Chapter 418 The Demon's Oath
"So what? Let future generations scold me whatever they want, I don't care. Even if Nianshi really poisoned me, it is more humane than my own mother who poisoned me!"

"A tiger's poison does not eat its offspring, Er Niang, you are not even as good as a beast~"

Yinzhen sneered and approached Eniang step by step, disappointed to the extreme, just despair.

"Did you say so?"

Facing Yinzhen's aggressive questioning, Wu Ya's face was pale and he tightly squeezed the veil in his hand.

He knew it all, when did he know it?

Back then, she poisoned Yinzhen for the sake of Xiao Shisi's safe return to Beijing. She did it so secretly, how could Yinzhen see it through.

Wu Yashi stared at Yinzhen with horror in his eyes, he was so terrifying, he could tolerate it so far without making a sound, until today she touched Nianshi, Yinzhen's only reverse scale, that he exposed the unbearable truth.

"I and I are also for you and the little fourteen brothers to support each other... What is wrong with my mother? You are the emperor now, and you are also depressed. Since you are not happy, why do you want to hold on to the throne and not let go?" ?” Wu Yashi said dumbly.

"Give it up? Oh, since I was a child, have I given up to my fourteenth brother? Even the meager maternal love that my mother-in-law gave me, I have given it up to my fourteenth brother. Ma's name is justified, and the country that was passed down to me is also given to Little Fourteen?"

Yinzhen was irritated by Erniang's eccentric words, and now he spoke with an angry trill.

"Whether I am happy or not when I am the emperor, the throne belongs to me, and it belongs to my destiny!"


Seeing the back of his son leaving angrily, Wu Yashi stretched out his hand to hold his son's hand, but the moment he stretched out his fingertips, they fell powerlessly.

When Yinzhen entered the hall, Nianshi was lying on the soft bed, just now Nianshi insisted on coming out to face these ghosts and monsters, so he could only touch Nianshi's sleeping point.

"Su Peisheng, change clothes, I'm going out of the palace." Yinzhen rubbed his brows anxiously and tiredly, and said quietly.

Changing into casual clothes, Yinzhen got rid of the servants, went straight to Yuefei Temple, and jumped down into the Dragon Well.

"Liu Yi, come out!" Yin Zhen roared angrily and threw the sword at his waist towards the dark wall of the well.

"Oh, what's the matter? Now you don't need to pay the price, and even the master doesn't bother to call out?"

Liu Yi emerged from the shadows, and walked arrogantly to the puppet in front of him.

"Who allows you to hurt her! Ah! The deal between you and me has nothing to do with her!" Even though he knew that he was no match for the devil in front of him, Yinzhen still rushed towards the devil like crazy.

"Fool, why do you have to suffer for her? Do you know that if you stay in the world to save her, you will be wiped out sooner or later. If you cooperate with me, you will be able to become a god!"

"God? It's really as simple as you said, and you don't have to try every means to trick her into making those unequal deals with you, causing her to become like that! Don't you want to take it away, just take it!"

Liu Yi looked at the puppet in surprise, and had to say that this puppet was the most perfect existence in the Three Thousand Worlds.

Although the puppet saw through his thoughts, Liu Yi did not become angry from embarrassment.

With ecstasy in his heart, he finally made the puppet willingly sacrifice the primordial spirit.

"Wait a minute! Before seizing the house, you must swear an oath not to harm Nianshi, or you will be destroyed."

Yinzhen thought for a long time, then said slowly.Make a heart demon oath, at least if the other party hurts Nianshi's life, he will be immediately backlashed by the heart demon oath, and his soul will be scattered.

"You're really a fool. If I'm out of my mind, can you still live? But I don't bother to haggle over every detail with Hanba evildoers!"

Liu Yi smiled contemptuously, then formed seals with both hands, and began to swear the heart demon oath.

After making the oath of heart demon, Liu Yi turned his gaze to the puppet under his feet. He was a little excited. After looking forward to it for thousands of years, he was finally able to break out of the cocoon and be reborn today.

His phantom gradually condensed into a faint blue light, gradually escaping towards the puppet's eyebrows.

At this moment, Yin Zhen only felt his whole body being torn and pulled by a strange force.

At this time, Liu Yi had changed from being ecstatic at the beginning to furious and fearful.

"Damn! What have you done to this body! I don't need it!"

Liu Yi angrily threw his sword at the void towards the most incense-filled Yuelao Temple in the southwest corner.


In Yikun Palace, at this moment, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, a bolt of lightning pierced the lonely sky, Nian Yaoyue was awakened by a thunderbolt, her whole body was sore and weak, and her mouth was very bitter.

"I want to drink."

The haggard and weak woman's voice echoed in the dormitory, it was her own voice, when she heard the long-lost voice came to her ears, she was stunned for a moment.

"Ah?" Nian Yaoyue suddenly sat up in amazement, stretched out her hand in front of her eyes and took a closer look, the hand with sharp claws, which was haggard like a branch, returned to whiteness.

"Come here! Jinyu, where is Long Live Lord!" At this time, Nian Yaoyue was incoherent with excitement, and she recovered. She wished to let Fourth Master know the good news immediately.

"Master! You've finally recovered! This servant will go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and tell Long Live the great news." Jinyu wiped away tears excitedly.Turn around and run to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to tell Long Live Lord.

"No need, I will go find Lord Long Live in person!" Nian Yaoyue couldn't wait to change into a palace costume and rush to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The torrential rain was pouring, but the sound of the rain was mixed with the melodious sound of silk and bamboo orchestras.

Hearing that the voice came from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Nian Yaoyue frowned slightly, because she seemed to hear the woman's playful laughter.

The original joyful smile froze on her lips, and she came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation with anxiety.

Pushing open the door of the palace, the fragrant wind blows in front of you.

Several singers in the hall were dancing enchantingly. On the dragon chair, Fourth Master was leaning there lazily, drinking and looking at the singers on the dance floor with drunken eyes.

But there was no intoxication in his eyes, only a creepy chill remained.

"Why are you here too!" Nian Yaoyue frowned when she saw the woman who was walking towards Fourth Master with a hip flask.

"Does the imperial concubine think that concubines are not qualified to come here?" Concubine Xi Niu Hulu Xiuxin smiled with low eyebrows, and filled the glass of wine for the fourth master.

"Go down!" Nian Yaoyue felt uneasy when she saw Niu Hulu Xiuxin, and always felt that this woman was doing everything she could to get close to Fourth Master.

"Presumptuous, what are you? When is it your turn to give orders here? Someone, kick her out~"

"Ah?" Su Peisheng, who was waiting at the side, thought he had heard wrongly, and the Lord Long Live actually ordered Nian Shi to be kicked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.


Su Peisheng heard that the tone of Long Live Lord was very unhappy, so he tremblingly walked in front of Nian, and respectfully made a gesture of please.

"What if the concubine doesn't go out? How will Lord Long Live deal with the concubine?" Nian Yaoyue laughed back angrily, and simply sat down on the grand teacher's chair.

"Su Peisheng, take away all these kabuki performers, and also, invite Concubine Xi to return to the palace~"

(End of this chapter)

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