Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 104 Seeing the money-eyed scumbag

Chapter 104 Seeing the money-eyed scumbag

In the Daoyuan class of Egret Academy.

The students are all discussing the cultivation in the secret realm.

Cultivation in the secret realm is a necessary process for the students of the Daoyuan class to graduate.Previously, the top ten geniuses in the Tianbang went to the secret realm to practice for a month, and the popularity of the secret realm had already passed through the Daoyuan class.

Now I am about to participate directly.

It is possible for the country's high-level spiritual schools to directly enroll the outstanding ones.

That's it, everyone is excited.

"The prerequisite for the excellent evaluation of secret realm cultivation is to obtain three demon pills of E-level mid-stage monsters, but it is the most risky content. In the past, many disciples were killed or injured because of this."

"You still want to be rated as excellent, and you want to eat farts!"

"The demon pill of a mid-stage E-level monster... oh my god! In our Daoyuan class, there are not many disciples in the mid-stage E-level!"

"Who says no, as long as I pass the test, I just complete the basic test honestly."

"This year, it's obviously a higher level of difficulty. Even if you are in the top ten, you may not be able to evaluate all of them as excellent, but once you get excellent, the best Zhongzhou Lingfu in Longguo will definitely not be able to escape..."

The big guys were discussing in full swing on the playground.

Lin Xuan walked in at this moment.

Hearing everyone's discussion, I didn't have much interest at all.

It's only a monster in the middle of E-level, and the frost giant wolf in the early D-level, he has shot to death, right?

Just about to lie on the desk and squint for a while.

A group of girls surrounded him clattering.

It also includes several foreign classes.

All of them stared at Lin Xuan with brilliant eyes.

"Lin Xuan, I know you are very powerful, please take us with you when you go to the secret realm!"

"Yes, we can help you with many things..."

"You have to spend seven days and nights in there. We will help you do chores, make a fire, cook, chat and fart, and we can help you do all the dirty work!"

"That's right! Warming the bed, giving birth to monkeys, etc., are not something that cannot be considered..."

Lin Xuan looked at the group of girls.

I don't understand why these people are so confident.

How long has it been, and I feel like Dean Liu can't hold a knife anymore?
Warm the bed, give birth to monkeys...

Just relying on your bunch of A vs B, and faces that you can't bear to look straight at?
"You want me to take you in the secret realm, don't you?" Lin Xuan asked.

All the girls: "Yes!"

Seeing that Lin Xuan took the initiative to ask, it felt like something was going on, so everyone looked forward to it.

"It's not impossible to bring one, but there is always a price to pay." Lin Xuan said solemnly.

"How about this, the starting price is 10 yuan per person, as long as you pay, you can get the treatment of letting me take one in the secret realm."

Bring one, 10 yuan per person?
The girls were surprised for a while, 10 yuan is naturally a small amount for a wealthy man.

But the problem is that for the vast majority of disciples, 10 yuan is almost half of the family's annual income.

It is simply unacceptable.

In fact, that's what Lin Xuan intended.

"It's [-] yuan to open your mouth. Talking about money hurts your feelings!"

"That's right, knowing that they are all classmates, and asking for so much money on purpose, I just don't want to bring it!"

"Hmph, see the money-eyed scumbag!"

The girls left angrily.

Lin Xuan was happy and quiet, and continued to sleep on the table.

Last night, because it was the last night before the head retreat, so I didn't go to bed until very late.

And for those girls.

Lin Xuan didn't even want to help...

So scaring them away with money is just because we are all classmates, so it's not good to refuse directly.


The so-called secret realm is the same as the ruins.

They all suddenly appeared in places where monsters and beasts gathered in this world after their spirit energy revived.

However, all the situations in the secret realm have been fully explored by human cultivators.

The monster level is low and the safety factor is high.

Therefore, it is very suitable for the cultivation of disciples.

The secret place that Bailu Academy went to this time was a secret place near Jiangcheng.

As Liu Yingying's right-hand man.

Feng Zhenhua served as the leader of the Daoyuan class's secret cultivation mission.

"Everyone, take a look, don't miss out on anyone, and don't miss out on what you should prepare!"

"You guys, why are you dawdling? You don't want to participate in secret realm training, do you?!"

"Everyone catch up quickly, hurry up and get in the car!"

In front of a bus at the school gate, Feng Zhenhua was in high spirits, yelling with a horn.

The disciples of the Daoyuan class filed in under his command.

Lin Xuan also sat in the back of the car early.

in fact.

Compared with continuing to study and participating in the secret realm trials, it is not that Lin Xuan has thought of other paths, such as being an inner disciple of Tianyi Sect, or being a casual cultivator wandering the world.

Anyway, he has a system.

I have no dream of saving the world, I just want to be a happy salted fish.

Sleep, sleep, upgrade, talk about love.

Doesn't it smell good, doesn't it feel good?
But after thinking about it for a while, he realized that he really couldn't do it.

Because, although he has a system.

But having a system does not mean invincibility.

Right now, on the surface, the relationship between the head and him is quite good, but he knows that it is the effect of the infatuation Gu, if the head knows that he is actually infected by the infatuation Gu.

Feel cheated.

Will you kill him?

Even a slightly stronger skill than you can help some, but there is a time and number limit.

It's really like facing a life and death duel.

Lin Xuan still panicked.

And especially, the sect master's retreat this time will make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Once she reaches level B, infatuation Gu will not work on her.At that time, it is time for the truth to be revealed...

So it comes down to it.

There are many variables in this world, the only way to become stronger as soon as possible, to truly crush everything, is the kingly way!

And because of the government's monopoly on cultivation resources.

Many sects, including Tianyi Sect, are actually facing the problem of lack of cultivation resources.

Needless to say, inner disciples.

Therefore, the best way to become stronger as soon as possible is to participate in secret cultivation and enter Zhongzhou Lingfu to obtain more cultivation resources.


three hours later.

The bus arrived at the entrance of the secret realm.

At the entrance, there are a large number of soldiers sent by the government, guarding with loaded guns and live ammunition.

Although monsters with D-level strength can already effectively evade thermal weapons.

However, there are very few monsters of D level or above in the secret realm.

Therefore, a large number of soldiers, together with a small number of high-level practitioners, can fully undertake the task of guarding the entrance of the secret realm.

"Lin Xuan, I heard that 10 yuan will allow you to bring one in the secret realm?"

At this time, Liu Tingting came straight to Lin Xuan.

A few girls followed behind.

Everyone said happily:

"Lin Shen, are you sure that only 10 yuan will be enough?"

"10 yuan is 10 yuan, as long as you can take me, I can afford it..."

Looking at the expressions of Liu Tingting and the girls, it was obvious that they were not short of money.

Lin Xuan touched his forehead for a while.

What I said was meant to be a polite refusal, okay? Besides, I came to the secret realm to become stronger, not to be an old lady to help you!

Thinking about the reasons for rejection.

Suddenly, another male voice came from behind: "Brother, are you sure that 10 yuan will allow you to help bring it in the secret place?"

Lin Xuan didn't need to look back to know that it was the bird man Chen Hao.


I couldn't help but feel dizzy again.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in my mind.

【Ding! 】

[The system detects the host's current situation and triggers a new task: The host is a good person, participate in the cultivation in the secret realm, and win No.1! 】

[And in the process, help others! PS: The more you help others, the higher the quality of system rewards you get! 】

[Does the host accept the mission? 】


(End of this chapter)

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