Chapter 424 He Knows It All
Su Peisheng watched Long Live Lord take the elixir, and his heart hit his throat.I'm afraid that Long Yan will be furious when Long Live finds out that the medicine has been changed.

Seeing Lord Long Live put the teacup by the table, Su Peisheng finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Everyone go down~"

"Slaves follow orders~"

Su Peisheng stared at the eunuchs and maids leaving one by one. He picked up the tray and was about to leave, but he saw the Lord Long Live who was sitting there reviewing the memorials, holding a vermilion pen in his hand.

The vermilion pen smudges the mottled red plums on the memorial.

But Long Live God stared at the direction of the entrance of the hall for a long time without saying a word.

Following the eyes of the Lord Long Live, Su Peisheng saw the back of Nian's departure, and was shocked for a moment.

Su Peisheng looked at the tenderness in the eyes of Lord Long Live who couldn't hide it, and at that moment, he understood everything.

It turned out that as soon as he stepped into the Hall of Mental Cultivation and saw Nian Shi, Long Live Lord knew it was Nian Shi!
Su Peisheng gritted his teeth in frustration, he should have guessed it earlier, no wonder today he always felt that there was a faint light in the originally dim eyes of Long Live Lord.

Long live Lord looks indifferent and alienated to everyone, but Nian's eyes are always the same throughout his life.

"Long live...slave..." Su Peisheng suddenly choked up when the words came to his lips.Since neither of them wanted to uncover this layer of window paper, why should he expose it?
"Huh?" Yinzhen came back to his senses and began to review the memorial.

"The servant wants to report to Lord Long Live that lunch will arrive in half an hour. Does Lord Long Live want to deliver the meal in advance?"

Yinzhen subconsciously shook his head, suddenly thought of something, and nodded anxiously.

Su Peisheng knew in his heart that Lord Long Live felt sorry for Nian Shi. The servants in the Hall of Mental Cultivation had to wait until the master had eaten before eating, otherwise they would be hungry for many nights.

"Tell Zhang Tingyu that I accidentally spilled the ink on the memorial."

Su Peisheng craned his neck to glance at the ink-stained memorial, and nodded solemnly.

Lord Long Live is so caring, because he is worried that Mr. Zhang Tingyu thinks too much.


Outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Concubine Xi Niu Hulu Xiuxin and Concubine Duan Tong Jinxian stood outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation at the same time. The two had a tacit understanding, and they both carried food boxes in their hands.

Now in the harem, the two of them have the most honorable status.

Queen Nala's bastard and Nian's are both dead, and the two of them couldn't hide the smiles on their faces during this time.

With the status of the two of them as matriarchs, the choice of successor will not fall on the third person.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin looked at the domineering concubine Duan, suppressing her smile.

"Sister Concubine Duan, you and I are really sisters, and today we both want to deliver delicacies to Lord Long Live!"

"Since my younger sister calls me a sister, she naturally knows the order of respect and order, so I will go in first and offer food to the Lord Long Live~"

Tong Jinxian brushed her finely combed sideburns, and said unhurriedly.

"Wait a minute! Sister Concubine Duan may have misunderstood. You and I are both concubines, so why is there any difference in respect? I call you elder sister because you are older than I am!"

Niu Hulu Xiuxin smiled softly while covering her handkerchief.

Nian Yaoyue shook her head helplessly watching the verbal battle between Concubine Duan and Concubine Xi outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Neither of these two is more noble than the other.

In a few months, the entire Qing Dynasty will know that the Tong family is about to become a thing of the past.

On behalf of the Qing Dynasty, Longkodo went to negotiate with the Raksha Kingdom.

Kolongkodo negotiated the border issue with the Raksha Kingdom and was about to succeed, but because of forming a party for private gain and hiding the jade certificate privately, he was ordered by the fourth master to secretly escort him back to Beijing.

The jade plate is a royal genealogy, and it is a very sacred utensil. Except for the yamen of the clan's mansion, outsiders are not allowed to watch it privately.

But Longkodo kept the jade plate privately. This kind of rebellion against the dragon's scales and contempt for the imperial power is simply seeking a dead end.

Because of Longkodo, the Qing Dynasty lost its jurisdiction over Lake Baikal.

The cession of these 10 square kilometers made Huaxia bid farewell to the Lake Baikal region and completely lost the possibility of using the water resources of Lake Baikal.

Now Chinese people can only commemorate this former land by traveling abroad and buying Lake Baikal mineral water.

In a few months, after Long Keduo returned to Beijing, it would be the end of the Tong clan.

Concubine Xi, Niu Hulu, Xiuxin didn't know that the fourth master had long been aware of the secret collusion between Hongli and the eighth master, and their power had been secretly disintegrated from the inside by the fourth master.

Seeing that the two were still arguing outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Nian Yaoyue walked towards them.

"My ladies and gentlemen, Lord Long Live is already having dinner, ladies and gentlemen, please come back first."

"Dog slave! When will it be your turn to boss around here! You deserve it too!"

Tong Jinxian was furious, without saying a word, he swung his hand and slapped the servant who didn't know his dignity in front of him.

"Presumptuous!" Niu Hulu Xiuxin stared at the maid in front of her who looked at the face, and suddenly felt extremely disgusted for no reason.

It's even worse than the disgust and resentment towards the dead Nianshi.

"Slap your own mouth!" Niu Hulu Xiuxin didn't want to lose her composure in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so she put on the airs of her master and let the slave in front of her do what she wanted.

"Bold! How dare you be presumptuous in front of your empress!"

The servant next to Niu Hulu Xiuxin lowered his voice, and with skill, he secretly knocked down the servant and forced her to kneel on the ground.

"Go back! Don't get close to my Hall of Mental Cultivation without a pass!"

At this moment, the roar of Long Live Lord came from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, accompanied by the sound of slamming plates.

Concubine Duan Tong Jinxian turned pale, so she obediently left.

Concubine Xi Niu Hulu Xiuxin looked at the ordinary maid in front of her in shock.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin fixed her eyes on the maid, and she felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"You...what's your name?" Niu Hulu Xiuxin said with a forced smile.

"Go back to your mother, slave Ma Jia Yunhui." Before Nian Yaoyue finished speaking, a warm and delicate jade bracelet was stuffed into her hand.

"Isn't it my palace just now, this bracelet was given to Miss Yunhui. I have Lao Duoduo to take care of the daily life of Long Live Lord."

Niu Hulu Xiuxin wished she could break the jade bracelet into pieces, and poke pieces into the face of the bastard in front of her.

I didn't expect to be away for a long time, and to be able to get the moon by the vixen in front of me, which made the fourth master to favor this bitch even more.

Even in order to protect this cheap brat in front of him, he did not hesitate to be furious.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin endured the overwhelming resentment and turned to leave. This woman named Ma Jiayunhui must not let her stay with Fourth Master any longer.She must die!

Watching Niu Hulu Xiuxin leave, Nian Yaoyue gave the bracelet Niu Hulu Xiuxin gave to a simple and honest little eunuch.

"Oh, you... why are you still here, go in and serve the Lord Long Live for dinner!"

Su Peisheng hurriedly dragged Nian into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At this time, the broken dishes have been cleaned up, and a table of new dishes has been rearranged.

Nian Yaoyue looked at the table of dishes and was taken aback for a moment, several of the dishes were her favorites.

His stomach suddenly growled in disbelief.

"You! Try dishes!"

Seeing Fourth Master looking at her expressionlessly, Nian Yaoyue took the sterling silver bowl and chopsticks handed over by Su Peisheng.

(End of this chapter)

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