

"Nian Gao, do you know about Qing Huan and the bloody guard?"

"What blood drop guard? I don't know!"

Nian Yaoyue hasn't seen Qing Huan for several months, Fourth Master said that Qing Huan went to the palace to accompany Concubine De, how could she have anything to do with the blood drop guard?
Yixian struggled for a moment, then gritted her teeth and told the whole thing.

When she heard that Qing Huan actually liked a blood drop guard, Nian Yaoyue was shocked.

She remembered that fourth master once arranged for several blood drop guards to protect Qing Huan, and one of them was a young man who was about the same age as Qing Huan.

She remembered that the boy was completely different from the other unsmiling blood drops. There was always a gentle smile in the boy's eyes.

It must be him!

"Didn't Qing Huan accompany Concubine De in the Forbidden City?"

Nian Yaoyue secretly thought something was wrong, Fourth Master must have something to hide from her, and it was a big deal.

Yixian looked at the rice cake with some embarrassment: "Actually... Kangxi's edict of bestowing marriage has come down, and Qing Huan will marry far away to Horqin next spring..."

"It's just that she has a strong temper and was determined not to go, and then the prince discovered that there was a different relationship between her and the blood drop guard."

Nian Yaoyue anxiously held Yi Xian's hand and asked, "Where is Qing Huan!"

Qing Huan's temper and fourth master's are almost carved out of the same mold. If the father and daughter confront each other head-on, they will definitely lose both sides. Nian Yaoyue was suddenly worried.

Xiangshan Bieyuan.

Yinzhen came here straight after facing down, looking at a table of food with no chopsticks touched, Yinzhen's eyes were slightly cold.

He changed into his regular clothes, went to the small kitchen and made some small dishes himself, and put them on the table.

"Eat!" After Yinzhen finished speaking, he looked at the girl who was still lying motionless on the bed, a little at a loss.

"Ama, my daughter won't marry. My daughter would rather never marry for the rest of her life and serve you and Erniang!" After several days of water and rice, Qing Huan's lips were dry and peeling.

"Oh, Gege, Lord Kangxi's imperial decree of bestowing marriage has come down. If you resist the decree, Lord Kangxi will definitely question the prince by then, and maybe the entire palace will be implicated!"

Su Peisheng picked up the hot shredded chicken noodles and walked in front of Little Gege: "Little Gege, Su Adada is serving you noodles, you should take at least two bites, oops, your hungry face is turning yellow and not pretty."

(End of this chapter)

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