Chapter 102 The Farewell Gift
In fact, it's not just Mu Tong.

Lu Shen also saw that the relationship between Lin Xuan and Shui Ruyan was unusual.

Otherwise, she didn't know that Shui Ruyan had a heart-shaped birthmark on her buttocks, so how could Lin Xuan know it?

If it is an innocent friendship.

It's not clear at all.

Lin Xuan felt dizzy for a while.

Although the old woman didn't say it clearly, it was obviously aimed at him knowing about Shui Ruyan's birthmark.

This is really melon field plums, I can't tell.

Can you tell the old woman that it was her precious daughter who pretended to be the head of the sect, first attacked her despicably, and then rose up to resist herself, that's why she saw the birthmark by the way when she spanked her?

That involved even more.

First of all, there is no way to explain what sister juice is.

Shui Ruyan is also helpless, she really can't accept such a big change in her life for a while.

Seeing the water like smoke doesn't mean anything.

Mu Tong's mother's heart began to explode again:

"Daughter, tell me something. I think this kid is really handsome. If you don't want to take him to Pengshan, Mom will help him even if you tie him up!"

Shui Ruyan sighed.

Answering the call is not, and not answering the call is not.

If you answer the call, you have to deal with the topic of your daughter and mother. If you don't answer, Lin Xuan will be grabbed by the collar.

"Ahem, I said Auntie, can I say a few words?" Lin Xuan said at this time.

"Say, if you fart, let it go!"

Mu Tong hated the innocent and heartless people like Lin Xuan the most.

"Auntie, you may not know that Ruyan and I are actually rivals in love..." Lin Xuan said.

Mu Tong was angry again.

What, rival relationship?

Can watch my daughter's ass rivalry?

"What nonsense are you talking about? My daughter is your rival in love?!" Lin Xuan's collar tightened a bit.

"Oh, what are you doing! Listen to him!" Shui Ruyan said to Mu Tong suddenly, it was Lin Xuan who was pulled by the collar, and she felt distressed when she saw it...

"Okay, okay..."

Seeing Shui Ruyan talking to her, Mu Tong's expression softened.

"Let go of your hand!" Shui Ruyan said again.

"Okay..." Mu Tong immediately let go of his hand.

Lin Xuan didn't care about anything, of course, if it wasn't for the fact that the old woman was Shui Ruyan's real mother.

Come here early and pass by.

At this moment, she paused and explained: "That aunt, Ruyan and I are rivals in love because she doesn't like men, but women..."

Mu Tong and Lu Shen: "???!!!"

Mu Tong seemed to hear the Arabian Nights.

What the hell?His daughter likes women? !Isn't this bullshit!
Lu Shen couldn't listen anymore.

Isn't this typical of eating dry wipes and not admitting it.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Mu Tong panicked and wanted to grab Lin Xuan's collar again, "You're talking nonsense and slandering my daughter, who can prove what you said!"

"This seat can prove it!"

Just at this moment, a cold voice sounded.

It was Xiao Qingyao and Aunt Lan who came.

It turned out that Aunt Lan saw the old woman coming again from a distance.

Later, things got more and more troublesome, and the old woman turned out to be Shui Ruyan's own mother, so she quickly called the head over.

"Can you prove it?" Mu Tong recognized Xiao Qingyao, head of Tianyi School, who was speaking.


Xiao Qingyao said coldly: "Lin Xuan is my boyfriend, and Shui Ruyan is my friend many years ago, but Shui Ruyan has been entangled with me all these years, and she is even more delusional. A few days ago, I said that it was Lin Xuan stole her woman."

"She is like this, what is it if she is not a rival in love with Lin Xuan?"

Mu Tong and Lu Shen were both shocked when they heard this.

Mu Tong looked at Shui Ruyan even more, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Seeing the water like smoke.

I had no choice but to sigh: "Yes, I like women these years, and Lin Xuan is a rival in love. But..."

Before Shui Ruyan finished speaking.

