Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 103 My boyfriend can only be mine!

Chapter 103 My boyfriend can only be mine!

When Lin Xuan heard it, it was unexpected.

I treat you as a rival in love, but why are you greedy for my body?

I thought that this water like smoke would suddenly become so white that his mother would calm down a bit, but I didn't expect that he would still be wicked.

It is impossible to guard against.

Seeing that Lin Xuan's complexion was not looking well, Shui Ruyan hurriedly explained: "Lin Xuan, I'm serious."

"When I first met you, I was a little curious and surprised. I thought the man who was the devil, Xiao Qingyao, was just a brat? What happened later? You know, it's so sweet!"

"To tell you the truth, I was straightened by you..."

Lin Xuan was sweating for a while: "I said classmate Ruyan, you know, I already have a master."

"But I don't mind."

Shui Ruyan continued: "I have been sisters with Qingyao since the beginning, and we have a very good relationship. I have liked her for 20 years."

"If you promise me, I promise to convince Qingyao that the three of us can live happily together."

"Look, Qingyao and I are both in good shape, if you want to have a threesome..."

Shui Ruyan bit her red lips, but did not continue.

But Chunbo's gaze was fixed on Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was completely speechless.

This water like smoke is getting more and more outrageous, even parting gifts, threesomes, what kind of bullshit!
Lin Xuan tried his best to avoid this embarrassment.

But Shui Ruyan is actually unwilling to let go, just wants to come closer, no, wants to stick to it.

Lin Xuan was shocked.

What is this pervert doing?If you get close to Lao Tzu, you will shout.


A purple light flashed in Shui Ruyan's eyes.

Purple pupil technique!
Lin Xuan was in a trance for a while, his mind went blank, as if his body was out of control.

Just deep down.

There is still a sliver of reason, no way, the pervert is going to use force on himself? !
Fuck, don't!

"Lin Xuan!"

Xiao Qingyao suddenly shouted from behind.

Lin Xuan was shocked and woke up instantly.

Seeing that the water was so close like smoke, his thoughts turned, and he pushed her aside with one kick.

The water was like smoke in shock.

Also very cooperative.

One turned somersault, but was "flyed" more than ten meters away by Lin Xuan's foot.

Ouch in my mouth.

He patted his butt and complained: "Lin Xuan, why don't you hit me so hard, can you hit someone a little lighter..."

"Can you blame me? You still don't believe me when you say you can't beat me!" Lin Xuan also said innocently.

Seeing Xiao Qingyao's eyes were cold.

The expression is very puzzled.

And Aunt Lan was not far away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shui Ruyan said, "That Qingyao, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach and feel a little anxious, so let's go first."

Quickly peed.

Lin Xuan who stayed where he was: "..."

He quickly grinned and said, "Master, please listen to my explanation!"

Not finished.

Xiao Qingyao pinched his ears.

Lin Xuan immediately yelled exaggeratedly.

Hearing the water like smoke in the distance, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

That's all, if he really comes to Pengshan in the future, then he will just make up for it.


"Qingyao, Lin Xuan, and Aunt Lan, I'm leaving!"

At the station, Shui Ruyan hugged Xiao Qingyao and Aunt Lan respectively.

He shook hands with Lin Xuan.

Then he blew a few more kisses.

When it was time to say goodbye, Xiao Qingyao also had an expression of reluctance.

"Ruyan, come play again when you have time."

"Okay." Shui Ruyan agreed in one gulp.

Then he said to Lin Xuan: "Lin Xuan, remember the advice I gave you, it has always been effective..."

Turned around and walked into the station chicly.

Lin Xuan had a look of helplessness on his face. Before leaving, this Shui Ruyan wanted to find trouble for him.


Xiao Qingyao enthusiastically waved at Shui Ruyan.

Turning around, he looked at Lin Xuan gloomyly:

"Honestly, what's your suggestion?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

She couldn't help but wiped her forehead: "That's right, she wants me to go to Pengshan for two days."


That threesome, no, a suggestion for a threesome to live happily ever after.

It is absolutely impossible to say it.

"Go to Pengshan for two days?" Xiao Qingyao frowned.

In the past few days, it was Aunt Lan who repeatedly reminded her that she found that the water was like smoke, which was indeed a bit abnormal.

To be indifferent to her was what she wished for.

But Shui Ruyan was a little too enthusiastic towards Lin Xuan.

How can there be a rival in love who is so warm and mingled with each other?

In this case, she also had to consider the possibility that Aunt Lan said, that Shui Ruyan is a type that both men and women can eat...

"Pengshan is too far away, you are not allowed to go!"

After a while, Xiao Qingyao said without hesitation.

Xin said, in Tianyi School, the water is like smoke, and I can't help it.

You go to her place, with her nature of eating everything, it's no wonder if she doesn't eat you up!
Besides, my boyfriend can only be mine, and if I want to eat it, I will eat it alone. How can I get water like smoke...


After a few days.

Lin Xuan went to school during the day and stayed overnight at Tianyizong.

Zheng Li at home is not surprised.

On Tianyizong Mountain, Aunt Lan also pretended not to see it.

As soon as the water was like smoke and the light bulb stirred up, Lin Xuan and the leader took the opportunity to let go of their hands and feet, and basically did all the shameless things.

Of course the last kick.

Lin Xuan was still very sober and never took any action.

A few days later.

Xiao Qingyao said to Lin Xuan: "Recently, I have gained some insights in cultivation and want to retreat for a while."

"You want to drive me away so soon?" Lin Xuan asked.

Xiao Qingyao couldn't help it, scratched Lin Xuan's nose and said, "Yeah, you've been hanging around Tianyi School in this seat for a long time. The day before yesterday, I heard that Liu Shishi reported that the college was planning to organize a Daoyuan class." Go to the secret realm to practice, you just go back and prepare."

"Cultivation in the secret realm?" Lin Xuan asked.

"That's right, after completing the cultivation in the secret realm, your Daoyuan class should graduate." Xiao Qingyao said.

Lin Xuan: "And then?"

Xiao Qingyao: "It's time for you to go to a high-level spiritual school." After speaking, he looked a little disappointed.

Because there is no high-level spiritual institution in Jiangcheng.

And with Lin Xuan's aptitude and talent.

He will definitely go to the best high-level spiritual institution in Longguo, Zhongzhou Lingfu.

But Zhongzhou Lingfu is hundreds of kilometers away from Jiangcheng. Once Lin Xuan goes to a high-level spiritual school, it will be more difficult to see him again.

Lin Xuan didn't speak for a moment.

Because he thought of that too.

After a while, he hugged the Sect Leader's slender waist from behind.

He buried his face in the fragrant hair, and said: "You want to retreat, but I don't want to be the master, what should I do?"

"What's the matter, isn't it just a few days?"

Xiao Qingyao smiled softly: "Be obedient and obedient. When I am out of closed-door training, I should have a breakthrough in my cultivation, and I will reward you with a big surprise at that time."

"How big is it?"

"It's as big as you can think of it."

"You mean what you say?" Lin Xuan asked again.

Xiao Qingyao turned her head, and lightly pecked Lin Xuan's face with her soft lips.

The tone is soft and charming: "Of course it counts!"


(End of this chapter)

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