Chapter 422 Don't Turn Back
"I beg you to let him go? How do you beg? Just like when you took the initiative to undress me and throw yourself into your arms to save him?"

This angry accusation echoed in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Liu Yi was stunned.

Damn it, why did the memory of the puppet appear? He gritted his teeth in frustration, and must refine the puppet as soon as possible!Save your mind from being disturbed by puppets.

Seeing the female demon in front of him made him angry, if it wasn't for the female demon, he would not have underestimated the enemy carelessly, and now he has become a mortal with no power to restrain the chicken.

He wanted to throw the girl to the ground, but he let go uncontrollably.

And what's even more depressing is that when he realized what he was doing, he had already held that woman in his arms.

"Get out!" He gritted his teeth and pushed the woman away.

Seeing the contradictory actions of the Long Live Lord, Su Peisheng who was standing behind was confused, what happened to the Long Live Lord, the recent words and deeds of the Lord are too divided, like two people.

"Apart from being the emperor, what else do you have that is better than me! Apart from power! What else do you have! Aixinjue Luo Yinzhen, as long as she is willing to follow me, no one can stop me!"

Yinti angrily shouted unwillingly.

He didn't lose to the fourth brother in his life, he just lost to a woman, and he put his whole heart on a woman who would never belong to him.


In the end, Nian Yaoyue barely saved the life of Fourteenth Master at the painful price of injuring one thousand enemies and ten thousand herself.

She was deprived of the title of imperial concubine and demoted to an official woman, and the official woman's status is a little higher than that of ordinary court ladies. Any little Changzai or little promise has a higher status than her.

Every day, I have to copy the family law of my ancestors, and kneel in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation to repent and think about my mistakes.

Nian Yaoyue secretly sent her natal family to the south of the Yangtze River to live in seclusion. Now she is alone in the Forbidden City, fearless.

Almost all the children were transferred from the capital by the Mozun for various reasons, and she realized that the man had complicated feelings for the children.

Perhaps, it is the fourth master's consciousness to keep the children away from the place of right and wrong.

In the ninth year of Yongzheng, the news of the queen's death came from the Old Summer Palace, and this day finally came.

The boundless autumn rain is as thin as sorrow.

Ulanara Yixian has washed all her lead and is only wearing the skirt hairpin of an ordinary woman. At this time, she is holding an oil-paper umbrella, looking at the endless funeral procession all over the city, with mixed emotions in her heart.

She witnessed her own funeral.

From this moment on, Empress Ulanara passed away, and the person standing here to mourn for Empress is Ulanara, the daughter of the people.

Seeing the man walking towards her, his temples were graying, but his eyes still had the tenderness that made her heart throb.

"Emperor" Qi Yuan just said a word, his lips were pressed by Yixian's cool fingertips.

"From now on, I will be the daughter-in-law of the Qi family, your wife~" Yi Xian raised the oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and tightly held Qi Yuan's hand.

"Okay! Ma'am!" Qi Yuan cried, and repeatedly called Ma'am, Ma'am, the tilted oil-paper umbrella guarded the woman he had been worrying about all his life. Funeral procession.

"Wow~" At this moment, the basket in the hand of the old woman behind her made a clear cry of a baby.

Qi Yuan was slightly stunned, his eyes full of guilt, he is a disabled person, they will never have their own children in this life.

"That's Yuan'er. When I was buying a carriage in the grass market, I saw someone selling a child. I thought the child was cute, so I bought it. I came in such a hurry that I didn't have time to ask if it was a boy or a girl. From now on, Yuan'er will be us. child.. okay?"

Yixian blushed and looked at Qi Yuan anxiously.

"Okay~" Qi Yuan smiled softly, and took off the eunuch's clothes. At this time, he was wearing a green shirt, just like when he was a boy.

Empress Daxing passed away, so Nian Yaoyue, as a concubine in the harem, naturally wanted to send Yixian off for a while.

But at this time, she was sitting in the leather goods store opposite Deshengju and couldn't help herself.

Galdan Celing even took advantage of the queen's funeral day to kidnap her here and forcefully bring her back to Junggar.

"Khan, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty personally ordered the admirals of the nine gates to seal the city gates immediately. It seems that they have discovered the clue~"

A Junggar woman reminded cautiously.

"Mingyue slave, I won't leave, you..." Nian Yaoyue was knocked out by Celing before she could finish her sentence.

When she woke up again, Nian Yaoyue heard the sound of fighting coming from all around, she opened her eyes, and saw fires flickering around her.

Outside the carriage, Liu Yi was about to go mad with anger. After hooking up with Yinti, this woman took advantage of the queen's funeral to elope with Galdan's rebel.

Does she know what shame is?If people found out, she would be unforgivable even if she was cut into pieces.

Holding back his breath, he ran wildly for several hours in the rainy night, Liu Yi chased here alone, but was trapped by the lamas around the Junggar traitor.

Never been so aggrieved, seeing the carriage gradually disappearing in front of his eyes, Liu Yi inexplicably felt disheartened.

He gritted his teeth and released the puppet's consciousness.

Nian Yaoyue was restrained in her arms by Celing and could not move.

At this time, the carriage creaked and creaked.

"Nian Yaoyue!!"

The sound of the horse whimpering was mixed with anxious roars, and Nian Yaoyue's eyes widened.

She thought it was the Demon Lord, but what she heard next made her burst into tears: "Go, don't look back, don't turn back!"

This repeated and affectionate exhortation struck Cering as if struck by lightning. Didn't it mean that the emperor didn't like Nian Shi anymore?
But the man in front of him was just a farewell sentence, but it made people feel sad.This is not not love, it is love to the point of hopelessness.

The woman in his arms was crying bitterly, Cering stretched out his hands to wipe Nian's tears at a loss, but the more Nian cried, the more sad he became.

In the end, he even bit the back of his hand, and Celing couldn't help frowning due to the excruciating pain.

He looked at Nian Shi who was still clenched tightly, and took a deep breath: "Stop~"

Watching the carriage completely disappear in front of his eyes, Yinzhen turned around in a daze, and walked hard in the rainy night.

He let the rain wash his face with tears on his back, whispering in his mouth all the time: "Don't look back...go."

He doesn't know when he will lose the dominance of this body again, but before Nian's safety leaves the territory of the Qing Dynasty, even if he does not eat, drink, rest or sleep, he must always stay awake. leave safely.

Being hugged tightly behind him, Yinzhen's originally stooped back trembled.

He lowered his head and looked at the hands tightly encircling him. Those hands were thinner and thinner than before. He felt a little distressed, and couldn't help but want to reach out and squeeze those thin hands into his palms.

But his fingertips touched the back of his hand, but he clenched his fist tightly.

"Let's go! I told you to go away, do you hear me! Nian Yaoyue!" Yinzhen choked up and shouted, but the hands around him became tighter and tighter.

He summoned up his courage and wanted to push her away decisively, but he couldn't bear her to be sad.

(End of this chapter)

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