Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 107 Well, it smells so good...

Chapter 107 Well, it smells so good...

Lin Xuan opened the car window with a helpless expression on his face.

It is said that there are nymphomaniacs every day, why are there so many today, they stopped the car.

"You want to take the car, don't you?"

"Yes." All the girls.

"If you want to take a car, there is only one seat left. If you pay 1 yuan, the remaining seat will be yours." Lin Xuan said directly.

Ten thousand?
All the girls were taken aback, including the girl who said she wanted to pay just now.

Because everyone knows.

The desert distance is tens of kilometers in total. Except for the desert, other places in the secret realm cannot be driven.

1 yuan for a ride is not worth it.

And most people don't have the spending power.

"What a trap! See money!"

"Money fan, you're looking for money, I can't even give birth to a monkey for him on the spot..."

"I hope you lie down halfway!"

The girls knew that Lin Xuan recognized money but not people, so most of them had no choice but to walk away angrily, but there were still a few who were bargaining.

With a price of 10 yuan, Lin Xuan likes to sit or not.

at this time.

Song Lei, monitor of Lin Xuan's Daoyuan class, couldn't stand it anymore.

I knew that Lin Xuan was greedy for money, but I didn't expect to go to this point, even cheating my classmates' money, which is really outrageous.

I saw Feng Zhenhua walking over again.

So he urged Feng Zhenhua to take Lin Xuan's car.

I don't believe that Lin Xuan even dares to ask for money from his tutor.

Feng Zhenhua was also hot enough, he thought to himself that I am a team leader, if I take your car, you Lin Xuan must give me some face.

Now go forward.

"Lin Xuan, mentor, I'll take your car, okay?"

Lin Xuan immediately smiled and said: "Okay, okay! It's my honor to be able to take the car with Feng!"

Get out of the car and open the door for Feng Zhenhua.

"Teacher, sit down."

Feng Zhenhua nodded in satisfaction.

Sitting in the car, the air conditioner blows on the inside, and I feel refreshed: "It's still comfortable in the car."

"Mentor, here's this for you." Fang Lingbo in the back row said, and handed over a can of Coke. Feng Zhenhua was her instructor in the training class, so he hurriedly fawned over her.

"Lingbo is here too, thank you Lingbo!" Feng Zhenhua took the Coke happily, but found it was still ice.

"Yo, it's still ice! Not bad..."

"Lin Xuan, you made this car and whatnot?"

"Yes." Lin Xuan replied.

"Why do you want to bring the car?" Feng Zhenhua asked again with a very kind face.

"Blindly, I think it should be used in it..." Lin Xuan said.

"Well, nice boy! Got an idea!"

Feng Zhenhua patted Lin Xuan's arm, then praised:
"Lin Xuan, this time the tutor is in your car. When I look back, the tutor will definitely write a few more comments on your cultivation in the secret realm. It is no problem to comment on excellence..."

"Also, I will also say two good words for you in front of the head and the dean."

"It's no problem at all to send you to the Lingfu of Zhongzhou..."

"Thank you, Teacher Feng!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"It's okay." Instructor Feng waved his hand generously.

Just as he was about to open the can of Coke, he suddenly found that Lin Xuan turned his head and looked at him fixedly.

So inexplicably: "Look at me?"

Lin Xuan scratched the back of his head, and said awkwardly: "...that, that fare, the fare of 1 yuan, you haven't paid yet, Mr. Feng."

Feng Zhenhua was taken aback: "What? A fare of 1 yuan?!"

Why don't you grab it!
Seeing Feng Zhenhua's surprised expression, Lin Xuan looked embarrassed.

Very politely said:
"That's right, I have the last seat left in this car, and the price is 1."

"Of course, because you are a mentor, I will give you a discounted price. The bottom line of my plan is [-]% off. If I tell you, I will directly discount [-]%! How about [-]% off..."

Lin Xuan had a look of jumping off the price.

But when Feng Zhenhua heard this, his face froze.Then it was annoyed.

God damn [-]% off, [-]% off.

I'm your mentor, okay?It's your honor to ride in your car, why don't you ask me for money? !
What's more, if the price is 1, a discount is [-].

I think one hundred is too much, why are you still charging me 1000 yuan...

What kind of disciple is this, really annoying!

"Stop! Stop..."

"Let me go down!"

Before the car came to a complete stop, Feng Zhenhua, who was so angry, threw the can of Coke on the seat and got out of the car involuntarily.


After Feng Zhenhua got off the car, Song Lei and a large group of classmates surrounded him.

After hearing what happened to Teacher Feng.

They all shook their heads, angrily.

He scolded Lin Xuan for taking money into his eyes, and even took the money from the team leader Feng Tutor, who the hell, really don't want to face!

Under the guidance of Feng Zhenhua.

The students were filled with righteous indignation, and unanimously decided to ignore Lin Xuan, a money fanatic, in the future.

But there are still many students who heard from Feng Zhenhua that Lin Xuan's low price is [-]% off.

