Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 109 Haven't you noticed that I've grown bigger?

Chapter 109 Haven't you noticed that I've grown bigger?
Hearing Feng Zhenhua's words, everyone laughed.

"They're still half-grown kids, their hair isn't neatly padded, what the hell do they know!"

"that is……"

Feng Zhenhua talked nonsense with a few people.

A man walks into a bush.

A mentor asked suspiciously: "Mr. Feng, what are you doing, solve the tuba?"

"Yes." Feng Zhenhua said.

"Mr. Feng, how uncivilized you are anywhere, there is a portable toilet over there!" the tutor pointed not far away.

"Is there a toilet in the secret realm? Could it be that kid who did it again?" Feng Zhenhua asked.

"Who else but him..." The tutor smiled wryly, "Go, tutor Feng, the portable toilet is over there, or a flush toilet, isn't it better than squatting in the wild?"

"I happen to have this card, 10 yuan a time, buy five get two free!"

The instructor said, and handed over a card.

Feng Zhenhua was taken aback.

Go to the restroom and apply for a card, and buy five get two free?

By the way, this kid is really considerate in order to make money!
"Okay, thanks."

Feng Zhenhua took the card, and then added: "Next time I buy a card, I'll buy it."

After finishing speaking, there was a bit of complacency in his expression.

Others thought he was being polite.

But Feng Zhenhua knows that he is not only being polite, but more importantly, in front of that kid, I have more face than any of you...

Let you buy it, buy five and get two free.

As soon as I go out, it must be buy five get five free!


Early the next morning.

Lin Xuan, who had a good night's sleep, took Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and others to start that challenging journey.

They charged so much money per person.

Bring one in the promised secret place.

Lin Xuan had to do whatever he could to make them feel that they hadn't been cheated.

In this dense forest on the challenge journey, there are many monsters hidden, most of which are E-level or above.

Just kill three mid-level E monsters, get their beast pills, and leave your mark on the medal wall.

Can be rated as excellent.

This is impossible for most of the disciples of the Daoyuan class.After all, in all Daoyuan classes, there are not many disciples above E level.

But for Lin Xuan, it was a piece of cake.

Lin Xuan followed Liu Tingting, Chen Hao, and the other two girls, Li Qin and Xu Na, one by one, and successfully passed the challenge trip.

There was only one Fang Lingbo left.

In fact, with her late E-level strength, she can also pass.

But she pulled Lin Xuan hard, and she must let him take it.

"Lin Xuan, is this how you treat customers? My 20 yuan can't be wasted!"

"If you leave me, won't your conscience hurt?"

Fang Lingbo pouted at Lin Xuan, "Come on, let me see if you have a conscience..."

As he said that, he wanted to touch Lin Xuan.

"Okay, okay! Let's go..."

Lin Xuan had no choice but to turn around and advance into the dense forest.

Fang Lingbo smiled triumphantly in his eyes, and followed Lin Xuan briskly.

The ancient trees in the dense forest are towering, covering the sky and the sun, and the light is extremely dim.

"Lin Xuan, let me discuss something with you."

After entering the dense forest, Fang Lingbo chased after Lin Xuan's ass and said.

Dark and gloomy environment in the dense forest.

It didn't affect her at all.

For her, now is a rare opportunity to get along with Lin Xuan, a proper "two-person world", and she simply wants to speak clearly.

"Go ahead."

Lin Xuan replied casually.

Why didn't he understand Fang Lingbo's thoughts, but, what did he want from A?I'm sorry.

Eat marrow and taste together with the master.

Although it is still a step away from the final step, it is natural to know that there are great benefits and great benefits.Besides, the head said that after he came out of retreat, he was going to give him a big surprise.

So, why bother with this Fang Lingbo.

"Lin Xuan, I want to be your girlfriend, can I do it?"

"I know you already have a girlfriend, who is also the saint of Tianyi Sect, but I don't mind, besides, the current society allows more than one!"

"I guarantee that I have never been in a relationship before, and I have never even held a boy's hand."

"And I also promise that even if you agree, I promise not to be jealous, and I have a good temper, as long as you can allocate a part of your time to me every day..."

