The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 423 Concubine Nian's death...

Chapter 423 Concubine Nian's death...
Sensing Fourth Master's hesitation, Nian Yaoyue was so happy that she almost laughed out loud, she cuddled up behind Fourth Master.

At this moment, fourth master suddenly turned around, reached out and pinched her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

Nian Yaoyue was suddenly struck by lightning. The fourth master once said that even if he is the Ninth Five Supreme, Nian never needs to bow down, let alone look up to him humbly. He said that she is his glory in this life, and he is willing to bow his head.

Why is this happening!Is everything her illusion?It turned out that the fourth master didn't come back, but the abominable Mozun pretended to be the fourth master in order to keep her.

Under the impact of great sorrow and joy, the stern face in front of him gradually blurred...

There was deafening wailing and crying in her ears, Nian Yaoyue struggled to get up, looked around, and found that she was in a quiet and quiet strange room.

There was no one else in the room, Nian Yaoyue opened the window and looked out the window, seeing paper money flying all over the sky, stretching to the sky like snowflakes.

At first, she thought it was just a funeral procession of ordinary rich people, but when she saw eunuchs and court ladies from the Forbidden City in the procession, she panicked.

She staggered and rushed downstairs, grabbed a passerby and asked, "Who died?"

"Oh, why don't you get down on your knees, whoever is dead is dead! Long live God's most beloved concubine, concubine Nian, has passed away. Long live God posthumously conferred the title of imperial concubine Huang Guifei, and her posthumous title is Huang Guifei Dunsu!"

"This imperial concubine is worth it in this life. Look at the posthumous title given by the Lord Long Live! Dun, the word Dun, is as respected as the sky. All dynasties and dynasties have only attributed this beautiful posthumous posthumous title to the king. It is absolutely unacceptable for courtiers and women." Dare to plunder beauty!"

"Dun has always been used as a posthumous title for kings, and Dun has been used as posthumous titles for concubines, especially for concubines. The queen treats it!"

The common people who were kneeling on the ground for the funeral were whispering among each other, and Nian Yaoyue sat on the ground weakly.

Absurd to the extreme, it turned out that this funeral was her own!

There is only one person who can plan all of this with such skillful eyes and eyes...only...fourth master...

It turned out that it wasn't her illusion, it turned out that fourth master had really returned.

But why did fourth master do this?
She was given the supreme glory and status, as well as the freedom she dreamed of, and from this moment on, the red walls and yellow tiles of the Forbidden City completely separated her from Fourth Master.

Dead or alive.

She knew that fourth master must have his reasons for doing this, and she didn't want to be aggressive anymore.

He is not only her fourth master, but also the fourth master of all people in the world.

After thinking about everything clearly, the originally ashamed mood became calm.

There was neither sadness nor joy on her face, and she quietly watched her own coffin slowly leave.


The autumn wind is bleak in the Forbidden City.

Su Peisheng was holding a brocade box in his hand, which contained pills. Long Live Lord was busy with official duties for several days, and he never went to bed even during the breaks.

Long live God is just... crazy.

He not only asked the princes and clans to wear filial piety for the imperial concubine!It is also required that Prince Cheng Yunzhi, Lian Prince Yunyu and other clans below the princes and above the generals, and all the officials below the fourth-rank official and above the Duke of the People, mourn for the imperial concubine three times a day and night.

Even the queen passed away and never had such a specification, and the ministers of the court and China complained a lot.

Yesterday, the ministers of the Ministry of Rituals were all executed with sticks, from the Minister to the Minister, because the Lord Long Live felt that they held the imperial concubine's funeral ceremony was not grand enough.

"Su Peisheng!"

The slightly hoarse and tired voice of Long Live Lord came from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Peisheng couldn't help shivering twice, and stepped into the hall with his back bent.

The refreshing ambergris is lingering in the hall, and Long Live God also specially asked people to add a lot of refreshing ice mint.

Su Peisheng couldn't help shivering, and slowly put the elixir in his hand in Long Live Lord's hand.

Suddenly, seeing the cold eyes of the Long Live Lord, Su Peisheng hastily sped up his movements.


For several months, the entire Great Qing Dynasty Hall was turned upside down.

Lord Yongzheng acted vigorously and carried out a series of drastic reforms.

In order to strengthen the rule over the ethnic minorities in the Southwest, the land reform was carried out.The abolition of the low-level registration system and the implementation of sharing the land into the mu have reduced the economic burden of landless and small-land farmers and promoted population growth.

And vigorously rectify the finances, implement the transfer of consumption and envy to the public, establish a clean and honest bank system, and implement the integration of officials and gentry, and the integration of errands and food.

These new policies that benefited the country and the people completely touched the interests of the gentry and nobles, so the gentry and nobles who mastered the pen began to discredit Lord Yongzheng in various ways.

Nian Yaoyue rubbed her temples, and listened angrily to a few village women by the well talking about the story she heard from the storyteller, saying that the fourth master colluded with the eunuchs to change the imperial decree of Lord Kangxi!The original emperor was someone else.

Those women said something with their noses and eyes, as if they had seen it with their own eyes. They were so angry that they got up and went home.

Sullenly, he came to the door, but saw a familiar figure.

"Master... woo woo!" Su Peisheng knelt on the ground crying, wiping away his tears.


The air in the Hall of Mental Cultivation has a choking smell of medicine, and the hall is filled with a faint thin smoke.

The two young eunuchs guarding the entrance of the hall saw Eunuch Su coming, and bowed hastily.

"Starting from today, the Ma Jia family will serve the Lord Long Live in the Hall of Mental Cultivation!"

"The slave's House of Internal Affairs is dressing with a white flag, Ma Jiayunhui, I have seen the two father-in-laws!"

Changing into a plain-looking court lady, Nian Yaoyue smiled slightly while holding the tray.

"Okay, alright, Lord Long Live will go down in a while, be smart!"

Su Peisheng shook his whisk and led Nian into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

As soon as Nian Yaoyue stepped into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she was coughed repeatedly by the choking smell of medicine.

She put down the tray, and opened all the windows in the hall without saying a word.

Su Peisheng was astonished, looking at Nian's behavior with tears in his eyes, he really didn't know whether it was right or wrong to bring Nian into the palace quietly.

"Ma Jia... Hey, the last servant who dared to open the window without the consent of the Long Live Lord has been shot!"

Su Peisheng looked at the tray that Nian put on the table. Inside the tray was the elixir that Long Live Lord must take every day, which has now been replaced with tonics for health.

I really can't imagine if Lord Long Live tasted something wrong, he would kill Nian Shi on the spot.

Su Peisheng was hesitant to exchange the pill of Long Live Lord, but when he struggled for a long time and finally made up his mind to exchange it back, it was heard that Long Live Lord had arrived from outside.

Su Peisheng was about to cry, so he could only greet the Long Live God tremblingly.

He watched Master Long Live walk to the bronze mirror expressionlessly, and opened his arms silently.

He just wanted to go up and change the clothes of the Long Live Lord, but Nian Shi, who was disguised as a court lady Ma Jiayunhui, had already walked up to the Long Live Lord.

Seeing Lord Long Live being served by Nian Shi peacefully, Su Peisheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, Lord Long Live certainly did not recognize Nian Shi.

Su Peisheng was delighted in his heart, and pouted at Nianshi again, reminding Nianshi to take the elixir that Lord Longevity ate to Lord Longevity.

(End of this chapter)

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