Chapter 409 You Look Too Dirty

Zongren Mansion.

Jiufujin and Dong Ecunxin are curled up in the corner of the cell.

Nian Yaoyue stepped into the cell with a food box and turned everyone away. She put the Dingsheng cake and a plate of fried tofu in the food box on the table.

"I heard that you don't want to live, so I came to see you." Nian Yaoyue hurried over after receiving the news that Cun Xin had attempted suicide.

For this reason, fourth master was released once, and fourth master was still waiting for her to attend the appointment in Fuhai.

"Get out! You can kill or cut whatever you want, they say you are born from your heart, you look too dirty! I feel like vomiting when I see you!"

Dong Ecunxin covered his eyes in disgust, not wanting to see this slut who was pretentiously robbing other people's happiness.

Don't want to live?Who said she didn't want to live, she just didn't want to hurt Master Jiu and the children.

Seeing Nian's face, Dong Ecunxin thought of the rice cake that was so beautiful.This woman didn't pay anything, so she accepted the happiness that rice cake bought with her life with peace of mind, why?
"The desert in the northwest is boundless, and it has its own lofty sentiments. You should persuade Jiuye to go to the northwest to guard it early, instead of staying in the capital and fighting with Baye."

Seeing that Cun Xin hated her so much, Nian Yaoyue could only take a deep breath, took out a thin bamboo leaf from her sleeve, and played it.

The melodious and melodious melody sounded, and Dong Ecun, who was originally ashen-faced, stared up at the person in front of him with eyes full of shock.

"You... how do you know this code!!"

A ridiculous thought flashed in his mind, Dong Ecunxin shook his head again and again, it's impossible!
Several good sisters have different contact codes. How many years have not heard this familiar melody.

Dong Ecunxin was stunned for a moment, she even felt that the bitch she had hated for half her life was an old friend.

"The old injuries on your knees cannot be affected by the cold, and you should drink more bayberry wine from Tingzhou Prefecture to dispel cold and dampness."

"With me here, no one can hurt you! Sorry, I failed to save her. I only saved her ashes. You are right to hate me. Everything started because of me."

Nian Yaoyue put a jar of plum wine on the table, turned around and was about to leave.

"You... Concubine Nian, stay here!" Dong Ecunxin got up anxiously, rushed to the table, poured a glass of plum wine and placed it in front of Nian Yaoyue.

Seeing Cun Xin put a piece of Mao Tofu on the plate in front of her, Nian Yaoyue glanced at it.

Sitting at the table, she picked up the chopsticks and evenly divided the square piece of edamame into two identical triangles.

Then put one of them on Dong E Cun Xin's plate.

She picked up the Dingsheng Cake again, dipped it in the bayberry wine in front of her, and the bright red bayberry wine soaked the Dingsheng Cake.

Nian Yaoyue put half white and half pink Dingsheng Cake on Dong Ecunxin's plate.

"Who the hell are you!!!" Dong Ecunxin asked in tears as he threw the plate in front of him to the ground.

"Who do you think I am, I am who, you already have the answer in your heart, don't you?" Nian Yaoyue stood up, and Cun Xin whimpered behind her.

She didn't look back, and when she was about to walk out of the cell door, there was a soft choked voice: "I'm sorry, but I broke my promise when I promised to take care of Nian's family."

Nian Yaoyue froze in place, the two best sisters, Ba Fujin and Jiu Fujin, almost killed her several times.

Her repeated forbearance doesn't mean she doesn't mind. Back then, those two swore to take good care of Nian's family, but they broke their promise.

Even in order to suppress her as a noble concubine, the two of them wanted to drag the entire Nian family to hell.

Nian Yaoyue shook her head silently, and walked forward without looking back.

"I don't blame you, go to the northwest and live a good life with Lord Jiu!" Nian Yaoyue waved her hand behind her.

Coming out of the clan's mansion, she rushed to Fuhai in a hurry, when a cold moon was hanging high.

Where is the shadow of Fourth Master in the empty Fuhai Sea, she looked at the full moon in a daze, and suddenly ran away.

Throwing away the servants behind her, she came to Yue Fei Temple.

Today is the fifteenth day, Fourth Master must be suffering at the bottom of the well, listening to the suppressed crying coming out of the bottom of the well, Nian Yaoyue gritted her teeth and hid in the dark.

She didn't know how she survived until the fourth master left. When the fourth master staggered away, she could no longer control the grief and anger in her heart, and rushed to the edge of Suolongjing and jumped down.

There was a crackling sound of crushing dry bones under the feet, and countless night pearls, large and small, were inlaid in the corridors of the well wall, and the night was like day.

"滐滐滐滐, you are here!" The eerie sneer echoed in my ears.

Nian Yaoyue felt a chilly air sweeping her whole body, she gritted her teeth, and walked slowly towards the depths of the spiraling corridor.

"Let him go, I'll give you whatever you want!" Nian Yaoyue took a deep breath and said helplessly with tears.

"Heh, what are you? Are you qualified to discuss the conditions with me?" A pair of vertical pupils emitting ice blue light suddenly appeared at the bottom of the deep well.

Those dark vertical pupils are as tall as a person, and it is impossible to imagine that the monster with these huge eyes is He Lushan's true face.

"If you are so capable, you won't be trapped in Suolongjing for so many years!" Nian Yaoyue teased nonchalantly.

"Tsk, look at you, you've got hair all over your body!" Nian Yaoyue casually took the dagger in her sleeve, and scraped the moss on the scales on the monster's face that were bigger than hers.

Gouzi, who was hiding in the corner, almost laughed out loud when he heard the words of the celestial maiden.Within the Six Realms, the only woman in front of her is the one who can piss people off with words.

"Woman! This seat is going to pull out your bones and pull out your fairy bones and godhood! Let you become a monster that the world are afraid..."

"Okay!" Nian Yaoyue agreed without hesitation.

"Huh?" Liu Yi didn't expect this woman to agree so readily.It made him a little unbelievable.

"How to pick skin and cramps, come on!" Nian Yaoyue spread her arms, closed her eyes and waited for the torture.

"What? Are you scared?" Nian Yaoyue waited for a long time, but did not wait for the torture. When she opened her eyes, she saw the dog leader floating in the air, looking down at her contemptuously.

Looking at that Qingjun face exactly like Fourth Master's, Nian Yaoyue's eyes were filled with water.

She would rather be wiped out in ashes, than let fourth master live as an unconscious walking corpse, and be taken away by the dog group leader.

Gouzi Bai Ze saw Jun Shang standing there like a statue, so he secretly took the soul nail and handed it to Jun Shang.

"Your Majesty, use the soul-suppressing nail to pin the soul of the female demon, and the fairy bone can be taken out faster. I have the red lotus Karma Fire to extract it more violently!"

Gouzi gloated and saw that Jun Shang's face turned black, as if he had eaten dog poop.

Hmph, Your Majesty is stubborn. He loves his daughter-in-law so much that he is so stubborn.

The reason why that stupid emperor is so rigid is that apart from Yuelao's spirit, he has injected a ray of spirit from Junshang.The stupid emperor is the emperor himself.

Junshang and Yuelao really know how to play, break themselves into tens of millions of pieces, and accompany the daughter-in-law to experience eternal love.

All of them said no to each other in unison.Their avatars are honestly willing to live and die to stay with the female demon.The masters really know how to play!
"Shut up!" Liu Yi waved his sleeve lightly, throwing Bai Ze thousands of miles away.He could clearly hear what was going on in Bai Ze's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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