Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 110 Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger

Chapter 110 Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger

Lin Xuan resisted in his heart, but he couldn't beat Fang Lingbo's enthusiasm.

So he compromised:
"Ahem, well, just look at it, touch it..."

Reluctantly, I glanced at it.

Nothing too surprising.

In other words, judging from the scale exposed through the shirt, Fang Lingbo is indeed much bigger than before.

But the starting point is too low.

Right now, it's just... right B.

Fang Lingbo's face was a little shy and proud, and he was embarrassed to look at Lin Xuan: "Lin Xuan, this is still only the first stage effect..."

"If you stick to it, a C, or even a D, isn't out of the question."

"Also, Lin Xuan, haven't you noticed that my legs are also quite long?"

"Skin white, beautiful and long legs, it's me."

"So, compared with the Saintess of Tianyi School, I will have what she has, and she may not have what I have!"

"If you take me out, you will definitely not lose face..."

Fang Lingbo spoke incessantly.

The expression is shy, excited, nervous, looking forward to...


When she looked up at Lin Xuan, she realized that there was no shadow of Lin Xuan.

I don't know when it has already run away.

"Lin Xuan, you are a big villain!"

Fang Lingbo stomped his feet in anger, his chest heaved, and he said angrily, "Do you think that if you run today, you can run tomorrow? Don't think about it!"

at this time.

Lin Xuan walked ahead.

I was speechless to the extreme, hey, it really is the tiger wolf jade girl of the tiger wolf Fang family.

I'm sorry for A, but I'm sorry for B?
Having said that, no matter what method is used, the acquired artificial ones will not have a pure natural fragrance.


After helping Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and a group of paying customers pass the challenge journey.

Lin Xuan returned to the camp and took a nap with his eyes closed.

At this time, a bunch of classmates surrounded him again.

"Student Lin Xuan, you are so strong, help us pass this challenge too?"

"Yes, Lin Xuan, we are all classmates, please help me..."

In fact, looking at the Daoyuan class, there are not many who can pass the challenge journey unscathed.Even Fang Lingbo himself, who was in the late E-level realm, did not dare to guarantee it, because in the dense forest, there are not no monsters in the late E-level.

At this time, Lin Xuan was the only one who could be counted on.

So some students who were eager to brag after getting out of the secret realm all set their eyes on Lin Xuan.

But when Lin Xuan heard it, he didn't even open his eyes.

Just because of my classmates, just because I am strong, should I help you?You want to fart.

"Lin Xuan, help me, I'll pay! How about 1 yuan?"

A boy asked very sincerely at this time.

Feeling the full sincerity of this person, Lin Xuan immediately opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "Ten thousand is too little, at least twenty thousand."

"Twenty thousand?"

The boy didn't hesitate, "Twenty thousand is twenty thousand!"

"OK." Lin Xuan said.

Some students surrounding Lin Xuan were not happy.

"I want money again! You can die without money..."

"That's right, the stench of copper!"

"When he begs us, let's see what to do! We also charge money, and the price is higher than him..."

Class monitor Song Lei was a little bit emotional.

Why is this person suddenly acting like a money fan? He was never like this before.

However, even if the mouth is indignant.

Even if you can't understand Lin Xuan's behavior.

But Song Lei still watched helplessly. After getting the first leader, the next five or six students lined up to pay, begging Lin Xuan for help.

"Lin Xuan, I want it too!"

"Could it be cheaper?"

"What about group buying..."

There was a burst of bargaining around for a while, like a vegetable market.

"[-] yuan per person, no bargaining! No discounts, no group purchases!" Lin Xuan made the final decision.

The faces of the students who were still around were slightly disappointed.

But after that, I still paid for it obediently...

no way.

The title of Challenge Tour winner is still too tempting.

Go out to pretend to be aggressive, brag when you meet people, and you will gain face if you talk about it.

"Lin Xuan, I also want to pass this challenge trip, 2 yuan, I paid it!"

