Chapter 417 The Faint Emperor

Concubine Li of Qi lowered her eyebrows and kowtowed to the handsome man in front of her, begging for mercy.The thing she regrets the most in her life is that she got him in that unspeakable way back then...

This man's method of revenge makes people shudder, and she spends her life atoning for her sins.

From time to time, Mrs. Li looked at the Empress Dowager Wu Yashi with help-seeking eyes, but Wu Yashi just watched with cold eyes. A son born to the Nanmanzi of the Han Army Banner was adopted by Lao Ba, so it was no big deal.

She has plenty of grandchildren, and she doesn't lack a fool like Hongshi.

"Emperor, don't you want to upset the hearts of Wenwu and Erniang of the Manchu Dynasty~" Wu Ya's Qi Qi whimpered persuasively.

Just when the wind was blowing and the dew was cold, the patter of rain came unexpectedly.

Wu Yashi watched Yinzhen go to the side hall to change clothes with no one in his eyes, and after a while, he changed into a solemn dragon robe and came out.

My heart is full of resentment, this is her good son!Supercilious, rebellious and unfilial.

"Emperor Niang, what do you want me to do?" Yinzhen said coldly.

At this moment, Wu Ya saw a few slaves kneeling behind the emperor looking at Yinzhen with fear in their eyes, as if there was some kind of beast hiding behind him.

Wu Yashi thought that Yinzhen was hiding something behind her back and wanted to strike back and prevent her from getting off the stage, so she pretended to be calm and walked slowly around behind Yinzhen.Want to strike first.

"Aijia..Huang...ah! Yinzhen! What's wrong with your hair!" Wu Yashi turned pale in shock and looked behind Yinzhen, only to find that his braids were fading.

However, under the washing of the rain, his originally black braids gradually leaked an ink color, which dyed the bright yellow dragon robe black.

As the ink color turned thinner, Wu Yashi watched helplessly as his son's braids changed from blue silk to white hair.

"Oh, as you can see, I have been obsessed with the elixir of life recently. Nianshi tried the medicine for me and was implicated by me. Thanks to Nianshi's loyalty, after I took the elixir, I feel refreshed. Good medicine, if Erniang and all the lovers are interested, I can give you medicine to take."

As Yinzhen said, he glanced at Su Peisheng, and Su Peisheng brought a red box with understanding.

The box was filled with red wax pills one by one, and Su Peisheng delivered the wax pills to everyone present.

"Everyone loves you, happiness alone is not as good as everyone's happiness, this elixir is very precious, you must share it with me."

As Yinzhen spoke, he glanced at the people present with a coercive look.

Wu Yashi's hand holding the wax pill couldn't help trembling, she was shocked and angry, Yin Zhen would only believe the deception of those elixirs if he was crazy.

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the movements in Yuanmingyuan were so exaggerated in the past few days. Lord Long Live actually ordered thousands of catties of coal and charcoal to be transported to Yuanmingyuan.

The royal palace was filled with black smoke from morning to night, and the fire was not extinguished, making this beautiful garden into a miasma of smoke.

Some ministers who knew more detailed inside information were so frightened that their backs were drenched in cold sweat.

Thinking of the black lead, cinnabar, and all kinds of strange ore mercury transported to the hills in the Yuanmingyuan, I felt that the hand holding the wax pill was shaking uncontrollably.

They don't know the medicinal effects of other materials, but cinnabar is one of the raw materials for refining the intestinal poison Hedinghong!
Is it really edible when all these messy things add up?It's no wonder that Nian's appearance is neither human nor ghost. It's really sad and ridiculous that Nian's degenerates into this kind of virtue in order to invite pets.

"What? You usually talk about being loyal to the emperor and patriotism, but now you dare not test the medicine for me? Why not be as good as Nian's female class?"

Yinzhen looked at those ministers with a sneer.

"My brother, thank you!" The thirteenth master Yinxiang stuffed the pill into his mouth and swallowed it without saying a word.

As long as the fourth brother rewards him, no matter whether it is good or bad, Yinxiang feels that he cannot live up to the fourth brother's expectations.

"" Yinzhen sighed, reached out and patted Xiao Shisan's slightly thin shoulder.

"Shen Lunong, you should go back earlier and rest."

"Brother Huang, can Yinxiang test the medicine for you in the future? How can you put yourself in danger with a body of ten thousand gold? Yinxiang will definitely try out the medicine that is beneficial to the body and prolongs life for Brother Huang!"

Yinxiang knelt on the ground and said emotionally.

Looking at the thirteenth brother kneeling at his feet with his back bent, Yinzhen felt a warmth flash in his heart.

"Come here, send Prince Yi back to the mansion!"

Yinxiang wanted to continue persuading the fourth brother, but was helped away by several guards.

"I won't force anyone, it's raining, you'll go back earlier to rest."

Those officials were already terribly afraid, but seeing the Long Live Lord step down the steps, they knelt down gratefully and left.

No one who is short-sighted would dare to mention Nian's matter.Nian tried the medicine for the Long Live Lord, and changed from a monster to a great hero who devoted himself to the Long Live Lord.

If he still dares to make things difficult for the Nian family now, Lord Long Live will definitely tear them apart.

"Master Kuixu, don't leave, Ertai, wait!"

Watching those ministers leave one after another, Wu Yashi anxiously wanted to retain them.

But no matter how she shouted, those people fled quickly one by one.

In the end, even the concubines in the harem dared to leave under the leadership of Queen Nala.

No one took her as the most honorable empress dowager in the Qing Dynasty seriously, so Wuya pointed to Yinzhen's nose and cursed angrily.

"Crazy! You are a lunatic! A generation of emperors actually bear the eternal infamy for a woman!"

"After today, the entire Qing Dynasty will know that the current Lord Long Live is a foolish king who is obsessed with elixir, and you have used all the fat and ointment of the people to pursue the elixir of life, hehehe!"

"You are crazy! Crazy! You will have retribution! You will be infamous forever!"

Wu Yashi cursed in despair.

Don't think she doesn't know, and because of that bastard Nian, Yinzhen would rather bear the eternal infamy, be ridiculed by the world, and would rather disobey his mother-in-law again and again, embarrass her, and bear all the charges.

She secretly investigated the affairs in the Old Summer Palace, and within a month, Yinzhen ordered to buy and transport more than four thousand catties of firewood, coal and silver minerals to the Old Summer Palace.

That's the annual consumption of the Forbidden City!

The amount of sulfur and black lead alone is more than [-] catties. These things are essential raw materials for refining elixir. Strangely, in just over half a month, these records have become more and more frequent. A total of more than two hundred times before and after.

Not only these, but the raw materials for alchemy also include iron and copper utensils, raw mineral stones of various colors, and even various silk yarns, from which furnace after furnace of golden elixirs are refined.

Therefore, the amount of toxins such as lead, mercury, silver, and sulfur that Yinzhen swallowed in just half a month has already exceeded the range that normal people can bear.

In just half a month, more than 100 catties of pills were produced.

Moreover, the records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all exhausted. If he really ate so much, he would have bled from seven holes and died suddenly.

"Yinzhen, you have disappointed Er Niang too much. Look at your ugly appearance. Er Niang wished that the white-haired man would give up the black-haired man sooner. Your emperor Amaquan knows that, and you will die with peace!"

Wu Yashi wanted to rush up and slap Yinzhen awake, what kind of Gu did Nianshi put on him?

(End of this chapter)

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