It was interrupted by Mu Tong's ahhh.

"What a sin!"

"Shortly after giving birth to my daughter, the flesh and blood were separated. After so many years, I thought Yin and Yang were separated, but I finally reunited with my daughter. I didn't expect it to be... so abnormal!"

Mu Tong had a look of shock and disappointment on his face.

On Shui Ruyan's "abnormal", Lin Xuan cast a deeply sympathetic look at Mu Tong...

Lu Shen is also a decent person.

It's hard to accept that a woman likes a woman.

Pulled La Mutong and said: "Forget it, old woman, let's go."

But Aunt Lan stood in front of them.

Xiao Qingyao cast a cold glance at Mu Tong and the two: "You two came here uninvited, and left as soon as you said, and you think there is no one in my family?"

Mu Tong: "What do you think?"

"Of course I keep you guys here!" Xiao Qingyao said.


Shui Ruyan stood up, shook her head earnestly, and said, "It's a face for me, let them go. I didn't ask you anything this time..."

Seeing that Xiao Qingyao was still stern, she stopped talking.

I know I have acquiesced.

"You two go, don't bother me anymore, give me time, I figured it out, and I will find you." Shui Ruyan explained a few words to Mu Tong.

Just now Mu Tong was surprised by Shui Ruyan's "abnormality".

But after all, she was her own daughter, and she hadn't seen her for many years.

At this time, he also looked reluctantly, and was even more happy to see that Shui Ruyan was able to speak on his own initiative.

"Then daughter, let's go, you have figured it out, you must find me, if you go back to Pengshan, I will go there too..."

Zhengwai and Lu Shen are leaving.

Suddenly Shui Ruyan stopped her again.

"Wait a moment!"

Mu Tong looked back in doubt.

Just listening to Shui Ruyan said again: "If you still want to recognize me in the future, just apologize to... Lin Xuan."

Mu Tong suddenly looked embarrassed.

This kid kicked her and injured her twice, and before kicking her every time, he even scolded her...

Now let yourself apologize to him? ! !

Shui Ruyan over there looked at her, unmoved.

After all, Lin Xuan was involved a lot with his own affairs this time, and Mu Tong had been grabbing Lin Xuan's collar before.


Mu Tong finally said it reluctantly, and nodded towards Lin Xuan.

"It's okay." Lin Xuan grinned quickly.

When Mu Tong saw it, his heart became furious again.

It's okay sir!
The asshole who looks at my daughter's ass, the heartless man who eats everything...


After the Mu Tong incident.

The days of Shui Ruyan in Tian Yizong have also entered the countdown.

Xiao Qingyao was still busy with the affairs of the sect and the government.

Aunt Lan is still watching.

Shui Ruyan was still approaching Lin Xuan intentionally or unintentionally.

And quite sentimental about parting.

"I don't know when I will see you again when I return to Pengshan, you, Qingyao, Aunt Lan..."

"Pengshan is on an island, and it's lonely overseas, so it's still very inconvenient to travel. But Lin Xuan, I hope that one day, you can visit Pengshan alone or with Qingyao. I will definitely take you to Pengshan to have a good time. play!"

"But let's say it's one case this time."

"It's not in vain, a real mother popped out all of a sudden, and it's really full of goods..."

Looking at Shui Ruyan with a slightly helpless expression.

Lin Xuan said: "Be content, you know that you have parents, and now you have a real mother. I don't even know who my parents are."

"Oh, poor little one!" Shui Ruyan said, wanting to touch Lin Xuan.

"Go, who is pitiful!"

Lin Xuan knocked off Shui Ruyan's malicious hand: "Now I have a sister-in-law and a master. I don't know how good it is."

Shui Ruyan suddenly smiled narrowly after hearing this.

"Lin Xuan, can I discuss something with you?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Look, I'm leaving soon, it's hard to come here." Shui Ruyan laughed softly.

"How about we have a fight?"

"I promise that I am also a virgin, so you can give me a parting gift, okay?"


(End of this chapter)

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