Chapter 381

At this moment, Su Peisheng suddenly walked over.

He flashed his palace badge towards the guard guarding the palace gate, and walked straight out of the palace gate.

"Director Su, please stay behind~"

Before Su Peisheng had time to step out of the palace gate with one foot, he was blocked by a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath that was shining with cold light.

"Presumptuous, Miscellaneous is the chief executive, who dares to stop me?" Su Peisheng immediately glared.

"By the order of the Empress Dowager, the servants in the Forbidden City, especially the Palace of Mental Cultivation and the Empress's Zhongcui Palace, are only allowed to enter and not to exit. If they want to go out, they can only go out sideways~"

"Bah, bah, are you cursing the corpses of miscellaneous families to be carried out of the Forbidden City? It's unreasonable!"

Su Peisheng was about to get angry, but was suddenly dragged to a side veranda by two guards.

"Ah, come here, don't touch my clothes, hey, why are you taking off the trousers~"

Su Peisheng's screams of ghosts and wolves could be heard in the verandah room, which attracted people who came in and out to look sideways.

At this moment, Su Peisheng was clutching his buttocks, his clothes were torn into a mess, and he walked out of the veranda weeping.

These people were so frantic that they not only took away his clothes, but put an old one on him, and asked the imperial physician to examine every corner of his body.

He was forced to drink a large bowl of laxatives, and his legs were so weak.

"Can the miscellaneous family go out now?" Su Peisheng suppressed the fire and sprayed at the guard in front of him.

"I'm sorry, just now I sent someone to ask the Queen Mother for instructions. The Queen Mother said that you should stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation to serve the Lord Long Live. If you need to go out of the palace, you can send someone to do it for you~"

Su Peisheng stomped his feet angrily. He grabbed the imperial decree and waist card given by the empress in his hand, wishing to smash all these things on the guard's face.

"No, the Queen Mother said, let the servant go to the entrance of Pichai Hutong to buy the steamed cakes from Uncle Liu's house. The servant is also following orders, so don't embarrass me. Pichai Hutong is not far from here. At worst, you can send two guards to go with me. That's it?"

Su Peisheng persisted.

The guard lowered his eyes in embarrassment, and finally called five or six small guards to follow behind Su Peisheng.

The guards didn't give him a chance to wander all the way to Pichai Hutong, but brought a carriage and let Su Peisheng sit in the carriage, with guards guarding the front, rear, left, and right sides.

"Don't let him get out of the car later, just ask someone to buy rice cakes for him, and don't let him have contact with anyone. After the eunuch Su Peisheng leaves, arrest the rice cake seller secretly and interrogate him in secret~"

The commander of the guards, Niu Hulu Qingchun, lowered his voice and whispered instructions to the little guards who were about to accompany Su Peisheng to buy steamed cakes.

He always felt that there was something strange about Su Peisheng, and something wrong with the queen, the Lord Long Live was still sick, and the queen was still thinking about steamed cakes today.

Moreover, they did not send the slaves in the Queen's Palace to run errands, but asked Su Peisheng to buy them by name. There must be a conspiracy in this.

Since they had a conspiracy, he simply let Su Peisheng go, and then set a long line to catch big fish.

Su Peisheng wasn't annoyed either, he just glanced coldly at the commander of the guards.

Sitting in the carriage, he opened the carriage curtain from time to time, but was blocked by the guards beside the carriage every time, and then asked him to put down the carriage curtain with a cold voice.

Not far away, he said for a while that he remembered that the queen wanted to eat beef tongue cakes from the Huguo Temple, and then said that the empress wanted to buy glutinous rice cakes near the Chenghuang Temple.

In order to catch big fish, the guards were full of anger and were used as running errands by that dead eunuch Su Peisheng.

Seeing the going round and round from noon to sunset, Su Peisheng reluctantly returned to the palace with a carriage full of miscellaneous things.

Of course, after returning to the palace, all the purchased items were inspected one by one. Anyway, when they were presented to the queen, they were no longer what they bought at the beginning.

And when Su Peisheng played around with the guards, the little eunuch who was ordered to be killed by the empress was not spared.

His body did not go out of the Forbidden City in the end, but was burned to ashes, and there was no body left.

In the early morning of the second day, eunuchs drove water carts to Yuquan Mountain every day to fetch spring water for imperial use.

It was still the two middle-aged eunuchs who went to get the spring water today, and they were also taken to the bungalow, where they experienced what Su Peisheng experienced yesterday.

When they came out, they not only changed their clothes, shoes and socks, but also changed their water truck.

The two eunuchs hurried to Yuquan Mountain slowly.

Until a few figures walked out of the dense forest in the mountain stream and stood in the middle of the official road.

Prince Yi Yunxiang personally brought people to meet him, one of the round-faced eunuchs jumped out of the carriage, and followed Prince Yi into the dense forest.

In the early morning of the second day, Prince Yi Yunxiang took out the emperor's dragon pendant, and in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu court, he read out the edict of the Long Live Lord: If anything happens, the elder brother Honghui will be appointed as the crown prince, and he will take on the important task of supervising the country.

Sitting behind the curtain and listening to the government, Wu Ya almost vomited blood angrily.

Damn it, she wanted to find Yinzhen's Emperor Longpei and give it to Xiao Shishi, but she didn't expect the Emperor Longpei to be given to Xiao Shisan!No wonder she couldn't find it after searching the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Yinzhen would rather believe in Xiao Shisan than his own brother, Wu Ya's head was immediately disappointed.

After only a few days behind the curtain to listen to the government, Wu Yashi was invited out of the court by Xiao Shisan, Huier and her unhealthy physique.

As soon as the court came, Wu Yashi came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation aggressively, seeing Nala Shi serving Yinzhen to take the medicine, Wu Yashi's teeth rattled in anger.

"This Nizi can just lie down quietly like this, what kind of medicine do you still need to drink, don't drink it!"

Wu Ya raised her hand angrily and overturned the medicine cup in Nala's hand.

The pitch-black concoction immediately wet Yinzhen's clothes, she opened her mouth as she looked at Yinzhen whose face was covered with medicinal soup.

Suddenly his nose was sore, and with tears in his eyes, he took a veil and wiped it clean for Yinzhen.

"Son, why did this happen between you and Er Niang? What's wrong?" Wu Ya asked, beating her chest and stamping her feet.

"Back to the empress, you and the Lord Long Live are both right. What is wrong is fate. If the Lord Long Live is not the emperor and you are not the empress dowager, maybe you can be kind and filial for the rest of your life. It's a pity that there is no if."

Empress Yixian ordered people to help Fourth Master change his clothes, and said quietly to Wu Yashi.

"Pa~" A slap in the face made Queen Yixian's head crooked, Yixian covered the corner of her mouth in pain, and sneered.

"Nala, it's all your fault, you bastard. If you can keep Yinzhen away from Nian's daughter, he won't be seduced by Nian's daughter. Look at you, Nian's daughter dies one after another, you still can't What is the use of you in grabbing Yinzhen's heart?"

right!Both she and Yinzhen were right, it was Nian's daughter who was sowing discord.

At this time, Wu Ya could not wait to tear apart Nian's daughter who was locked in the cold palace.

But when she thought that Nian was still pregnant with her grandson, she felt compassion again.

(End of this chapter)

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