Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 108 Isn't he exhausted to death?

Chapter 108 Isn't he exhausted to death?
"Mr. Feng, this is a drink for you and several mentors. Lin Xuan said that the drink is originally buy five get two free, but you buy five get five free!"

Fang Lingbo said, and enthusiastically handed over five bottles of drinks.

There was a lot of trouble because of the car ride.

She has always wanted to find love for Feng Zhenhua. After all, Feng Zhenhua is her own training mentor and the leader of the entire team.

So I took advantage of the sale of skewers and drinks.

Let Lin Xuan make a small concession.

"Oh, how does this make..."

Feng Zhenhua said politely, but still reached out his hand very happily, took the drink and put it on the table.

Distributed to myself and my fellow mentors.

"Mr. Feng, here is a grilled monster meat kebab for you!"

"Others buy five and get one free, but you are still buying five and getting five free..."

At this time, Lin Xuan handed over ten more grilled skewers.

"This, how good is this... Lin Xuan, aren't you specializing for me!"

Feng Zhenhua was flattered, and after receiving the kebabs, he smiled redly and said, "Next time, next time, we can't do something special, just a cheap deal..."


Lin Xuan agreed, grinning and said: "However, Supervisor Feng and several other tutors, you have worked hard all the way, so it is appropriate to give some discounts."

Feng Zhenhua and several mentors laughed from ear to ear.

He praised Lin Xuan again, completely forgetting the unpleasantness of the car ride before.

Seeing this, Fang Lingbo looked at Lin Xuan's little fox-like smile.

Can't help but sighed secretly and shook his head.

When driving.

Lin Xuan is not willing to give you a discount.

Buying kebabs now, Lin Xuan will give you a [-]% discount, and you are so happy...


After reaching the first camp.

It will pass through a dense forest where monsters gather.

But this dense forest has been transformed by human cultivators and has become a test hurdle.It is the challenge journey of the legendary outstanding person that the disciples talked about before.

As long as at least in the dense forest, kill three mid-level E monsters and get their beast pills.

And leave your mark on the medal wall.

Can be rated as excellent.

Disciples who are rated as excellent, although some people say that they can be sent to Zhongzhou Lingfu.

But in fact, everyone understands that walks are unlikely.

Even so.

For the disciples of the Daoyuan class, it is still a great honor.

However, since it is a challenge trip, each quiz is limited to two people at most, so there are naturally dangers.There have been many injuries and even deaths due to this before.

So not everyone can participate.

Of course, disciples who don't want to participate can also go around.

I was too tired because I walked a hundred kilometers in the desert before.

Feng Zhenhua decided to let everyone rest in the afternoon.

Set off again tomorrow morning.

This also led to the fact that Lin Xuan's barbecue stall has never lost business from afternoon to night.

The disciples of the Daoyuan class are full of food and drink.

Although pay a lot of money.

But anyway, it is the service provided by Lin Xuan and others, and he enjoys the rewards, and his mentality is not bad.

But when it's time to sleep at night.

Everyone is about to get into sleeping bags or tents, or even lie down on the ground in a bitter haha.

Suddenly, the eyeballs were about to explode.

The mentality is going to be out of balance again.

Because, Lin Xuan suddenly vacated a prefabricated house with three bedrooms and one living room.

A diesel generator provides electricity.

There are all kinds of home appliances inside, including air-conditioning, bathroom, sofa, and big bed.

It's just a hotel with a bag.

Moreover, in front of them, Lin Xuan was surrounded by a group of girls, and lived in with Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and others...

I am!

Are you, Lin Xuan, really here on vacation? !
But you're on vacation, don't kill dogs so cruelly, okay...

The boys looked sad and indignant, and at the same time envied and hated Lin Xuan.

The girls also looked sad and indignant.

And Fang Lingbo and other girls are envious and jealous.

And this time.

Chen Hao, who was working hard to clean up the barbecue stall outside, did not complain at all, and still had a happy expression. In fact, since he successfully recognized Lin Xuan as his eldest brother, he has become much happier and more confident.

Although he can live in a board room, he only sleeps on the sofa.


"Lin Shen, you are really amazing!"

"It's worth 20 flowers! There are cars in the secret realm, hotels, barbecues, and iced drinks. Are we here on vacation?"

"Where are we going now! I just heard Lin Shen's idea that we will also take us on that challenging journey!"

"Ah? Really! If possible, just a few E-level beast pills are worth a lot of money!"

"Lin Shen, my love for you is beyond words..."

In the board room, Liu Tingting and the other girls were full of love, and they talked a lot of nasty things to Lin Xuan.

Fang Lingbo also sat next to Lin Xuan.

There was no shock on his face, but he was extremely surprised by Lin Xuan in his heart.

This guy is too capable.

A seven-seater SUV was released before, which is amazing.

Now another mobile prefabricated house has been built, which still has three bedrooms and one living room!

Lin Xuan had been a guest at her family's restaurant earlier, and her family had a very good impression of him, and they urged Fang Lingbo to pursue Lin Xuan.

Fang Lingbo also has thoughts, so it doesn't matter if he is small.

It doesn't matter that as soon as Lin Xuan was going to practice in the secret realm, he chased him into the secret realm.

However, seeing Lin Xuan's ability is getting better and better, her heart is getting more and more drummed, and it is the first time that she doubts herself, whether she can control such a great god.

Why don't we act first, and let's talk first?
It's a great opportunity at night...

After a while.

Fang Lingbo's thoughts were ruthlessly shattered.

Because there was a clatter outside, a group of people rushed in, both men and women, and they all looked at Lin Xuan expectantly after entering.

"Lin Shen, let's make a price, let us live in it too?"

"Yes, yes, let's make an offer!"

"We also want to live in it, as long as the price is right, we are not short of money..."

Lin Xuan looked at those expectant eyes.

I really can't bear it.

I thought to myself that I can't let the money go, no, it should be, I can't let this group of lovely students down.

So 2 minutes later.

At the price of 1 yuan per person, more than a dozen people entered the board room.

The boy slept on the sofa and on the floor with Chen Hao.

The girls shared two rooms with Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and others.

Lin Xuan lived in a room by himself anyway.

And with so many companions around, no matter how daring Fang Lingbo was, he would not dare to sneak into Lin Xuan's room in the middle of the night.


late at night.

Feng Zhenhua and others took a few mentors and patrolled around the disciples' camp.

"Mr. Feng, that kid Lin Xuan built another board room, tsk tsk! Three bedrooms and one living room with air conditioning..."

"Don't you have an idea?"

One of the instructors said suddenly.

Feng Zhenhua was a little envious: "It's someone else's ability to make it happen! Our mentors don't have the ability...Why, you still want to live in it while licking your face?"

"That's not it."

The instructor smiled, and continued: "This kid arranged a bunch of female classmates to live in. Instructor Feng, aren't you afraid that they will mess around at night?"

Feng Zhenhua heard it.

Said indifferently:

"What's the mess? I've observed everything you said."

"In addition to the boys, there are a dozen girls in total. If Lin Xuan really wants to mess around, can he come here?"

"He's not exhausted, kid!"


(End of this chapter)

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