Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 111 Brother Lin Xuan, You Are So Strong

Chapter 111 Brother Lin Xuan, You Are So Strong

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger in the mid-D level!
Feng Zhenhua was shocked.

You know, he has led the team to the secret realm so many times before, and he has never seen such a high-level monster.

Based on previous data.

In this secret realm near Jiangcheng, the Monster Beast Realm is only in the early D-level stage, just like him.Otherwise, the academy would not be at ease, and let him bring a large group of disciples to practice.

But this monster is in the middle stage of D-level, just one level higher than him.

It is also very rare to suddenly appear near the second camp and initiate an attack on its own initiative.

This is so unconventional.

Speaking of the mid-level D-level of the Iron Armored Flame Tiger Realm, it should be a BOSS-like existence in this secret realm.How come it appeared early?

Could it be that something went wrong in the secret realm during this experience?
Or will it be more dangerous in the future?

Feng Zhenhua felt a beating in his heart.

"Hurry up and hide in the fortress and close the gate!" Feng Zhenhua shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, everyone!"

The panicked disciples swarmed into the fortress.Those disciples who were burned were not seriously injured, but the fear given to them at that moment was still deeply engraved in their minds.

They have never seen such a powerful method.

What's more, it's a monster!
For a moment, the disciples all had terrified expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Feng, what should we do now?"

"I'm afraid this Iron-armored Flame Tiger is above D-rank. Do you want to send a signal for help?"

The other four instructors gathered around Feng Zhenhua and asked solemnly.

They have also brought their disciples into this secret realm many times, and they have never seen such a level of monsters.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a D-rank armored flame tiger."

Feng Zhenhua collected himself and said slowly.

At this time, as the backbone of the entire team, his role is quite obvious. If he can stabilize, the entire team will not collapse.If he said to ask for help, even if the rescue was successful, it meant that the experience in the secret realm ended early and ended in failure.

He didn't want to go home so early.

But Feng Zhenhua is not a big fan either.

With him alone against the Iron Armored Flame Tiger, the chances of winning are not great.

But he also has four late E-level helpers.

The most important thing is that he still has a special moment, the trump card that can leapfrog the level to kill the enemy, the D-level martial skill, the lore Instant Wind Slash!
The Iron Armored Flame Tiger roared for a while, but couldn't find the target to attack, and began to attack the gate of the fortress.

The gate of the fortress is made of special alloy, which is extremely strong.

Just in case.

Let the teachers and students who participate in the experience have a shelter.

However, under the heavy blows of the Iron Armored Flame Tiger in the middle stage of the D-level, the gate of the fortress began to bend and deform, and finally collapsed.


At the moment when the gate collapsed, the already apprehensive disciples dispersed in panic.

Although they are disciples of the Daoyuan class, they are practitioners.

But after all, he has never experienced any big scenes and has no combat experience.

It's okay to kill some low-level monsters in the secret realm, but once they face dangerous high-level monsters, they all panic, and their behavior is no different from ordinary people.

Under the mighty coercion of the Iron Armored Flame Tiger.

Many people even forget that they are cultivators and forget to fight.

And just as the Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger was about to pounce on those panicked disciples, five figures blocked their way.

It was Feng Zhenhua and the other four leading mentors!

After meeting each other, Feng Zhenhua and the other five stopped talking.

They held a sword in one hand and made a tactic with the other.

Siege and go up.

Feng Zhenhua confronted head-on, turning around.

The other four instructors waited for an opportunity to attack Feng Zhenhua, and when the Iron Armored Flame Tiger attacked Feng Zhenhua, they all shot together.

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger paid no heed to his head.

The fierce pounce and bite were all useless, but they were stabbed several times by Feng Zhenhua's five people. Although they had armor and did not suffer much injuries, they roared again and again, and pounced and bite even more ferociously.

However, Feng Zhenhua and the five cooperated tacitly.

For a moment, Iron Armored Flame Tiger couldn't find any openings.

so on.

Over time, it will be consumed if it is consumed.

Seeing that Teacher Feng's five had a slight upper hand, they were gradually trying to drive Explosive Tiger out of the fortress.

