Chapter 380
"What's impossible?"

Nian Yaoyue hastily put on her clothes.At this moment, she looked at Princess Jianning blankly.

"It's nothing, I think the jade pendant on your neck is very unique, can you give it to me?"

Princess Jianning pretended to be calm and said lightly.

"I'm sorry, but this is a gift from Lord Long Live to me on the day I became a noble concubine."

Nian Yaoyue pressed her palm on the jade pendant, and the warm touch made her feel at ease.

Princess Jianning saw Nian's appearance and knew that Nian didn't know what it was.

So he asked again: "Is this just a jade pendant?"

Nian Yaoyue looked at Princess Jianning suspiciously: "Or else? Is it still Yuxi?"

"Concubine Nian~" Xi Concubine Niu Hulu's voice came from the melodious and clear voice.

At this time, Tong Jinxian's lazy and charming voice came from outside the hall.

"Sister Concubine Xi, where is the noble concubine in this cold palace? There is one Concubine Sin~"

Tong Jinxian sneered, giggling.

After Nian Yaoyue was fully dressed, she came slowly to the yard with Jinyu's support.

He saw Tong Jinxian and Niu Hulu Xiuxin covering their noses with handkerchiefs.

The cold palace has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is the rainy season during this period, so it is inevitable that there will be a musty smell.

It would be no good for these two women to get together, Nian Yaoyue watched coldly as they were singing the oboe.

"This palace is the noble concubine proclaimed by the Lord Long Live. Before receiving the imperial decree from the Lord Long Live to depose this palace, even if I am in hell, I am still a noble concubine. According to the rules, you have to salute to this palace~"

Niu Hulu Xiuxin saw that the Nian family was reduced to a prisoner and was still so calm and bossy, so she followed the court concubine etiquette coldly.

Let Nian be proud for now, she will cry later.

"Imperial concubine, this concubine is not here to provoke you, this concubine is just here to remind you out of kindness, your ama, no, you Han people should call you father, your father got drunk last night and clamored to come to see you in the Forbidden City , and ended up falling into the Jinshui River in the middle of the night..."

Seeing Nian's pale face, Niu Hulu Xiuxin stopped abruptly.

"Fortunately, someone found it, otherwise I would have drowned, but..." Niu Hulu Xiuxin frowned slightly when she saw Nian's eyes that had just opened, feeling extremely happy.

This feeling of being able to play with the Nian clan in the palm of his hand is simply wonderful.

"But because the old man broke into the palace late at night, he was ordered to be punished fifty times by the queen mother. I heard that his back was covered in blood and his bones were broken~"

"Thank you for coming all the way to tell me the news~" Nian Yaoyue said with a pale face, gnashing her teeth.

These two women have vicious hearts and sincerely want to make her be stimulated to move her fetus.

For the sake of the child, no matter how worried she was about her father, she would not be overjoyed or sad, and her emotions would fluctuate.

Taking a deep breath, Nian Yaoyue gave Tong Jinxian and Niu Hulu Xiuxin a cold look.

"Is there anything else?" She asked calmly without changing her expression.

"Ah? Not anymore~" Niu Hulu Xiuxin was shocked by Nian's indifferent attitude. She looked at Nian's slightly protruding belly, and went crazy with jealousy.

She wished she could cut open Nian's stomach and stuff the little prince into her stomach.

"My father is getting old, please don't haggle over every detail with an old man~" Nian Yaoyue said humbly.

It was Longkodo's nine-door admiral's mansion that was in charge of the defense of Gyeonggi, and it must have been Tong Jinxian's uncle Longkodo who injured his father.

Nian Yaoyue secretly vowed in her heart that sooner or later, Tong Jia's family will pay with blood.

"The emperor committed the same crime as the common people. Could it be that because he is the father of a noble concubine, he can get away with murdering and stealing goods?" Niu Hulu Xiuxin teased.

"Oh, so it can't be, I think you can do it, I think I can do it, so even the emperor breaks the law, he has to be the same as the common people, but the children of your clan can get away with murder and arson, and insulting the daughters of the people."

"So, your Niu Hulu clan and Tong Jia clan are more powerful than the Aixinjueluo clan~"

Nian Yaoyue grabbed Niu Hulu Xiuxin's words and began to chew on the words.

"I remember a few days ago, I heard that your elder brother, Concubine Xi, seemed to have trampled to death an old woman selling tofu. Is the case closed now?"

Nian Yaoyue asked knowingly, this case is naturally closed, a living life, only paid ten taels of silver, but the perpetrator was promoted to a noble.

"The noble concubine is becoming more and more eloquent, so let's treat us as donkeys with good intentions ~ Concubine Duan, let's go~"

Niu Hulu Xiuxin was so angry that he almost rushed over to tear Nian's glib mouth.

Fortunately, Grandpa Long Live is ill, otherwise this case would not have been suppressed so easily.

When Nian suddenly mentioned it today, he must have wanted to threaten her.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin dragged Tong Jinxian, who still wanted to continue to make things difficult for Nianshi, away in a hurry.

"Jinyu, find a way to find out how my father is doing." Nian Yaoyue said anxiously while supporting the stone table.

"Daddy's life is definitely not in danger, otherwise the Queen and Su Peisheng would have come to tell me." Nian Yaoyue comforted herself.

"Trash, you have hidden that thing on your body, and you still come down to the cold palace."

Princess Jianning walked up to Nian with a sneer.

"What on earth are you trying to say? Your expression was not quite right just now, so what secret is hidden in the jade pendant on my body?"

Nian Yaoyue has long seen that Princess Jianning is coveting the jade pendant around her neck.

"You are right. The jade pendant on your body is much more precious than the jade seal. It not only represents the jade seal, but also is equivalent to a military talisman. It can command any army. It is the emperor's dragon pendant. When you see the jade pendant, you will feel like I am here in person! "

"Ah?" Nian Yaoyue only felt that thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, the ancestral temple and the country were hanging around her neck.

The fourth master must have known that if she knew that this was the emperor Long Pei, he would definitely not accept it, so he hid it from her.

She anxiously took off the jade pendant and held it in her hand. Such an important thing should not be left on her.

"This is your life-saving talisman!" Princess Jianning knew that she had other plans when she saw Nian taking off the jade pendant.

"So what?" Nian Yaoyue asked resolutely.

"You are wrong, my life is in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Long Live God is my life!"

"Jinyu, find a way to notify Su Peisheng to come~"

Jinyu responded, turned around and went to light the contact signal. About half an hour later, Su Peisheng rushed in panting.

Nian Yaoyue called Su Peisheng into the hall, and the master and servant whispered for a long time.

In the end, Su Peisheng swallowed the two-finger-wide jade pendant into his stomach nervously.

He imitated the meticulous work of the Junggar prince back then, half-hanging the jade pendant in his stomach.

Now the entire Forbidden City is under martial law, and people entering and leaving must be strictly interrogated. Even when he leaves this cold palace, he has to be searched by the guards.

To bring this dragon pendant out of the Forbidden City and get it into the hands of Prince Yi Yunxiang is more difficult than ascending to heaven, but he must deliver the dragon pendant to Prince Yi before sunset, no matter the cost, it will be regarded as death.

An hour later, a young eunuch died in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Because of his clumsiness, he scalded the empress's hand, and was ordered to be killed by the empress.

At this time, several powerful eunuchs wrapped the dead eunuch in a straw mat and hurried out of the palace.

"Stop!" The guards guarding the palace gate stopped the eunuchs and carried away the corpses without any explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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