Chapter 410 Avici Hell
"Although you have suffered from eternal love, there are people who are more miserable than you!"

Liu Yi stretched out the hand behind his back to look at it, his fingertips turned translucent.

The female demon is not dead, he, that idiot Yuelao, and the countless fragments of souls that guarded the female demon through the ages will all be wiped out, and he can't wait any longer.

"Don't touch him! Tell him, I will wait for him at Naihe Bridge. In the next life, in the next life, we will be together forever."

Nian Yaoyue whispered tenderly.

"Life after life? No, he only has this life! After that, he will fall into Abi Hell forever, until his soul dies." Liu Yi said, making seals with both hands, and began to draw immortal bones.

"Bastard. What did you do to him! Ah!" Nian Yaoyue roared out of control.

"He changed his fate for you at the price of eternal falling into Abi Hell and not being able to be reincarnated forever! You are the culprit!!" Liu Yi said indifferently.

He planned for thousands of years, and finally found that perfect body. When he successfully seized the body, he would not be trapped in the dragon's corpse to linger on.

Now she has to reshape her body with immortal bones, which is like adding wings to a tiger. Anyway, this woman will be condemned by the gods for life after life, and she will never die.

As for whether the stupid soul is in hell or on earth, it has nothing to do with him at that time.

When she heard Abi Hell, Nian Yaoyue collapsed to the ground in despair,

Avici Hell is the bottom of the [-] Hells, also known as Infernal Hell.

It is the most painful and darkest place among the [-] layers of hell. Those who enter the Avici Hell will suffer forever and cannot be reborn forever.

Even the Bodhisattva cried bitterly when he saw Avici Hell.

"I'll go to hell for him, please!" Nian Yaoyue prostrated at the feet of the dog group leader and begged.

Seeing that the dog group leader is still indifferent, Nian Yaoyue immediately smashed the jar and gritted her teeth: "Then let's die together, and you will never get the fairy bone!"

"Enough! I never force anyone. Since you are not willing to give up, then continue to let him come here to enshrine me. Sooner or later, I will die. What is the difference between early death and late death? Even if you obey today, it is just to let him It's just a few spring and autumn years."

If the nun was picked out of the fairy bones with a lot of resentment, it would definitely alarm those sanctimonious hypocrites in the heavens.

Especially that idiot Yuelao.

Liu Yi raised his hand and was about to drive the nun away, when he suddenly felt someone hug him hard.

Looking down, he saw a flattering smile with teary eyes.

"No, no, don't be angry, don't say a few years, even if I let him live an extra month, a day, an hour, even a quarter of an hour, I am willing to sacrifice this humble life! Please do it!"

Nian Yaoyue's hands were trembling, she was afraid that if she let go even a little, the dog group leader would leave.

Liu Yi was stunned: "You don't want to know what will happen to you after being removed from the fairy bones?"

"No need, the ignorant are fearless." Nian Yaoyue shook her head firmly.

A white light flashed, and she only felt a tearing pain from the Tianling Gai.

Strange images began to flash in my mind:

The Yellow Emperor and Chi You fought against Zhuolu.

At that time, Chi You had the help of Fengbo Yushi, monsters, ghosts, and ghosts; however, the Yellow Emperor had the help of gods such as Fenghou Limu, Dragon Emperor Yinglong, Tiannv Ba, and Tiannv Xuanzhi.In the end, Huangdi won the final victory.

While successfully defeating Chi You, all the gods cheered.However, while eliminating Chi You's forces, Huang Di also lost his loyal minister, Queen Feng, and his beloved Feng Xi.

However, the Dragon Emperor Yinglong and Nuba of the Dragon Clan were unable to return to the heaven because they were infected with the filth and turbidity of the human world...

Yinglong and Nuba, one with a divinity of water and the other with a divinity of fire, were destined to be incompatible and unable to get close to each other.

Due to the impermanence of fate, Ba, the daughter of fire, fell in love with Yinglong, the daughter of water.

Ying Long was the most injured by the turbid qi, and gradually lost his eyesight. The nun used the most beautiful singing in the heavens to comfort the blind Ying Long.

Ying Long gradually fell in love with the woman with a beautiful singing voice, but still could not see the woman's face.

When Nuba learned that Yinglong was about to fall due to the turbidity of the world, she secretly tried to transfer all the turbidity from Yinglong's body to herself.Then leave quietly.

For this, Nuba also paid the price.Because I have lost my air, I am dominated by evil spirits and cause disasters in the world. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the four seasons are out of balance.

The people suffered unspeakably because of this.

Ying Long returned to the Heaven Realm. Ying Long, who had no knowledge of the nun's intentions and sacrifices, thought that the woman he loved so much was the mysterious girl who had been helping him during the Holy War, so he transferred his love to On the Nine Heavens Xuannv, she loves her a lot.

Later, because the people accused the gods of persuading Cambodia one after another, as a last resort, the Yellow Emperor had to order Yinglong to go to crusade against Nuba, because only the water of Yinglong can subdue the fire of Nuba.

The two fought each other on the sea of ​​underworld.

At the end of the battle, Nuba saw that the man standing in front of her and fighting her was the man she missed day and night and loved the most—Ying Long.

In order to absorb the turbidity in Yinglong's body, she had to keep getting close to Yinglong, which made her ugly.

At this time, Nuba's hair had already turned white and fell off, her forehead became even more wrinkled, and her body began to lose moisture, becoming extremely dry, and everywhere she went was severe drought.

Nuba lowered her head, not wanting Yinglong to see her ugly appearance.

She silently looked at the bare land under her feet, and she knew why Yinglong was standing here.

Nuba smiled, facing him in front of her, she no longer wanted to fight, she put down the weapon in her hand, opened her arms, and waited for Yinglong to give her the final fatal blow.

Ying Long, who didn't know why the Nuba had such a change, raised the knife in his hand high and shot straight at the Nuba's chest in order to complete the task entrusted to him by the gods...

"Come on! To die in your hands is considered a blessing to me..." the female demon smiled calmly.

The gentle eyes and soft voice made Ying Long suddenly realize that the ugly woman was actually the woman he had been looking for and loved deeply.

But it was too late, the big knife was inserted straight into Nuba's chest, and blossoming blood flowed out from Nuba's body.

The female demon who was hit by the knife no longer had the strength to continue flying in the sky, and her body sank straight towards Huangquanhai.

Looking at the sad and remorseful Ying Long and the dying daughter-in-law, hoping to dissolve the sadness and self-blame in Ying Long's heart, she sang the song when they met...

After Nuba disappeared, Ying Long shed tears of blood with great regret, and Ying Long's real body also began to turn into fine ashes, step by step into the sea and disappeared.


In the Forbidden City.

Every month after the [-]th day of the month, the Hall of Mental Cultivation is turned upside down. At this time, Su Peisheng was so anxious that he was about to cry as he watched the imperial physicians coming in and out.

(End of this chapter)

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