Seeing that several classmates followed Lin Xuan and successfully passed the challenge, Song Lei felt very uncomfortable.

He was in the early stage of E-level.

Go in by yourself, and it will definitely be over.

But as the class monitor, he was a child of "someone else's family" when he was young, but he didn't win the title of winner after entering the secret realm, which is really unreasonable, especially when his classmates successfully won the title.

The Challenge Tour can be joined by up to two people.

Even if Lin Xuan is asked to help, it will not be considered cheating.

"It's the monitor."

Lin Xuan looked up at Song Lei, pretending to be surprised and said: "The squad leader is a squad leader with different levels. How can [-] yuan be enough? At least [-] yuan..."

"Forty thousand? Why double it!" Song Lei was surprised.

"Why don't you think it's too little, how about [-]?" Lin Xuan laughed.

"Forget it, [-] is [-]!" Song Lei gritted his teeth and agreed.

His family is not bad.

Compared with the title of winner and continuing to pretend to be X in front of others, 4 yuan is nothing at all.

It's just half a year's living expenses...


two hours later.

Lin Xuan takes pleasure in helping others and has helped seven or eight classmates in total.

At this time, Feng Zhenhua and other instructors also led the Daoyuan class's large troops and continued to set off for the next camp.

People are almost gone soon.

When Lin Xuan was about to leave, he turned around and found that there was a little girl looking at Lin Xuan pitifully.

"Brother Lin Xuan, can you help me? I also want to..."

"Yes, do you have money?"

Lin Xuan looked at the time, and it seemed that the trip would only take 20 minutes at most, and it was still too late.

"Yes, but I lost my wallet and mobile phone, and I only have 400 yuan with me..."

The little girl said timidly.

"It's only 400 yuan." Lin Xuan frowned, "Do you want to look for it again?"

"Indeed." The little girl shook her head.

"Okay, 400 is 400."

Lin Xuan sighed, forget it, just treat it as an extra meal, and besides, ant legs are also meat.

Because Song Lei is the squad leader, he stayed until the end to clear the field.

Just seeing this scene at this time, the eyeballs were about to pop out.

400 yuan, you also accept? !

Aren't you the starting price of [-]?Isn't it no counter-offer?Are you sure you didn't see this little girl who is small and cute, just because of sex?

It seems that you are also watching people order dishes.

However, you charge 400 from others, and 4 from me, what can I say.

After all, I'm also your squad leader.


With the march towards the second camp.

Everyone also gradually penetrated into the hinterland of the secret realm.

The hinterland of the secret realm is desolate and dilapidated, with many bones. In addition to the bones of a large number of monsters, there are also many bones that are obviously human.

Although the secret realm has been explored by human cultivators.

But dead people are not uncommon.

Moreover, there are still many casual cultivators in the society who sneak into secret realms, intending to practice and upgrade, but encounter accidents from time to time.

In fact, the name of the second camp is called Skull Land!

So half way up.

The teachers and students in the Daoyuan class were tense, obviously feeling a chilling and terrifying atmosphere.

A trek to reach the camp.

This camp is unmanned, just some simple walls made of stones and some wooden houses.

After arriving at the camp, everyone had no time to rest for a while.

Only a loud roar was heard.

A calf-like monster rushed out suddenly, and with a roar, a fireball shot out from its mouth. After the crowd evaded, it hit a stone.

In an instant, the fireball exploded and sparks flew everywhere.

A dozen or so disciples around were immediately burned by sparks.

The scene was full of screams and chaos.

The leader, Feng Zhenhua, also shrank his pupils when he saw the monster, his expression shocked.

"Everyone be careful, it's the Iron Armored Flame Tiger!"

This Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger has a huge body, high attack and high defense, and is covered with layers of hard scales. Its tail is like a steel whip, and it can breathe fire to attack.

And roughly judged from the energy fluctuations.

The realm should be in the middle of D-level, or even above!

It's just, why did such a powerful monster come here? !


(End of this chapter)

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