So I was moved.

While cursing, she sneaked to the SUV and bargained with Lin Xuan again. In the end, a girl won the last seat with a 5.5% discount...


With the roar of an engine.

The seven-seater SUV roared across the desert and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Wait until the sound of the engine can't be heard.

Everyone, including Feng Zhenhua, suddenly felt lost.


Come to this point.

The first camp built in a secret place for human cultivators.

There are still fifty or sixty kilometers away.

Feng Zhenhua led his disciples to continue on foot under the scorching sun and sweating profusely.

According to the plan, we can reach the camp around noon tomorrow.

But as we move forward, it gets weirder and weirder.

Originally, in the desert, there were also patches of low vegetation, bushes and the like, and a large number of monsters appeared and appeared.

Not to mention E-level and above.

It is an F-level eighth-nine-level monster, and there are often beast pills in its body.

And the amount of animal pills obtained in the secret realm is an important reference standard for evaluating this trial.

Don't look tired and tired before.

But when he saw a monster that could be killed, he still hunted and killed it.

But next.

The more you go forward.

The live monsters became rarer, and there were piles of dead monsters on the ground, all the beast pills were dug away, and there was not a single one left.

Sometimes walk a kilometer or two.

A team of two to 300 people did not even encounter a single live monster.

"Fuck, what's going on!"

"It's really a hike? After walking for half a day, there is no one alive! It's absolutely amazing..."

"By the way, who the hell is this? It's really wicked. It's too much to pluck a goose's hair!"

The disciples were dumbfounded and complained.

Because I was angry, I didn't mention Lin Xuan's name.But we all know, besides this kid, who else could it be?

The thought of this guy is sitting in an off-road vehicle.

Blowing on the air conditioner, drinking iced drinks, and accompanied by a bunch of beautiful girls, I don't need to drive myself, just wandering around in front, hunting monsters.

I became even more angry.

This is so special, it still makes people alive...

Feng Zhenhua and his mentors also had ugly faces.

Because apart from Lin Xuan and the others, the team of two to 300 people has only a total of a hundred beast pills, and each person can't get one, which is the worst record in history!

However, Lin Xuan and the others drove the car ahead and killed all the monsters.

Made a mistake?Did you break the rules?


In the secret realm, the strong are the ones who are able to eat according to their own abilities...


To sleep at night.

The disciples of the Daoyuan class were still holding their breath.

Then the next morning there was no light.

Under the urging of Feng Zhenhua and other mentors, he sighed and went on the road again.

Finally around noon.

Arrived at the first camp in the secret realm exhausted.

It is said to be a camp, but it is actually more like a fortress, that is, there is a safe place where you can rest.

There are three camps in total.

This is the first and only camp with people selling shops.

The disciples ate the compressed biscuits and beef jerky all the way, and when they saw it, they rushed to the store to buy instant noodles with boiling water, 100 yuan a piece.

But to the other side.

The students who bought instant noodles and planned to squat on the ground to eat, soon found that the instant noodles in their mouths were no longer delicious.

Because there.

There are umbrellas, tables and chairs, and barbecue grills.

The kebabs on the barbecue grill are full of oil and aroma.Chen Hao was busy cutting up monster meat and putting on sticks.

Lin Xuan sprinkled cumin on the meat skewers.

While yelling.

"I'm coming!"

"Grilled monster meat skewers with a secret recipe from the ancestors, 100 yuan a skewer, quality and quantity guaranteed, buy five get one free!"

"The quantity is limited, first come, first served, no deception!"

Barbecue is fine.

What is even more amazing is that there is a refrigerator nearby!
Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and other four or five girls are helping to sell ice cream, ice cream, and iced drinks...

Originally, everyone hated Lin Xuan all the way.

I was so angry.

But this time...

I still can't walk anymore, and my stomach doesn't live up to expectations.

Eyes light up at the sight of those kebabs and ice-cold drinks.

They put down the compressed biscuits, sausages and instant noodles in their hands, and flocked to buy barbecue and ice cream.Even class leader Song Lei couldn't resist the aroma of barbecue, so he joined in.

The accompanying instructors suggested to buy some too.

His throat was really smoky, and after several meals of compressed biscuits and sausages, a bird would fade out of his mouth.

But Feng Zhenhua, who was biting the beef jerky and chewing hard, firmly refused.

After seeing the crowded scene in front of him, he became even more angry.

Immediately said righteously:
"This kid, in his car, asks me for money, and I pay back 1000 yuan!"

"I killed all the monsters on the way, and I haven't criticized him yet... Still want me to eat his barbecue? There's no way!"

"I, Feng Zhenhua, will die of hunger and thirst even if I jump off a cliff, I won't buy his barbecue!"


Half an hour later, Feng Zhenhua had five meat skewers in his left hand and a can of iced Coke in his right.

Chew a few kebabs and take a sip of Coke.

What he ate was greasy from the corner of his mouth, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.


Really fragrant!


(End of this chapter)

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