Chapter 360
Su Peisheng looked at the expression on Little Gege's face that was almost the same as that of the prince, he was simply a female version of the prince.

At this time, Little Gege was staring at him with cold eyes.

Su Peisheng could only feel the chills on his back, and his eyes were terrified, exactly the same as when the prince was angry.

"Ama, does Erniang know that you're treating me like this?" Qing Huan pushed away the chicken noodle that Su Adanda held to her mouth, with a tone of grievance.

Yinzhen paused in the hand holding the vegetables, and said, "She doesn't need to know!"

Nian Shi has always been arrogant and indulgent towards his children, if Nian Shi knew about it, he would use some kind of sympathetic rhetoric to complete this ridiculous marriage.

He couldn't let Nian's willful waywardness ruin Qing Huan's life.

Hmph, that poor quack, even if he has a good character, he is not good enough for his daughter.

You must know that his daughter will be a golden princess in the future, Yinzhen even thinks that the son of Horqin is not good enough for his daughter!
"You are still young, you know people, you know your face, but you don't know your heart." Looking at her daughter's stubborn eyes, Yinzhen knew that she hadn't listened to his words at all.

Qing Huan knew that Ama was pedantic and old-fashioned, and it didn't make sense at all. Now the only person who can make this matter turn around is Er Niang.

At home, Er Niang is the one who really decides. In front of Er Niang, Ama only looks at the fierce paper tiger.

Her mother!She is the tigress who can make decisions at home!

"I want Er Niang to persuade me!" Qing Huan folded her arms and laid back on the bed in a leisurely manner.

Yinzhen was about to continue persuading, but saw a carrier pigeon fluttering its wings and landed in front of the window.

Su Peisheng put the chicken shredded noodles in his hand on the table, unfolded the secret letter on the pigeon's leg, and glanced at it.

"My lord, news came from the Old Summer Palace that Lord Long Live started to have a fever again yesterday." At this time, Su Peisheng handed over the secret report he had received to the lord.

Yinzhen looked at the girl who was turning her back to him, snorted softly, got up and left.

"I don't know who you have followed with your stubborn temper!"

When Su Peisheng heard what the prince said, he subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the prince, thinking to himself, don't you think that Xiao Gege's temper is quite similar to yours?

In the red maple forest near Xiangshan Bieyuan, Nian Yaoyue sat in the carriage, watching Fourth Master and Su Peisheng gallop away.

She held up her skirt and sat in front of the carriage, leisurely walking towards the main entrance of the other courtyard.

The servants at the gate of the other courtyard looked at each other when they saw Nian Fang Fujin coming.

The clever servant was about to quietly inform the prince, but the guards in black behind Fang Fujin blocked the corner with knives and did not dare to act rashly.

There were still many blood drops guarding the courtyard, and when they saw someone coming, they rushed out from hidden corners.

As Nian Yaoyue walked in, she stretched out her left hand, and revealed the black jade finger on her left thumb.

The Blood Droplets naturally recognized that it was the prince's token, and respectfully retreated to the spot and waited for orders.

Because seeing the token is like a prince in person.

Nian Yaoyue drove straight all the way, as if entering the land of no one.

When she came to a wing room guarded by many nuns and eunuchs, she kicked open the door of the wing room, and saw Qing Huan sitting on the bed with a haggard face and weeping silently.

Seeing Er Niang coming, Qing Huan struggled to stand up and staggered into Er Niang's arms.

"Emiang, you've come, if you don't come, my daughter will be forced to death by Ama!"

Isolated and helpless for many days, at this time Qing Huan lay in Er Niang's arms and began to cry helplessly.

Listening to Xiao Qinghuan choked up talking about her and that guard, Nian Yaoyue found out that Qing Huan and that guard had been in secret for four full years.

There is no reason for this, there are so many cunning people in the world, it must be the little guard who bullies Qing Huan, who is kind and simple, and uses sweet words to make Qing Huan lose his mind.

The blood drops recruited by Fourth Master were either for power, fame, or wealth, so they willingly served Fourth Master.

Regardless of why the guard wanted to be fourth master's eagle dog, he must be a follower of power.How to be worthy of her daughter?
"Qing Huan, he is a man of the rivers and lakes who is supposed to fight against the strong and help the weak, and walk the world with his sword, but he is loyal to the imperial court for the sake of prosperity and wealth. Maybe he will betray the relationship between you for these external possessions in the future!"

"Besides, you are the prince's Gege, and your emperor Mafa has already canonized you as Princess Doro. You and him have different status and status, and you are destined not to be together!"

Nian Yaoyue comforted her while wiping her daughter's tears away.

Qing Huan stopped crying immediately, and retorted with a serious expression: "Emiang, Yun Zheng is not doing it for the glory and wealth, but for his mother, who needs the secret medicine of the big family to cure her illness, and he wants to save his mother. , will become a blood drop and Amma's eagle dog."

"Emiang, you said that the disparity in identities meant we couldn't be together, but you and Ama are also in disparity in identities. Both you and Ama can fight against each other's destiny. Why does my daughter give up the person she likes?"

Nian Yaoyue was silent, she and fourth master had stumbled and struggled to get together, and it was a price that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

Now that her daughter has to follow in her footsteps, Nian Yaoyue really can't bear it.

"Emiang, Yunzheng was imprisoned in the dungeon of the other courtyard by Ah Ma, my daughter begs you, please save him!" Qing Huan begged anxiously.

Nian Yaoyue looked at her daughter who was kneeling on the ground begging, and leaned over to help her up in distress.

"You eat the food that your Ama cooks first!"

It's been a long time since we saw each other, but Qing Huan has lost a lot of weight, her cheeks are slightly sunken.

Asking Jinyu to serve Qinghuan for dinner, Nian Yaoyue led people to the dungeon.

The blood drop guard was tied and knelt in front of her.

Sure enough, it was the boy who loved to laugh.

Without saying a word, Nian Yaoyue grabbed the whip and greeted the young man.

"Bastard, Qing Huan died for you! Before she died, she begged the prince to let you go!"

"Impossible!!" The teenager's eyes were red, and tears fell down.

"I also hope it's impossible!" Nian Yaoyue threw a few more whips at the young man.The last kick knocked him to the ground.

"Come here, throw this dog out of the other courtyard!"

Chai Yu on the side looked at the master in a daze, didn't Qinghuan Gege still eat well just now?
Confused, Chai Yu loosened the shackles that restrained the young man.

"Cian Fujin, this subordinate will not leave, and this subordinate is willing to be buried for Gege!" The boy knelt and crawled to Nian Yaoyue's feet, kowtowing and begging.

"You still have a conscience!" Nian Yaoyue took out a bottle of medicine from her sleeve and threw it at the boy's feet.

"This is Hedinghong, Qing Huan died after taking Hedinghong!"

"My subordinate thanked Fang Fujin!" With a gentle smile on his face, the young man picked up the medicine bottle on the ground, and poured the whole bottle of medicine into his mouth with his head raised.

When Xiao Qinghuan came in, she saw Yunzheng was bleeding from all seven orifices, but she was sitting cross-legged on the ground without saying a word.

"Emiang! What did you feed him!!" Qing Huan was so frightened that she leaned over and hugged Yun Zheng and angrily shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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