Fang Lingbo had a straightforward personality.

Seeing that this was an opportunity not to be missed, he expressed his feelings and expressed his thoughts.

After finishing speaking, he waited carefully for Lin Xuan's reaction.


Fang Lingbo followed behind for a while, but Lin Xuan still just walked, showing no intention of responding to her who was understanding and passionate.

"Lin Xuan, I'm telling you something important!" Fang Lingbo dissatisfied, "What do you mean!"

"Be careful, there is a monster on your left!" Lin Xuan's response was a reminder.

Fang Lingbo looked to the left.

Sure enough, he saw a shadow leopard in the bushes, approached quietly, and suddenly launched an attack.

The Shadow Leopard is in the middle of E-level, good at stealth and surprise attack.

All of a sudden, a black shadow flew by like lightning, and rushed straight to Fang Lingbo's throat.

A gust of wind followed.

Blow off large branches.

And at this moment, Fang Lingbo's breathing was also slightly stagnant in the face of the powerful coercion unleashed by the Shadow Leopard.

But after all, she is in the late stage of E level, which is much stronger than Shadow Treasure.

Suddenly, he also drew the long sword behind him.

While sideways avoiding the Shadow Leopard's attack, a sword was already slashed out on the Shadow Leopard's neck.

Blood spurted wildly from the Shadow Leopard's wound.

Fang Lingbo then swished two more swords, completely ending the Shadow Leopard's life.

And immediately took out the beast pill.

"The skill is not bad."

Lin Xuan casually praised Fang Lingbo.

"Is it not bad?" Fang Lingbo looked expectant.

"Yeah, what else? Of course it's worse than me." Lin Xuan said.

"You can't praise me well." Fang Lingbo rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Lin Xuan, when I asked you just now, what is your attitude?"

"I don't have any attitude." Lin Xuan said.

"What kind of attitude is no attitude?" Fang Lingbo stopped and asked again, his face a little unhappy.

"You're talking."

Lin Xuan in front didn't stop walking, and replied casually.

After walking for a while, I found that there was no sound behind.

Turning his head to look, Fang Lingbo was standing seven or eight meters away from him, motionless, looking at him with resentment.

"Let's go, the monsters will come again in a while, what if a group of them come to see you..." Lin Xuan persuaded.

"Don't go!"

Fang Lingbo stood stubbornly where he was.

At this time, another iron-backed bear appeared around at some time, no, it should be two, both late E-level, meat-like existence, watching the two of them secretly.

The specific target should be Fang Lingbo.

"Sisters, let's go, let me tell you, there are two bears behind you..."

Lin Xuan persuaded patiently.

If it wasn't his classmate and he paid the money, he wouldn't bother to care about that silly girl's life and death.

"Don't go!" Fang Lingbo said.

Lin Xuan: "If you don't leave, you will die!"

Fang Lingbo: "It's fine if you die!"

While speaking, the two iron-backed bears rushed towards Fang Lingbo's back.

Seeing that Fang Lingbo didn't take precautions at all, Lin Xuan burst into sweat, saying how this girl is so stubborn.

Had no choice but to dodge past.

One kick at a time, kicking away two iron-backed bears.

His early D-level and two late E-level iron-backed bears were nothing more than two piles of meat to him.

"Lin Xuan, I knew that you wouldn't leave me alone!"

Just as Lin Xuan finished cooking the iron-backed bear, Fang Lingbo rushed over excitedly.

Lin Xuan quietly dodged it.

Fang Lingbo rushed to nothing, but still shouted with joy on his face: "Lin Xuan, actually you still care about me, don't you?"

"I know you had a problem with my... flat chest, but I'm different."

Fang Lingbo straightened his chest generously.

"Didn't you notice that I'm getting bigger now?"

"Ever since I was disliked by you last time, I have been thinking about how to get bigger, and finally found a way... Lin Xuan, if you don't believe me, take a look!"

"Or, you can touch it..."

Fang Lingbo then unbuttoned his coat.

Then he took Lin Xuan's hand and wanted to probe inside.

Lin Xuan sweated wildly: "!!!!"

Please, I don't want to look at it, and I don't want to touch it.


(End of this chapter)

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