The panicked disciples gradually stabilized their emotions.

"Fortunately, there are mentors in charge, otherwise we would all be doomed if we encountered such a explosive Flame Tiger!"

"The main thing is Teacher Feng. His realm is also D-level. Naturally, there is no need to be afraid of this tiger..."

"Yeah! By the way, I was almost scared to pee just now..."

Some of the disciples also wanted to help, because Feng Zhenhua had explained, he didn't rush forward, and only watched the battle nearby.

But think about it too.Most of their gang is below the E level.

Going up to help is also adding to the chaos.

Fang Lingbo might be able to help.

But at this time, she was trying to persuade Lin Xuan with a few girls: "Lin Xuan, don't play games, okay? Instructor Feng and the others are dealing with a Explosive Fire Tiger. Get up and see if you can..."

Lin Xuan squatted aside, playing mobile games without looking up.

Because the signal in the secret realm is unstable.

He played a single-player game, but even so, he didn't want to look up.

What to look at, right B?
It was really impossible to be entangled by Fang Lingbo on the road just now.

Fang Lingbo felt that he had become bigger and more confident, and would become bigger in the future, so he felt that he could date Lin Xuan.

But who knows.

Lin Xuan's vision and requirements are actually higher.

Viewed horizontally as ridges and sideways as peaks, one mountain is higher than another.

In this situation.

Naturally, Fang Lingbo would not be considered.

But this kind of thing is not easy to say clearly, it is too shocking, so I have to play the game by myself.


And that Fang Lingbo held his breath.

At this time, seeing an armored flaming tiger attacking, Feng Zhenhua's five men fought and had the upper hand, but the situation was still not optimistic, so he wanted Lin Xuan to help.

But Lin Xuan concentrated on playing the game without raising his eyes.

Lazily said: "It's okay, Teacher Feng can't handle it well!"

"It looks like it's fine! This Flame Tiger hasn't breathed fire yet, if it breathes fire, it will be a disaster for Teacher Feng and the others!" Fang Lingbo said anxiously.

Because Song Qing didn't come, as the number one master among the disciples except Lin Xuan.

Fang Lingbo was in the late stage of E-level realm, so he could see the situation on the field, Feng Tutor and five people had a slight upper hand, it was just an appearance.

If Explosive Tiger fights desperately, the losers are likely to be Supervisor Feng and others.

She thought to herself that her ability was limited, and going up would not be of much use.

So he insisted on letting Lin Xuan take the shot.

"That's right, brother Lin Xuan, you are so strong, why don't you help Teacher Feng and the others!"

"Mr. Feng and the others fought very hard!"

"God Lin, go and help!"

"Although your playing posture is very handsome, but if you kill this Explosive Tiger as soon as possible, everyone will be relieved..."

Liu Tingting and several other girls also persuaded at this time.

Compared to Fang Lingbo's judgment based on facts, Liu Tingting and other girls persuaded Lin Xuan out of blind worship.

Since entering the secret realm.

As if going on vacation, the abilities displayed by Lin Xuan made them unimaginable.

So there is no reason to meet a difficult D-rank monster.

He won't come out to help.


Take turns persuading the girls.

Lin Xuan ignored it and concentrated on playing the game.

Song Lei and other boys next to him couldn't stand it any longer.

In fact, they also held back their stomachs all the way.


A hundred and ten kilometers of your desert, I walked like a dead dog when I was tired, and someone had a seven-seater SUV, and took a group of girls for a ride.

I was hungry and hungry, and when I ate compressed biscuits with smoke in my throat, others ate barbecue and drank cold drinks.

Sleeping in the open at night, it is better to sleep in a tent sleeping bag or something, but they live in a three-bedroom, one-living room with air conditioning and a bath, and live with a large group of girls in front of them...

Later even helped myself through the challenging journey.

But that's because I paid him double the price to help.

It's about this time, the five mentor Feng are fighting fiercely with monsters, it's very dangerous, but he is not worried at all, he is still playing mobile games.

The girls asked him to make a move, but he still lazily said no.

Fuck, there is no one like this, right?
I wish I could strangle him to death!


(End of this chapter)

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