Chapter 106 This is unscientific!

Feng Zhenhua is a mentor after all.

Naturally, his temperament will not be too small, and there is no need to haggle with his disciples no matter what.

After thinking about it, I realized that what Lin Xuan said before was obviously a polite word.

Let yourself be humble...

Chen Hao, who was standing beside him, was also shocked.

But already shocked and a little numb.

Seeing Feng Zhenhua's green face at this moment, he couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

You know, Lin Xuan's space equipment, what is it to put a seven-seater SUV in it?
At that time Lin Xuan took him to sweep the goods.

Almost wiped out all the shelves in a supermarket, okay?

For all kinds of food.

Add it all up, and that guy is tons of stuff.

There are also various household appliances, electric grills, refrigerators, etc. In order to provide power in the secret realm, diesel generators are also put in...

in fact.

Lin Xuan originally prepared some things for his own use.

Can issue tasks systematically and ask to be helpful.

So Lin Xuan had no choice but to go to the supermarket again to scan the goods.As for the storage space, he didn't have to worry at all, in addition to the system space, there was also the Moon Reflecting Orb given to him by the headmaster.

The Moon Reflecting Pearl itself has a small world inside it.

Installing those things is simply a trivial matter.

Even before leaving.

Lin Xuan took a fancy to a mobile prefabricated house with air conditioning, and put it in without saying a word.

Surprised, Chen Hao seemed to have seen a ghost.

It took a long time to close my mouth.

"Wow, Lin Shen is so big! A car can fit in it..."

"Why Lin Shen is so big, can you explain clearly, it is obviously Lin Shen's guy is so big!"

"Bah bah! It's not a guy, it's space equipment!"

"I still hang out with Lin Shen, there is a future! Help us bring our luggage! Hee hee hee..."

Seeing that Lin Xuan also put the car in the space equipment.

The girls looked excited and praised Lin Xuan for a while.

This time Lin Xuan paid for it, except for Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting, and Chen Hao.

There are two other girls.

They are Li Qin and Xu Na, and they all look good.

While Liu Tingting and the other girls were chattering and praising, Fang Lingbo on the side was silent.

Lin Xuan has always been interested in money.

Will you help them with their luggage?No wonder he has such a good heart.

Sure enough, Lin Xuan soon spoke again.

"It's okay to help you with your luggage, but each person will be charged 1000 yuan for the help."

Liu Tingting and other girls: "..."

There are complaints in my heart, I have paid 20 yuan, and I don't even help to carry a luggage.

"Why don't you think it's too little, how about 2000?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"No no no..."

"A lot! A lot..."

All the girls said in their mouths, and quickly started to pay.


The first day of entering the secret realm.

Feng Zhenhua led the crowd and set off towards the first camp built by human practitioners in this secret place.

Everyone is very excited.

The first is to pass through a dense forest, which contains some mobs such as wild boars and roe deer.

These mobs are all at F level, and for most of the disciples of the Daoyuan class, they are a piece of cake.

So I had a lot of fun.

Basically everyone has something to gain.

Through the dense forest on the edge, followed by a fast-moving river.

There is a single-plank bridge over the river.

There seems to be an E-level monster in the river.

However, Feng Zhenhua's cultivation base is at the beginning of D-level, and the other instructors are also at the end of E-level.

One stop at both ends of the river.

The breath spread out, and those E-level monsters in the river didn't even dare to show their heads.

So amidst the admiration for Teacher Feng, everyone crossed the single-plank bridge without any risk.

After the single-plank bridge.

It is a large desert area.

The weather in the secret realm is slow and unpredictable, unlike the outside world.According to Feng Zhenhua's introduction, it is possible that the weather will still be sunny and sunny, but it will rain and snow in a blink of an eye.

After entering the desert.

The weather has become extremely dry and hot.

And this desert journey is said to be dozens of kilometers away.

Although the physique of practitioners is far superior to that of ordinary people.

But after walking ten or twenty kilometers, most of the disciples of the Daoyuan class were already sweating.

I'm a little tired.

"I'm exhausted. I thought that being in the secret realm was all about fighting and killing. Who would have thought that it would be a few tens of kilometers of walking!"

"Tiredness is the second priority. The weather is so damn hot that I almost drank all the water..."

"If only there was a car, with the air conditioner on, drinking a drink, and running over in no time!"

"Return the car, I think you want to eat farts! Can you pass the dense forest? Can the car pass the single-plank bridge?

"Yeah, unless your family is rich and powerful, you can use a helicopter to lift one down from the sky! Of course, even if your family has a helicopter, because this is a secret place, you may not be able to fly in..."

hot sun.

A group of disciples sat around to rest for a while, discussing dejectedly.



The roar of a car engine suddenly came from the rear.

Fuck, do you really have a car? !
The disciples were suddenly shocked, and stood up one after another, looking at the source of the roaring sound.


Everyone suddenly saw that a seven-seater SUV drove over from behind.

These seven-seat SUVs already have off-road attributes, so they can be driven in the desert with ease and at a very fast speed.

When we got to the front, everyone saw it again.

Inside the SUV, it was Chen Hao who was driving.

Lin Xuan was sitting in the co-pilot, drinking a drink and blowing on the air conditioner.In the last two rows, several girls from Fang Lingbofeng were still sitting.

It's a very uncomfortable feeling.

Those disciples who were tired, hot and weary saw it.

All of a sudden, their jaws dropped to the ground in shock.

All envious.

I rub!

This is from the secret realm to practice, or from the driving tour.

"What's the situation, we are exhausted to walk, but Chen Hao and the others can drive off-road vehicles?!"

"What about Chen Hao and the others, is it Lin Xuan and the others? Everyone else is in the light of God Lin, and Chen Hao is the driver. Didn't you see God Lin sitting in the co-pilot enjoying himself..."

"But Mao and the others can drive cars in? There are dense forests and single-plank bridges. This is unscientific!"

"Science, you big-headed ghost! It should be Lin Shen who has space equipment, or the kind that can fit a car!"

"Wow, Lin Shen's thing is so big!"

"Idiot, it's space equipment!"


But there.

After driving the SUV for a while, it stopped moving.

Because it was stopped by a group of crazy girls on the road.

At this time, the girls were also very excited to find that there was still a place in the car!
"Lin Shen, give me the remaining position. I will give you monkeys, and you can give birth to ten monkeys..."

"Lin Shen, I can have sex with you on the spot, as long as you..."

"Sheng, give birth to your sister! A bunch of shameless bastards! Lin Shen, I will pay as much as you want. If you have other needs, I can satisfy them, including using my body!"



(End of this chapter)

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